Page 6 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 8-7-15
P. 6

Aug. 7, 2015                  NEWS                                                                      Thunderbolt

Latest Community Commons concept design                                                                 Renovation on the Luke Air Force Base
                                                                                                        Community Center, Bldg. 700, has be-
                                                                                                        gun and is expected to be completed
                                                                                                        in May 2016. The focus is on Airmen.
                                                                                                        The Community Commons will include
                                                                                                        a learning resource center, an Airman’s
                                                                                                        lounge with a built-in barbecue, and
                                                                                                        quiet areas for Airmen to use for study-
                                                                                                        Airmen to gather socially. The second
                                                                                                        the renovations, Subway will remain
                                                                                                        open but will also be renovated.

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