Page 4 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 4-15-16
P. 4
4 April 15, 2016 SPOTLIGHT Thunderbolt b
Luke Airman receives black belt ADAPT (from Page 2)
by Senior Airman Senior Airman Devante Williams pizza or lasagna in the oven, but it is not what my
DEVANTE WILLIAMS body needs. Sometimes the easier option in physical
Senior Airman Adrian Cook, 56th Security Forces Squadron patrolman, spars with fitness is not the best option.
56th Fighter Wing Public Affairs an instructor during his black belt ceremony March 12, 2016 at Sentosa Martial
Arts in Avondale, Ariz. Cook went through rigorous training to receive his belt. Sustaining those healthy habits post-baby takes
Out of all the different styles of mar- extra work and I will never be perfectly consistent,
tial arts, Muay Thai is considered by “I start off teaching little ones at a reward that comes after many years but every good day helps.
many as the hardest to master. How- three years old,” he said. “I try to make of hard work and training.
ever, one Airman was able to achieve it as fun as possible. The older ones get We had tons of support from family and friends,
this mastery and learn more about the more advance techniques such as “Cook has made major improvements but I was not expecting my fellow Airmen to ask
himself in the process. striking and ground movement tactics. from the time he started his journey how the family was doing every time they saw me.
Once they reach 16 years or older, the till now,” said Jerry Laurita, Sentosa When I’m walking the halls like a lost zombie, that
Senior Airman Adrian Cook, 56th training intensifies.” Martial Arts owner and certified third simple communication and connectedness makes
Security Forces Squadron patrolman, degree black belt. “I want to see him a difference. Not only do they let me unload the
started practicing Muay Thai many So far, Cook has taught more than grow and keep shaping his techniques.” weight of the struggles, but I also get good advice
years ago. His interest in the sport 100 students, and plans on taking his because most of them have been there and done
started after he began watching martial teaching to the next level. It was not easy getting there, but for that. That’s teamwork.
arts movies. Cook the journey was worth it.
“I want to open up a school one day,” It is not just ears to listen and a reminder that
“I’ve always been fascinated by mar- he said. “I take great pleasure in teach- “When I look back, every belt I earned they are thinking about my spouse and me. It is a
tial arts, but I wanted to be great in one ing. It’s a great feeling knowing I helped has a story,” Cook said. “I’ve gone social support from Airman to Airman, and every
specific style,” Cook said. “The movie, my students with their training.” through a lot of pain. I had to drag my- little bit helps.
‘Ong-Bak Thai Warrior,’ made me want self out of bed just to make it to practice.
to actively get involved in Muay Thai. Cook recently received his black belt, It feels amazing to finally receive it.” Spiritual fitness covers such a multitude of areas
Muay Thai is about freestyling and in this experience. It is the underlying principle
hand-to-hand combat, which had me that motivates me in all the other areas. Spiritual
hooked as soon as I saw how the main fitness takes effort and choice just like any other
character was taking down the enemies aspect of Comprehensive Airman Fitness. What
with various moves.” kind of parent am I going be? I want to be the best
parent a baby could ask for, so I try to pay attention
Cook started training at Sentosa to my attitudes and reactions under stress. I try to
Martial Arts and has been there for the persevere when weak, because it is all for the kiddo.
last three years. During his first year of Perspective is good fuel for a tired mind. It gives me
Muay Thai training, Cook took on his a new sense of purpose to sacrifice my needs for his.
first official bout. He went on to win his I keep reminding myself that the complications of
first fight and the experience he gained having a newborn are temporary, because it is true.
inspired him.
Part of spiritual fitness is finding that silver lin-
“It wasn’t just about me anymore,” ing in what looks like only dark clouds. Obviously,
Cook said. “I wanted to teach other it is not always easy to be spiritually solid and I do
people and become that big brother not always get it right, but every little win helps.
figure. As a teacher, you get to help a
person willing to learn and train them It may all sound like Parenting 101 to the uniniti-
to be the best.” ated, but I promise it hardly feels that simple in the
moment. Life’s challenges never do. That is why it is
Cook has now been teaching at Sen- so important to practice mental, physical, social and
tosa Martial Arts for a year and a half, spiritual wellness on a regular basis. That is why
a desire that matches the Air Force core the Air Force built the Comprehensive Airman Fit-
value of service before self. He divides his ness doctrine. You can never be ready for the trials
students based on their age and ability. life throws at you, but you can be prepared. In the
meantime, what can you do to support your fellow
Airmen’s fitness during their struggles?
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