Page 15 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 4-15-16
P. 15

Thunderbolt                                              NEWS                                                                                          15April 15, 2016
                                                             ATAAPS becomes                            Chaplain’s thoughts ...
                             Senior Airman Devante Williams
                                                             mandatory for all civilian                       “A bird doesn’t sing because it      many military newspapers but the first
Capt. Joseph Walker, 62nd Fighter                                                                          has an answer, it sings because it      time I read the phrase above it hit me
6TXDGURQÀLJKWFRPPDQGHUDQG=DFN                          employees on Luke AFB                         has a song.”                            square in the face. We can take a lesson
³=PDQ´$QGHUVRQSRVHVZLWKWKH                                                                                                              from her wise words that while yes it is
F-35 helmet April 7. Anderson received                          A Memorandum of Understand-                                         ~Maya Angelou  very important to work hard and to take
the tour as part of the pilot for a day pro-                 ing (MOU) directing the use of the                                                    care of our responsibilities like mature
gram, which provides children who have                       Automated Time and Attendance                We live in a fast-paced world. As        adults, it’s also very important to remem-
serious or chronic conditions an oppor-                      Production System (ATAAPS)                airmen we operate in a competitive en-      ber the simple joys of living: a beautiful
WXQLW\WREHSDUWRIDÀ\LQJVTXDGURQIRU                   was approved between Local 1547           vironment where high performance and        sunset, a smile from your significant
an entire day                                                (Union) and Luke AFB on, 29 March         expertise is required both for mission      other or child, a good conversation with
                                                             2016. This MOU implements the             accomplishment and for career develop-      a friend. Birds don’t sing beautifully
                                                             requirement for bargaining unit           ment. The older I get, as family and work   because they have an answer, they sing
                                                             employees to input their time and         demands pile up, I find myself more and     because they have a song. Take a few
                                                             attendance into ATAAPS and cov-           more engrossed in all the details and       moments to remember which simple
                                                             ers all appropriated funded employ-       agendas of life. I try to write everything  things really inspire you…and then take
                                                             ees represented by the Union. In          down on my calendar and keep detailed       a moment to evaluate if you are “singing”,
                                                             accordance with the MOU, the 56           notes of my responsibilities so no mat-     if the natural joy and satisfaction that
                                                             CPTS will provide one-time train-         ter who asks me a question, I have the      comes from those things is emanating
                                                             ing on the ATAAPS system to all           answer. I always want to be prepared        from you like a bird singing in a tree. I
                                                             employees not currently using the         to meet the needs of my family and my       hope you will take the time occasionally
                                                             system. After the initial training,       job. Sometimes late at night I stop and     to simply be; to enjoy the simple things
                                                             employees having difficulties with        think, “I can’t believe I’m already this    that can make life oh so sweet; that will
                                                             the computer functions necessary          age that my kids are already their ages,    put a song in your heart.
                                                             for ATAAPS operation may request          where has the time gone?” One of the
                                                             additional, personalized training         consequences of living such fast-paced,        Thank you for your service and sac-
                                                             or assistance from their respec-          responsibility-focused lifestyles is that   rifice.
                                                             tive unit time keeper. The initial        we often neglect to slow down and take
                                                             ATAAPS training will be offered at        a deep breath once in a while.              Courtesy of Chaplain 1st Lt Derek C. VanderMolen
                                                             the Base Theater on May 3 @ 0800,                                                                                                   56th FW/HC
                                                             1100, and 1400.                              Maya Angelou might not show up in

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