Page 19 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 4-15-16
P. 19
Thunderbolt SPORTS 19April 15, 2016
Softball season kicks off
Sports Shorts
by Senior Airman
DEVANTE WILLIAMS Junior golf clinic
56th Fighter Wing Public Affairs The Falcon Dunes Golf Course is
featuring a junior golf clinic 9 to 10
Clear blue skies and fresh cut grass mean one thing, softball a.m. April 23. The cost is $20 per
season is here. clinic or $30 for both. Instruction
includes grip, stance, driving, chip-
The 607th Air Control Squadron and the 61st Aircraft Main- ping, putting and golf etiquette. For
tenance Unit kicked of the Luke Air Force Base Bryant Fitness more information, call 623-535-9334.
Center intramural softball season April 11, 2016.
Base family camp out
The season is two months long and features 12 teams from
across base. One team member from the 56 FWSA is eager to Outdoor recreation is featuring a
start playing. base family campout today and Sat-
urday at Fowler Park. The cost is $10
“I’m very excited for the season to get underway,” said Koraye for a family of four, $5 per additional
Williams, 56th Comptroller Squadron finance technician. “I’m members, free for R4R deployed fam-
looking forward to starting from scratch and grabbing some ily members and includes bouncers,
wins this season.” movie in the park and s’mores. For
more information, call 623-856-6267.
The games consist of seven innings or a 50-minute time limit.
No inning shall start after the 50th minute, unless the game is K-1 speed racing
tied. In case of a tie, a sudden death match occurs and the first
team to score a run wins. Each team is allowed a maximum Outdoor recreation is featuring
of 10 players and a minimum of eight on the field at a time. K1 speed racing at 10 a.m. April
23. Race to beat your own time. Top
If fewer than 10 players start, there is an automatic out three racers receive a T-shirt and an
against that team. Also, the mercy rule is in effect this season. award. For more information, call
If one team is leading by 15 or more runs after the third inning 623-856-6267.
or 10 or more runs after the fifth inning, the game is ended
and the score is final. Cheerleading and football
All the teams are competing for the most prized possession
amongst Luke softball players, the intramural softball cham- The 56th Force Support Squadron
pionship trophy. Bryant Fitness Center is featuring
Pigskin Patriots, a free cheerleading
“It gets really intense during the season,” said Savier Her- and football camp Saturday. Ages 5
nandez-Beltre, 56th Component Maintenance Squadron fuels to 9 meet at 9 a.m. to noon and ages
systems apprentice. “Everyone is fighting for that number one 10 to 14 meet at 1 to 4 p.m. at the fit-
spot. You will see a lot of people on their A game this season.” ness center. The event is led by NFL
players and cheerleaders. Register
For more information on intramural softball and the regula- at the 56th FSS Youth Center. For
tions, call the Bryant Fitness Center at 623-856-6241. more information, call 623-856-7470.
Jack Taylor, 56th Mission Support Group, catches the ball
during an intramural softball game against the 56th Medical
Group at Luke Air Force Base, Ariz., May 18, 2015. 56 FSS
defeated MDG 10-9.
3KRWRVE\6HQLRU$LUPDQ'HYDQWH:LOOLDPV Caleb Staton, 56th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron, takes a swing during an intramural softball matchup
against the 61st Aircraft Maintenance Unit Nov. 9 at Luke Air Force Base. The 61st AMU defeated the 310th
Jose Diaz, 56th Logistics Readiness Squadron, runs for AMU 15-5.
against the 310th Aircraft Maintenance Unit at Luke Air Force
Base, Ariz., June 9, 2015. LRS defeated 310th 18-2.