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Thunderbolt                                                                                                                         NEWS                                                                                                Aug. 7, 2015  9                                                                                                                                                                               

 PEOPLE                                                dialogue online with your mentor. A resource                                 LQFUHDVHFROODERUDWLRQ%HQGHUPHWZLWK                 expected and/or current performance, and
   FIRST                                               page is also available to assist both parties                                technology companies, including Microsoft                   VSHFLÀFGLVFXVVLRQDUHDVDQGTXHVWLRQVOLNH
                                                       with mentoring questions and relationships.                                  Corp. and Oracle Corp., as well as nontra-                  SHUVRQDOÀQDQFHVDQGUHODWLRQVKLSV
   Editor’s Note: The “People First” section is                                                                                     ditional potential partners like Twitter,
compiled from information from the Air Force              Mentorship requires time, effort and dedi-                                Facebook and Uber.                                  
Personnel Center, TRICARE, 56th Force Sup-             cation. To assist with this process, there is a
port Squadron, Airman and Family Readiness             “Mentoring Checklist” in Air Force Manual                                          Article/611925/senior-master-sergeant-evalua-
Flight, Veterans Affairs, the civilian personnel       36-2643, “Air Force Mentoring Program,”                                      Article/611106/afs-task-force-cyber-secure-devel-
RIÀFH DQG DUPHG IRUFHV QHZV VHUYLFHV )RU WKH  which outlines how to plan for the different                                                                                                                  tions-to-be-on-new-epr-form.aspx
complete story, go to the web address listed at        mentoring sessions.                                                              ops-partnerships-with-industry-academia.aspx
the end of the story.                                                                                                                                                                           TRICARE Online, MiCare
                                                                          Senior MSgt evaluations
AF launches MyVector,                                  Article/611670/af-launches-myvector-mentorship-                              to be on new EPR form                                       programs similar, different
mentorship program
                                                                                      resources-for-airmen.aspx                        Senior master sergeant enlisted perfor-                     TRICARE Online and MiCare Secure Mes-
   The Air Force recently launched an                                                                                               mance reports, which closed out July 31, will               saging may seem to offer the same services,
improved and rebranded Career Path Tool,               Task Force Cyber Secure                                                      be accomplished on the newly published Air                  but there are important differences to these
called MyVector, which encourages mentor-              develops partnerships                                                        Force Form 911, the EPR for master sergeant                 software tools, which are designed to enhance
ship between Airmen at all levels.                                                                                                  through senior master sergeant, which was                   DFFHVVWRFDUHIRUDOOPLOLWDU\EHQHÀFLDULHV
                                                          Task Force Cyber Secure is midway                                         made available July 31 on the e-Publishing
   7KHÀUVWVWHSLQWKHVXFFHVVRI0\9HFWRU           through phase one of the four-phased chief                                   website.                                                       ´%RWKSURJUDPVDUHHQGRUVHGE\WKH0LOL-
is for Airmen to volunteer to be mentors and           of staff of the Air Force initiative to address                                                                                          tary Heath System, and although they may
share their experience and expertise with              challenges of the cyberspace domain within                                      Development of new evaluation forms is                   seem very similar, in actuality there are a few
other Airmen.                                          the Air Force.                                                               part of ongoing Air Force enlisted evaluation               differences,” said Col. Gwendolyn Johnson,
                                                                                                                                    and promotion process changes, underway                     Air Force Medical Operations Agency secure
   7KHUHFRQÀJXUHGRQOLQHSODWIRUPVXSSRUW-               As part of phase one, or the discovery                                    since July 2014. The Form 911, previously                   messaging chief. “While they do have some
ing mentoring has a modern look and feel.              phase, a collection of previously completed as-                              used for all senior NCOs, is now for master                 IHDWXUHVLQFRPPRQLWLVXSWRRXUEHQHÀFLD-
7KHVHQHZFRQÀJXUDWLRQVVXSSRUWQRWRQO\              sessment vulnerabilities, recommendations                                    sergeant-selects, master sergeants, senior                  ries to decide which tool they desire to use.”
the traditional by-name request method                 DQGLGHQWLÀHGPLVVLRQFULWLFDOV\VWHPVDUHEH-                               master sergeant-selects and senior master
of requesting a mentor, but also provide               ing reviewed, analyzed and prioritized based                                 sergeants only. Technical sergeants selected                   In both TRICARE Online and MiCare,
a mentor-matching capability based on                  on support for the Air Force core mission.                                   for promotion during the 15E7 promotion cy-                 EHQHÀFLDULHV FDQ YDOLGDWH PHGLFDWLRQ OLVWV
ZHLJKWHG FKDUDFWHULVWLFV LGHQWLÀHG E\ WKH                                                                                      cle will have a July 31 EPR on the new form.                DQGREWDLQWHVWUHVXOWVLQFOXGLQJODEV%RWK
Airman searching for a mentor.                            In the past three months, the task force                                                                                              systems can facilitate appointments. With
                                                       has sparked renewed conversation with in-                                       The Form 911 was developed to comple-                    75,&$5(2QOLQHEHQHÀFLDULHVFDQVFKHGXOH
   MyVector has a real-time mentoring plan,            dustry and academia. The Air Force realizes                                  ment the senior NCO feedback form: Air                      available appointments themselves, whereas
discussion forums, a bullet tracker to docu-           HVWDEOLVKLQJ PXWXDOO\ EHQHÀFLDO UHODWLRQ-                                 Force Form 932, Airman Comprehensive                        ZLWK 0L&DUH EHQHÀFLDULHV FDQ UHTXHVW DS-
ment accomplishments, and the ability to               ships allows for sharing of best practices to                                Assessment worksheet, which is for master                   pointments via secure messaging. Once the
                                                       strengthen the enterprise.                                                   sergeant through chief master sergeant.                     appointment request is made, clinic staff will
                                                                                                                                                                                                schedule an appointment with the provider
                                                          /W *HQ :LOOLDP %HQGHU WKH $LU )RUFH                                The ACA, available since July 2014, opened               as soon as possible.
                                                       chief of information and sponsor of TFCS,                                    more in-depth, two-way communication
                                                       traveled to Silicon Valley, California, to meet                              between the rater and ratee and included            
                                                       with leaders from the technology mega-hub’s                                  a self-assessment, detailed evaluation of
                                                       most innovative companies in an effort to                                                                                                    Article/611542/tricare-online-and-micare-have-


SOUND                                                                    “Marvel                                                    “DC. Their                                                  “I choose                     “I choose Marvel
 OFF!                                                                    because their                                              movies are                                                  Marvel. They                  over DC because
                                                                         characters are                                             better than                                                 make amazing                  of ‘Iron Man.’”
 Marvel or DC …                                                          way better than                                            Marvel’s.”                                                  movies while
   which one is                                                          DC’s.”                                                                                                                 DC movies are
  better? Why?                                                                                                                                                                                  terrible.”

                           Civilian                                                                               Civilian                       Airman 1st Class                                              Senior Airman
                           JOSH SOZA                                                                              ELENA BARAJAS                  FRANK MANNINGTON                                              ANNA MROZ
                           56th Training Squadron                                                                 56th TRS                       56th Contracting Squadron                                     56th CONS

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