Page 12 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 4-15-16
P. 12

12 April 15, 2016                                            NEWS                                                                                 Thunderbolt

     STREET BEAT                                             found the individual had suffered an injury from a fall. The              Children’s Dental Health
                                                             individual was treated by medical personnel with Security
Tickets:                                                     Forces assistance and transported to a nearby hospital for                                          by SSgt
                                                             further treatment.                                                                             ERICA FARIA
   Security Forces issued citations for 6 moving and 0 non-
moving violations.                                              April 9: Security Forces responded to a medical emer-                     Developing good
                                                             gency in base housing. Upon Security Forces arrival, the                  habits at a young
Alarm Activations:                                           individual was having abdominal pain. The individual                      age along with
                                                             was treated by medical personnel with Security Forces                     regular den-
   Security Forces responded to 6 alarm activation on base.  assistance and transported to a nearby hospital for further               tal visits will
                                                             treatment.                                                                help children
7UD௻F5HODWHG,QFLGHQWV                                                                                                               have healthy
                                                             Non-Emergency Responses                                                   teeth and
   April 5: Security Forces responded to a minor vehicle                                                                               gums. Den-
accident in the parking lot of Bldg 1150. Both drivers          April 5: Security Forces detained a non-military affiliate             tal health is-
exchanged information after Security Forces verified the     for drug paraphernalia trying to enter Luke AFB at the                    sues can cause
damage. No injuries were sustained.                          South Gate search pit. The individual was issued an imme-                 children to miss
                                                             diate debarment order. Security Forces contacted Glendale                 hours of school
   April 6: Security Forces responded to a minor vehicle     PD who responded and assumed control of the situation.                    ever y yea r,
accident at Bldg 450. The driver stated they were backing                                                                              which is why the
up and struck a basketball hoop. Security Forces verified       April 4: Security Forces were notified of an Airman in                 dental squadron
the damage. No injuries were sustained.                      violation of Article 112: Drunk on duty. Security Forces                  would like to increase
                                                             responded and informed the individual their article 31                    awareness about oral health and foster the impor-
Emergency Responses:                                         rights. Security Forces detained the Active Duty Airman                   tance of good home care. We recommend that parents
                                                             after the individual was administered by an intoxilyzer                   and children practice brushing their teeth together
   April 7: Security Forces responded to the Base Exchange   which showed positive readings. The Airman was charged                    for two minutes, twice a day as well as flossing once
for a dependent of an active duty member shoplifting.        with Article 112 and released to their First Sergeant.                    a day as soon as teeth erupt. It is a good idea to
Security Forces detained the individual after positive                                                                                 clean baby’s gums before teeth come in. Wipe the
verification showed the individual leaving the Base Ex-         April 9: Security Forces received notification from Davis-             baby’s gums with gauze or soft wash cloth without
change without rendering full payment. The individual        Monthan AFB Security Forces of an Active Duty Airman                      toothpaste twice a day. We recommend getting into
experienced shortness of breath and was taken to a nearby    assigned to Luke AFB who was arrested by Arizona DPS                      the habit of proper dental hygiene at home as soon
hospital for further treatment. Glendale PD was contacted    for driving under the influence. Security Forces notified the             as possible. The dental team visited Luke Elemen-
and followed the ambulance to the hospital to complete       individuals First Sergeant of the information.                            tary, the Child Development Center, and the Youth
further processing.                                                                                                                    Center during the month of February. Parents are
                                                             Tip of the Week:                                                          encouraged to look for more information on proper
   April 8: Security Forces responded to a Medical Emer-                                                                               oral hygiene at or
gency at hangar 999. Upon Security Forces arrival, they         If you receive a call from your credit card company about
                                                             fraud on your account, hang up and call the number on
                                                             the back of your card to ensure you are talking to your
                                                             company and not a fake.

                                                                                            Courtesy of 56th Security Forces Squadron

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