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8 April 15, 2016                                  NEWS                                                                                                                                Thunderbolt

 PEOPLE                                           units to support military operations that can          and personal site visits.                                            The decision culminates a three-year pro-
   FIRST                                          include strikes against targets.The cost of the           Cody made stops at Bagram Airfield, Reso-                      cess that included an extensive environmental
                                                  redesignation is minimal, mostly affecting                                                                               impact statement that examined impacts on
   Editor’s Note: The “People First” section is   signs, stationary and other local items that           lute Support Headquarters in Kabul, Hamid                         such factors as air quality, noise, land use and
compiled from information from the Air Force      display the unit’s name or emblem.                     Karzai International Airport and Kandahar                         socioeconomics.
Personnel Center, TRICARE, 56th Force Sup-                                                               Airfield, where he was able to see firsthand
port Squadron, Airman and Family Readiness           Since their first employment over the               the impact Airmen are making every day in                            “The decision to base two F-35 squadrons
Flight, Veterans Affairs, the civilian personnel  Balkans, Air Force RPAs have been in high              Afghanistan.                                                      at Eielson AFB,Alaska, combined with the ex-
office and armed forces news services. For the    demand, according to Air Force senior lead-                                                                              isting F-22 Raptors at Joint Base Elmendorf-
complete story, go to the web address listed at   ers. This has led to rapid expansion of both              Airmen in Afghanistan are accomplishing                        Richardson, will double our fifth-generation
the end of the story.                             the number of squadrons and the number of              critical roles as they perform launch and                         fighter aircraft presence in the Pacific theater,”
                                                  operators.                                             recovery of aircraft for counter-terrorism mis-                   said Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Mark A.
Air Force approves RPA                                                                                   sions, find and process detailed intelligence                     Welsh III. “Integrating that fifth-generation
initiatives                                          Unique organizational structures and                information for combatant commanders, or                          force with Navy, Marine, and allied F-35 forces
                                                  names evolved during this time, and the Air            train, advice and assist the Afghan military.                     will provide joint and coalition warfighters
   WASHINGTON (AFNS) — The Air Force              Force is now taking steps to standardize op-                                                                             unprecedented survivability,lethality and bat-
recently approved two initiatives for the         erations and improve conditions for operators.            During the all calls and discussions, the                      tlespace awareness in contested environments.
remotely piloted aircraft career field. First,                                                           chief candidly and honestly answered a                            It’s an exciting time for Pacific airpower.”
eight RPA reconnaissance squadrons will be           The RPA mission“is instrumental to achiev-          variety of questions ranging from the new
redesignated as attack squadrons. Second,Air      ing decision advantage against our enemies,            Enlisted Evaluation System to health care                            The base is projected to receive two squad-
Force Chief of Staff Gen. Mark A. Welsh III       is an indispensable asset to our national secu-        and compensation. He also received mission                        rons of F-35As, which will join the wing’s F-16
authorized RPA aircrews to log combat time        rity, and is the backbone to the success of our        briefings from each of the units involved and                     Fighting Falcon aggressor squadron currently
when flying an aircraft within designated         fights in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, and other          had an opportunity to see Airmen display the                      assigned to Eielson AFB.
hostile airspace, regardless of the aircrew’s     areas combating extremism and terrorism,”              weapon systems they operate.Throughout his
physical location.                                Gen. Hawk Carlisle, commander of ACC, said             interactions,he remindedAirmen of one thing.                          On-base construction to prepare for the
                                                  March 16 in his testimony to the U.S. Senate                                                                             aircraft is expected to start in fiscal year 2017
   The changes were two of many recommen-         Committee on Armed Services.“The Air Force                     in order to be ready to accept the first F-35As,
dations that emerged as part of Air Combat        is fully invested in continuing to achieve sus-        Article/716461/cody-engages-with-deployed-airmen.                 which are currently scheduled to begin arriv-
Command’s Culture and Process Improve-            tainability of this enterprise.”                                                                                         ing in 2020.
ment Program, which seeks to address a                                                                                                                               aspx
