Page 5 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 8-7-15
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Thunderbolt                                        NEWS                                                                                                                         Aug. 7, 2015                    5                                                                                                                       

Keep motorcycle riding fun – keep it safe

           6WRU\DQGSKRWRE\                     manager. “Practicing these steps will help           “There’s a website called ‘Rock the            Senior Airman Daniel Keum, 56th Civil
               Senior Airman                       ensure successful turns. The problem often        Gear,’ created by a young lady named              Engineer Squadron Explosive Ordnance
                GRACE LEE                          occurs when a rider is going too fast into the    %ULWWDQ\ 0RUURZ ZKR ZDV LQ D VHULRXV      Disposal technician and Luke motor-
                                                   turn and panics instead of practicing what        motorcycle incident,” Seabury said. “At           cycle safety instructor, demonstrates
                 56th Fighter Wing Public Affairs  he’s learned.”                                    the time of her accident, she was wearing         cornering July 28 at the Luke Air Force
                                                                                                     capri jeans, tennis shoes, a sweatshirt           Base motorcycle riding range. Practicing
   Many motorcyclists dream of riding                 Intersections can be a dangerous place         and a helmet. She was the passenger of a          proper cornering can help with negoti-
during the summer, but without the right           for riders.                                       motorcycle that was going 120 miles per           ating real-life turns and helps keep the
training it can quickly turn into a nightmare.                                                       hour on the highway when she fell off the         rider safe.
                                                      “In Arizona, accidents frequently happen       bike and slid 522 feet down the highway.
   “The cause of most motorcycle injuries we       in the left-hand turn areas of intersections,     As a result, her body was skinned up
see are caused by lack of discipline,” said        where the incoming vehicle turns left in          raw from her arm pit to under her ankle,
Staff Sgt. Jason De Jesus, 56th Fighter            front of the motorist,” Seabury said. “To         and required skin grafts for more than
Wing Ground Safety technician. “Military           stay safe, I recommend riders always be           50 percent of her body. That is why she
riders receive more training and are re-           aware of their surroundings and to look as        promotes wearing the gear.”
quired to observe higher standards than            far ahead as possible to anticipate what the
state law requires.                                other vehicle is going to do. Another thing          Riders should always do a quick inspec-
                                                   riders can do to help themselves is be as         tion of the bike before riding.
   Riders are trained to wear personal             YLVLEOHDVSRVVLEOHWRRWKHUWUDIÀFµ
protective equipment, are given skills to                                                               ´<RXGRQ·WZDQWWRJRRQDULGHZLWKRXW
prepare them for riding, and then receive             Riding safely and effectively takes time       having made sure the bike is in good condi-
refresher training to keep skills sharp, but       and experience.                                   tion,” Seabury said. “Some questions to ask
when we respond to motorcycle mishaps,                                                               DUH¶,VWKHFKDLQSURSHUO\DGMXVWHG"'RHV
XVXDOO\ ZH ÀQG WKH SHUVRQ ZDV XQGLVFL-          “The most common mistake I see new             WKHPRWRUKDYHRLOLQLW",VLWJDVVHGXSDQG
plined and chose to not follow the PPE re-         riders make is overestimating their abili-        DUHWKHWLUHVJRRGZLWKHQRXJKDLU"·µ
quirements, laws or training they received.”       ties,” Seabury said. “New riders may think
                                                   just because they took the riding course             Riders can ride in almost any weather as
   Most motorcycle accidents are prevent-          they know how to ride, when that’s not the        long as they are well equipped.
able, and the usual factor is speed.               case. What the course does is give riders
                                                   the basic mechanics and techniques they              “Of course, don’t ride in a monsoon and
   “The most common accident is usually            need to know to ride, but it’s really on the      blizzards are to be avoided, but I’ve ridden
in a turn with a motorist who hasn’t fol-          riders to go out and practice to improve          whether it was dry, hot out, or raining, and
lowed the proper steps of slowing the bike,        their riding skills.”                             ,GRQ·WÀQGDPDMRUHIIHFWRQP\ULGLQJLQ
turning the head to look where the bike is                                                           any of those weather conditions,” Seabury
VWDELOL]LQJWKHVSHHGµVDLG%ULDQ6HDEXU\       skill is important, it is also essential to wear
56th FW Ground Safety motorcycle training          proper riding gear.                                                        See MOTORCYCLE, Page 15

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