Page 3 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 8-7-15
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Thunderbolt NEWS Aug. 7, 2015 3
Don Harris, Luke Air Force Base Auto Hobby Shop manager, raises a vehicle using a vehicle lift at the auto IN BRIEF
hobby shop. The shop offers full-service auto repair, as well as do-it-yourself assistance.
Munitions storage closure
Arizona heat hard on vehicle
The 56th Equipment Maintenance Squadron Munitions
6WRU\DQGSKRWRE\6HQLRU$LUPDQ “Another part you should inspect is your spare tire, Storage area will be closed Sept. 11 through 18 to conduct a
GRACE LEE because those can rot as well, especially if they are in 100-percent munitions inventory. Only emergency issues will
the trunk,” Mavrakis said. “I would recommend chang- be handled during this time. The last date for munitions turn-
56th Fighter Wing Public Affairs ing your spare tire every two years.” in is 4 p.m. Sept. 10. Normal operations will resume Sept. 19.
For more information, call Tech. Sgt. Donnie Roos or Staff Sgt.
It’s that time of year again when most Arizona vehicle One should take precaution in the event of a blowout. Anthony Sanchez at 623-856-6503.
owners put up their sunshades to protect their vehicle’s “If you are in a situation where your tire has a blow-
interior from the heat, but this will do little to protect out, remember to pump the brake and not slam it or Turf Soaring
the vehicle’s engine parts and tires. else you can risk losing control of your vehicle or even
ZRUVHÁLSSLQJLWµ0DYUDNLVVDLG The 56th Force Support Squadron Outdoor Recreation is
“With the extreme heat in Arizona, the main areas Other areas of the vehicle that wear out quickly are offering a glider plane ride at 10 a.m. Aug. 22. The cost for
of the car that are usually affected are the tires and any rubber or plastic components of the vehicle, such VLQJOH$LUPHQLVDQGLQFOXGHVWUDQVSRUWDWLRQDQGDÁLJKW
battery,” said Don Harris, the Auto Hobby Shop man- as heating and cooling system hoses, air conditioning over the Valley at about 5,000 feet. For more information, call
ager. “With the heat conditions here, batteries last an hose, power steering hose, belts and more, Harris said. 623-856-6267.
average of two to three years and tires wear out a lot Each vehicle has its own timeline for maintenance,
faster due to the tires’ temperature increasing with each so it’s recommended to read the vehicle owner’s manual Championship golf caddy volunteers
rotation, wearing out the rubber quicker.” for additional information.
“Make sure to read the owner’s manual, which in- Applications to be a volunteer caddy at the Charles Schwab
The tire’s age, amount of tread and improper tire dicates when to do certain maintenance actions, the &XS&KDPSLRQVKLS2IÀFDO3UR$P7RXUQDPHQW1RYDWWKH
pressure are additional factors that can increase the type of oil your vehicle requires and more,” Harris said. Cochise Course at Desert Mountain Club in Scottsdale are
chances of the tire coming off the vehicle while driving, Mavrakis recommends taking one’s vehicle to a pro- due by Oct. 14. Volunteers must have basic golf knowledge.
Harris said. fessional regularly. For more information, call 56th Fighter Wing Public Affairs
“I would have your car inspected by a professional at 623-856-6011.
Aged tires and the Arizona heat can be a bad com- during every oil change,” Mavrakis said. “Preventive
bination. maintenance is always a good thing.” Hispanic Heritage Month
If assistance with vehicle maintenance is needed, the
rot,” said Tech. Sgt. Michael Mavrakis, 56th Fighter “We offer full-service auto repair and do-it-yourself those interested in being on the Hispanic Heritage Month
Wing Ground Safety NCO-in-charge. “Indications of assistance,” Harris said. “We are open 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. committee, call Staff Sgt. Deborah Rutledge at 623-856-8502.
dry-rotted tires include little cracks along the sidewalls Tuesday through Saturday. If you have concerns about
DQG WUHDG RI WKH WLUHV <RX ZRXOG FRPPRQO\ VHH WKLV your vehicle, give us a call at 623-856-6107.” EFMP respite care providers
with tires that are three to four years old. That is why
it is important to change out your tires when necessary The Exceptional Family Member Program is recruiting for
and inspect them regularly.” respite care providers. The service is available free of charge to
active-duty Airman and Air Guard and Reserve who have been
Don’t just focus on the four tires you ride on either. activated for at least 31 days. Providers will be paid hourly by
the contracted provider. An exceptional family member child is
THUNDERBOLT ALMANAC age birth through 18 and is diagnosed with severe or moderate
special needs. Siblings, age birth through 12, are also covered
Fiscal 2015 graduates for respite care. Families receive 12 hours per month of free
respite care per EFM child. For more information, call Marjorie
61st FS............................................................ 0 314th FS ........................................................ 0 Thompson at 623-856-6841.
62nd FS........................................................... 0 56th TRS...................................................... 90
308th FS ....................................................... 37 607th ACS ................................................. 162 Total body conditioning class
309th FS ....................................................... 30 372nd TRS, Det. 12................................... 249
310th FS ....................................................... 41 56th OSS (IFTU)......................................... 47 A new total body conditioning class is 6:30 and 9 a.m. Monday
311th FS ....................................................... 28 and Wednesday. The 6:30 a.m. class is broken into two half
hour segments to accommodate squadron or individual physi-
+RXUVÁRZQ 6RUWLHVÁRZQ T-Bolts 155 Luke Airmen cal training. The 9 a.m. class is one hour. The class consists of
F-35 2,663.2 1,697 Deployed are deployed to body weight movements and the use of equipment for an hour
12 countries at 623-856-2291.
around the world.
Book club
meeting at 1:30 p.m. Sept. 10 at the library to discuss Herman
Melville’s “Moby Dick.” For more information, call 623-856-7191.
Funtastic Friday
Funtastic Friday 6 to 10 p.m. today at the youth center. The cost
is $10 per youth program member and $12 per nonmember. For
more information, call 623-856-7470.
Family child care providers needed
Active-duty or retired military spouses living on base can
become family child care providers. For more information, call
Adult ceramics class
An adult ceramics class is 9 a.m. to noon Saturday at Arts &
call 623-856-6502.
Instructional classes for youth
karate, piano, dance and gymnastics classes taught by profes-
sional instructors at the youth center. For more information,
call 623-856-7470.
Golf course closure
The Falcon Dunes Golf Course will be closed Aug. 18 for