Page 13 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 4-15-16
P. 13
Thunderbolt FEATURE 13April 15, 2016
Ms. Dyane Robinson, Child Development Center education tech supervisor, takes a group photo April 1, 2016, at Fowler Park on Luke Air Force Base, Arizona with Luke
Ellory Ohmer, 4, daughter of Master Sgt. Jory Ohmer, Luke children at the Child Development Center April 1 Gianna Brown, 4, daughter of Senior Master Sgt. Don-
56th Logistics Readiness Squadron, and Jennifer KHOGDSDUDGHWRNLFNR௺WKH0RQWKRIWKH0LOLWDU\&KLOG nie Brown, 56th Force Support Squadron and Master
Ohmer represented the Falcon class April 1, 2016, dur- This awareness month was established to point out the 6JW7L௺DQ\$OWHUL%URZQWK0DLQWHQDQFH*URXS
LQJWKHFHOHEUDWLRQNLFNR௺SDUDGHIRUWKH0RQWKRIWKH important role children play in the Armed Forces com- holds up an “Honor” sign while participating in this
Military Child. Ellory was one of the many Luke chil- munity. There are approximately two million military \HDU¶V0RQWKRIWKH0LOLWDU\&KLOGNLFNR௺SDUDGH$SULO
dren who marched in the parade that was held at Fowl- children; 1.3 million military children are school-aged. 1, 2016 at Fowler Park on Luke Air Force Base, Arizona.
er Park on Luke Air Force Base, Arizona. The Month of 7KHFDUHRIPLOLWDU\FKLOGUHQVXVWDLQVRXU¿JKWLQJ Throughout the month, Luke children are taught that
the Military Child highlights military children all over force, and strengthens the health, security, and safety all lives matter, to be tolerant with each other and to
the world and puts them in the spotlight. of our nation’s families and communities. respect and care for each other.