number of issues affecting operations and            The Air Force reduced the number of com-                                                                                 Preliminary estimates had the new aircraft
the morale and welfare of Airmen across the       bat lines to 60, from 65 in 2015. They also            Eielson selected to receive                                       arriving a year earlier, but officials say the
RPA enterprise.                                   increased incentive retention pay for pilots           operational F-35A aircraft                                        2020 arrival will provide the Air Force more
                                                  to $25,000, matching incentive pay for rated                                                                             time and grow its active-duty maintenance
   The redesignation will affect the names,       pilots in other airframes.                                WASHINGTON (AFNS) — Eielson Air                                force.
but not the core missions of RPA squadrons at                                                            Force Base, Alaska, was selected as the new
Holloman Air Force Base, New Mexico;White-           ACC is expanding the training pipeline for          home for the Air Force’s first operational over-                     “The Air Force is facing a shortage of expe-
man AFB, Missouri; and Creech AFB, Nevada.        operators, creating a more robust force and            seas F-35A Lightning IIs.                                         rienced, active-duty fighter aircraft maintain-
These units, consisting of approximately 600      decreasing the current operational tempo.                                                                                ers as we transition from legacy aircraft to
officers and 700 enlisted Airmen, will continue   A combat operations-to-dwell ratio of 2:1                 Air Force officials chose Eielson AFB after                    the F-35A,” said Lt. Gen. John B. Cooper, the
to provide real-time intelligence, surveillance   will provide Airmen predictable schedules,             a lengthy analysis of the location’s operational                  deputy chief of staff the Air Force for logistics,
and reconnaissance to commanders, close air       improve work-life balance, enable further              considerations, installation attributes, envi-                    installations and mission support. “Adjust-
support to ground troops, and post-operation      professional development, offer increased              ronmental factors and cost.                                       ing the initial plan and slightly accelerating
battle damage assessment to senior leaders.       training opportunities,and ultimately improve                                                                            F-35A arrivals at Burlington Air Guard Sta-
                                                  readiness, according to Col. Jeffry Long,ACC’s            “Alaska combines a strategically important                     tion, Burlington, Vermont, to fall 2019 will
   Previously, squadrons consisting of MQ-9       director of CPIP.                                      location with a world-class training environ-                     allow the service to stick to the overall F-35
Reaper aircraft were designated attack                                                                   ment. Basing the F-35s at Eielson AFB will                        rollout schedule, while capitalizing on the
squadrons, while squadrons of MQ-1 Preda-   allow the Air Force the capability of using the                   Air National Guard’s experienced fighter air-
tor aircraft were designated reconnaissance        ticle/717598/air-force-approves-rpa-initiatives.aspx  Joint Pacific Alaska Range Complex (JPARC)                        craft maintenance force as we put additional
squadrons. The redesignation anticipates the                                                             for large force exercises using a multitude of                    measures in place to increase the number of
Air Force’s ongoing transition to an all MQ-9     Cody engages with deployed                             ranges and maneuver areas in Alaska,” said                        trained active-duty maintainers.”
fleet and acknowledges the capability of these    Airmen                                                 Secretary of the Air Force Deborah Lee James.
                                                                                                         “This, combined with the largest airspace in                         The F-35A, manufactured by Lockheed
                                                     Chief Master Sgt. of the Air Force James            theAir Force,ensures realistic combat training                    Martin, is a fifth-generation fighter aircraft
                                                  A. Cody engaged with Airmen deployed to                for the (Defense Department).”                                    intended to be the Air Force’s premier strike
                                                  Afghanistan in support of the NATO Resolute                                                                              aircraft through the first half of the 21st cen-
                                                  Support mission and Operation Freedom’s                   Proximity to the JPARC will enable the                         tury. It is a multi-role fighter that is expected
                                                  Sentinel from April 4-6 through a series of            Air Force to take advantage of approximately                      to eventually replace the service’s legacy air-
                                                  Q&A format all calls, small group discussions          65,000 square miles of available airspace for                     to-ground fighter fleets.
                                                                                                         realistic, world-class training in the Air Force’s
                                                                                                         most advanced fifth-generation fighter.

                                                  THE BEST CANDIDATE
                                                  FOR THE JOB ISN’T ALWAYS
                                                  THE TYPICAL CANDIDATE.

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