Page 12 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 8-7-15
P. 12
Aug. 7, 2015 Thunderbolt
by Senior Airman brary technician and children’s coordinator.
MARCY COPELAND “Whether listening to music or just going
56th Fighter Wing Public Affairs with the flow of the day, there is a rhythm
in everything people do,” she said. “Every-
The 56th Force Support Squadron Library thing people do daily is a rhythm. Getting
has completed its summer reading program up, eating breakfast, reading a book can be
rhythm, and we try to implement that aspect
“Reading to the Rhythm,” which ran into this program.”
June 17 through July 22.
For six weeks children, ages Lt. Col. Todd Ladd, 56th Force Support
4 through 12, were invited to Squadron commander, opened the program
attend the Reading to Rhythm June 17.
program Wednesdays and read
for a minimum of 20 minutes a • Week one Ladd read “This is My Family”
week. Those who completed the by Gina and Mercer Mayer. The story fea-
challenge received a stamp tures Little Critter, the mascot of the sum-
and an incentive prize mer reading program, and his family. Little
every week. Critter inspired children to read and attend
Music is a big in hopes of winning a critter of their own.
inspiration in the
lives of people ev- • Week two focused on poetry in the form
ery day, accord- of stories. “Orangutanka” was created by
ing to Katherine Margarita Eagle, which was read in English
Puckett, 56th FSS and then translated into Japanese.
senior li-
• Week three featured Arizona Rick, bal-