Page 16 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 8-7-15
P. 16

Aug. 7, 2015

                                                                         NTERTAINMENT                                                       Thunderbolt

     ‘Batman                                                                                                                     ‘Mad Max:
Arkham Knight’                                                                                                                   Fury Road’

by Senior Airman Devante Williams                                                                                                by Staff Sgt. Luther Mitchell Jr.

   Sequels to video games can sometimes be a bust. Video                                                       1/2                  “Mad Max: Fury Road” is a good movie. I heard the name Mad
gamers all over the world expect an additional installment                                                                       Max before, and I knew it was about a person in a movie, but I
of a franchise to have that same “WOW” factor the original                Your weekly guide                                      never had a desire to watch the movie. The original “Mad Max”
game had. Some games don’t even deserve a sequel, but                      to entertainment                                      came out sometime in the late 70s or early 80s — before my time.
game companies have to please their customers and deliver                                                                        6RZKHQ,UHDGWKH\ZHUHUHPDNLQJWKHPRYLH,ÀJXUHG,·GJLYH
the product.                                                              Welcome to the Fly Over, Luke’s source for             it a look to see what all the fuss was about.

   There are game studios that do sequels justice, and Rock-             movie, book, video game, music and all things              )URPWKHSHUVSHFWLYHRIVRPHRQHZKRKDVQ·WVHHQWKHÀUVWPRYLH
steady is one.                                                           entertainment reviews. Using a four-point               P\LQLWLDOWKRXJKWVDIWHUZDWFKLQJWKHÀUVWÀYHPLQXWHVZHUHWKDW
                                                                         scale, the Thunderbolt staff provides in-depth          it was weird and unusually intense. There is non-stop action from
released its finale of the series called “Arkham Knight,”                decide what new and classic entertainment op-           people, painted white looking like zombies, chasing down Max
ZKLFKIROORZVWKHH[SORLWVRI%UXFH:D\QH%DWPDQ                       tions are worth their time. The Know a Critic           Rockatansky a.k.a Mad Max, played by Tom Hardy.
                                                                         section helps the reader choose critics who
   7RVWDUWRIIWKH\KDYHWKH%DWPRELOH<HV\RXUHDGWKDW            have tastes similar to their own.                          Max is in terrible condition and looks like he has been homeless
FRUUHFWO\7KH%DWPRELOHLVILQDOO\LQD%DWPDQJDPH(YHQ                                                                      for the last year. He’s captured and taken prisoner with no ap-
WKRXJKWKH%DWPRELOHLVLQWKHJDPH5RFNVWHDG\GLGQ·WXVH                            1/4 - Save your money                     parent chance of escape by the zombie-looking creatures who live
LWWRLWVIXOOSRWHQWLDO7KHRQO\WLPHWKDW\RXXVHWKH%DW-                                                                    somewhere out in a big cave in the desert. There are hundreds of
mobile is for tank missions that you have to play in order to            2/4 - Wait for Netflix release                          zombies, and they really love their cars.
progress in the storyline. It’s pretty cool at first, but after
the tenth time, it gets pretty annoying.                                 3/4 - Worthy of Dine-in Theater                            Immortan Joe is the bad guy in this movie, and he makes his
   The “Arkham Knight” promises a brand new villain, more                4/4 - Bombs on Target                                   the other zombies and wears a mask over his face. He’s stands out
LQWHUHVWLQJ FRPEDW DQG WKH XOWLPDWH ZD\ WR ´%H WKH %DWµ                                                                at the edge of a cave looking down on what looks like a society of
which are all achieved, somewhat. The new villain in this                Know a critic                                           slaves, possibly the same group Max was with when he tried to
game is somewhat OK. He could have been replaced easily                                                                          escape and was recaptured.
by another villain in my opinion. For my comic book fans,                          Devante Williams is
you will know who this new villain is pretty quickly.                              D IDQ RI ÀUVWSHUVRQ                         The dirty crowd looks on with fear and anticipation as Joe de-
                                                                                   shooters and sports                           livers a speech to the crowd, after which he releases water from
   %DFN WR WKH %DWPRELOH WKH %DWPRELOH FRPEDW LV WKH EXON               video games. He enjoys                        pipes within the cave onto the people.
of the new combat, though there are some new moves in the                          owning noobs in Call
KDQGWRKDQG FRPEDW WKDW PDNHV WKH ÀJKWLQJ IHHO IUHVK ,W                 of Duty and going to                             It’s obvious that the people haven’t washed or had water to drink
VHHPV OLNH WKH JDPH IRUFHV \RX WR XVH WKH %DWPRELOH HYHQ               raves. On the weekend,                        in a while because they go crazy. Joe looks like he is controlling
though it’s easier to move around the city via air. With my                        he spends his time at                         the water supply out in the desert, his main source of power.
H[SHULHQFHHYHU\WLPH,GULYHWKH%DWPRELOH,DOZD\VÀQGP\-                     the movies or at home
                                                                         Williams  RQ ;ER[ /LYH %\ WKH                     who he holds captive and uses to have his babies.
