Page 13 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 8-7-15
P. 13

Thunderbolt                                                                                                 Aug. 7, 2015

. loon artist, who used balloon animal cre- T h e

g ations for participants to wear as he told the theme every year

m story of “Spider in the Web.”          is chosen by the Air Force

- • Week four featured the Kokopelli Re- Library. With funds donated by

g corder Consort music group with recorder the Air Force and the Officers

e instruments and singing.               Spouses Club, the library was

t • Week five children listened to classi- able to invite guests for each

cal music with Sidni and Gabrielle Powell gathering and provide prizes

t demonstrating their talents on the viola and give-aways to the chil-

m and violin.                            dren.

• Week six was the grand finale and fea- “We received money from the Officer’s

” tured “The Wiz.” Ben Bruce, 56th Fighter Spouses Association,” said Dr. George

- Wing Ground Safety Office manager per- Marangoly, 56th FSS library director.

- formed “Reading is Magic.”             “We were also blessed with donations

e “These are new experiences for many of from Fighter Country Partnership for

d the children,” Puckett said. “It may build the program, which is also sponsored

confidence in one of them to try something by the Defense Department.

m new or spark an interest in another.”  Reading is the foundation of a good

y At the end of the show, a raffle was held education and education the the start

h to hand out two large, Little Critter stuffed of a good life, Marangoly said.

animal grand prizes. Every child received a At the program were 448 children

- backpack with their own smaller Little Critter. and 226 adults.
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