   The setting and overall quality of “Arkham Knight”
GHILQLWHO\ PDNHV WKLV %DWPDQ JDPH D JDPH WR H[SHULHQFH         way, his gamer tag is PoopinPigeon. Also, you              After Joe releases the water on his people, he goes into the back
game to date.                                                                                              Luther Mitchell is       This sends Joe into a fury. He summons his zombie army, and
                                                                                                       a journalist who en-      they take off in pursuit. Each creature grabs a steering wheel from
ful nemesis in the Scarecrow, but he’s not the only villain                                            His go-to genres are      7KHVHYHKLFOHVDUHELJJURWHVTXHDQGEUXWDO6RPHEUHDWKHÀUH
%DWPDQZLOOGHDOZLWK2WKHUFODVVLFHQHPLHVDSSHDULQWKH                                            suspense-thrillers and    and have spikes, while some are equipped to go really fast and
game, with their own specific stories, most of which you can                                           comedies. When he isn’t   are built for destruction.
SXUVXHDW\RXURZQSDFH<RX·OODOVRZRUNZLWKDVOHZRIDO-                                           in the gym pumping
lies in “Arkham Knight”, some of whom can fight alongside                                              iron or writing a story,     The gang speeds off into the desert, and it’s not long until they
you, even teaming up for partner-assisted takedowns. In a                                              he likes to read every-   catch up with the thief, Imperator Furiosa (Charlize Theron).
few sections, you’ll even be able to switch between playable
characters in the same location, which provides some truly                Mitchell Jr. thing from philosophy                        Furiosa driving a hideously, armored vehicle, is miles ahead
stellar moments.                                                                                                                 ZLWK-RH·VÀYHEULGHV)XULRVDLVPHQDFLQJZLWKDPHWDODUP6KH
                                                                                                       to romance. He has nu-    knows she’s being followed. She tries to get away from Joe’s gang,
   (YHQWKRXJKULGLQJWKH%DWPRELOHZDVQ·WWRRVSHFLDOEHLQJ           merous books on his Kindle and bookshelf at             but they pursue her with steely resolve.
WKH%DWPDQLVDPD]LQJ)URPWKHJHWJR\RX·OOXQORFNDOORI            home. The “Art of War” by Sun Tzu is a classic.
the gadgets that he has been using throughout the series.                                                                           A zombie named Nux (Nicholas Hoult) chains Max to the hood
Also he has a new way to take out a gang of enemies with                                                                         of his car to use for blood, and chases Furiosa, but Max manages
fear takedowns. Fear takedowns let you chain together at-                                                                        to escape, and Nux changes his plans.
to neutralize the opposition before they have time to react.                                                                        The rest of the movie takes you on a wild ride as Joe and his
                                                                                                                                 gang chase Max through the desert. I don’t want to give away the
   In my opinion “Arkham City” was a bit better than                                                                             ending, but it’s epic. I recommend this to viewers who like wild
´$UNKDP.QLJKWµ:LWK´$UNKDP.QLJKWµEHLQJWKHODVW%DW-                                                                        and crazy movies. The action is nonstop and the special effects are
man video game, I was hoping that they would have brought                                                                        above average. It might be worth it to see the original “Mad Max”
the big guns out, but, it seemed as though Rocksteady took                                                                       when you have time to see which the better movie is.
the safe way out and produced a game that pushes the
boundaries a little bit but not enough to be mind-blowing.                                                                          “Mad Max: Fury Road” is rated R for intense sequences of violence
,I \RX·UH D IDQ RI WKH %DWPDQ YLGHR JDPHV \RX·OO ORYH WKLV                                                          throughout and for disturbing images.
game and will definitely want to add it to your collection. If
\RX·UHJHWWLQJ\RXUIHHWZHWLQWKH%DWPDQVHULHV,VXJJHVW                                                                       “There are many images from “Mad Max: Fury Road” that will
you start with “Arkham Asylum” and work your way up to                                                                           stay with me for a long time. The design of the cars the characters
´$UNKDP.QLJKWµ<RXZLOODSSUHFLDWHWKHVWRU\OLQHDQGWKH                                                                      roam the desert in, the Darth Vader-like mask Immortan Joe wears,
bosses you’ll face throughout the series.                                                                                        those guys hanging tightly to totem poles as the vehicles they are
                                                                                                                                 tied to travel at breakneck speeds, and of course that travelling
                                                                                                                                 reckless abandon. All this imagery is done to the thunderous score
                                                                                                                                 by Junkie XL which proves to be as furious as the images onscreen.”

                                                                                                                                                        ~ Ben Kenber, LA Classic Films Examiner
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