Page 2 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 4-15-16
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2 April 15, 2016                                                                            COMMENTARY                                                                                                         Thunderbolt

                                                                                            Adapt and overcome

     ACTION LINE                                                                                                      by Staff Sgt.                                                                 the well-being and care of ourselves, each other and our
                                                                                                                LEALAN BUEHRER                                                                      families is the focus of Comprehensive Airman Fitness. It’s
                                                                                                                                                                         about mental, physical, social and spiritual wellness. That
                                                                                                                             182nd Airlift Wing Public Affairs                                      is where I started. Yes, I referenced an Air Force doctrine
    The Commander’s Action Line                                                                                                                                                                     to apply at home — because it works.
is your direct line to me with ques-                                                           PEORIA, Ill. (AFNS) — My firstborn child recently
tions or suggestions about subjects                                                         turned 2 months old. Amidst the irresistible joy of having                                                 Coping was the first step to everything else. It really
of concern to the entire Luke Air                                                           a new little buddy, I look back over these last eight weeks                                             helps to just acknowledge that yes, I am going to be beyond
Force Base community.                                                                       and wonder how my spouse and I survived.                                                                tired; no, I am not going to feel rested; and no, it is not going
                                                                                                                                                                                                    to feel good. When I remember to focus on that situational
    I appreciate your feedback.                                                                I am a writer, but there are no words I can find adequate                                            awareness, it somehow doesn’t burn me out quite as badly
Your ideas and concerns help                                                                enough to describe the terror of sleeplessness that was                                                 when the baby alarm sounds off at o-dark-thirty in the
build a stronger foundation on                                                              brought down upon us. Remember doing dorm guard duty                                                    morning. Having that mindfulness helps work through the
which we can successfully com-                                                              in basic training? It was kind of like that but instead of one                                          frustration when the baby projectile pukes everywhere,
plete our mission and take care of                                                          shift a week, we had to be awake every two hours, every                                                 hoses down the walls or goes nuclear on a fresh diaper.
our people.                                                                                 night. No weekends. No sleeping in. Pure torture.
                                                                                                                                                                                                       I do not get it right every time, but every success is a
    To receive a response, leave Brig. Gen. Scott Pleus                                        There were times — exaggerated by the fog of exhaus-                                                 success, and it helps.
your name and telephone number. 56th FW commander                                           tion — when I honestly thought my body was going to give
Action Lines of general interest are                                                        out, and I would simply die. Don’t judge. You either know                                                  I am a big cardio person. My day does not feel right if I
printed in the Thunderbolt. Remember, the quickest and                                      what I’m talking about or maybe someday will be in for                                                  don’t get a good 45 minutes in at the gym in the morning.
most efficient way to resolve a problem is to talk directly to                              the same surprise.                                                                                      In this new world of exhaustion, burning calories at the
the responsible agency or through your chain of command.                                                                                                                                            gym may sound counterproductive. On the contrary, the
                                                                                               There was no option; the little guy completely depends                                               physical fitness helps keep me mentally fit. Being able
    The Action Line isn’t just for complaints. Send along                                   on his mommy and daddy to survive. That is the mission                                                  to test my endurance while blasting some tunes is my
your kudos when someone provides exceptional service,                                       — to keep him sustained and thriving as efficiently as pos-                                             meditation. Getting back into a routine of good nutrition
goes out of their way to help or deserves a kind word.                                      sible. Military instinct made it clear: I had to adapt and                                              was just as important. It is convenient to pop a carbed-up
                                                                                            overcome. But how?
 PHONE NUMBERS                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   See ADAPT, Page 4
                                                                                               Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Mark A. Welsh III said
   Airman and Family Readiness Center ....................... 623-856-6550
   Chapel ................................................................... 623-856-6211  Understanding sergeant’s words: ‘I’ve got your back’
   Child Care Center ...................................................623-856-6339
   Community Center ............................................... 623-856-7152                   by Chief Master Sgt.                      “Everyone has a specific role in our                   the Air Force. I have to make sure your
   Computer IT service desk .................................. DSN 945-2900                     PATRICIA YELVERTON                        section,” he said. “Before yesterday,                     subordinates understand you are the
   Eye Clinic ............................................................. 623-856-7965                                                  your role was to master skills required                   leader and will make the decisions.”
   Fitness Center ....................................................... 623-856-6241      60th Medical Support Squadron superintendent  as an Airman and a Health Service
   Flight Medicine .................................................... 623-856-2273                                                      Management Apprentice. Today, your                           That single conversation made me a
   Fraud, waste and abuse hotline ............................ 623-856-6149                    Seeing the newly selected staff ser-       role changes to a frontline supervisor                    better supervisor and leader. Through-
   Hobby shop .......................................................... 623-856-6722       geants recently brought back memories         which includes responsibility for oth-                    out my entire career those words have
   +RXVLQJR൶FH         of when I was selected for staff sergeant.    ers. My duties also changed today, I am                   been engraved in my mind. Mitchell
   Law enforcement desk ......................................... 623-856-5970                                                            now your first line of defense, meaning                   was right that night. I didn’t need the
   Legal assistance .................................................... 623-856-6901          Actually, my thoughts went to the          I’ve got your back.”                                      usual congrats, good job or well done
   Library .................................................................. 623-856-7191  night I graduated Airman Leadership                                                                     on my graduation night. I needed to
   Marketing ............................................................. 623-856-3245     School. As I crossed the stage after             He explained, as tasks flow down                       be reminded what my next step in my
   Military Equal Opportunity ................................. 623-856-7711                receiving my completion certificate, my       from above, I will always keep you                        career was and what responsibilities
   Military pay .......................................................... 623-856-7028     co-workers gathered to congratulate           informed and prepared to complete                         lie ahead as an NCO. His words gave
   2൶FHRI6SHFLDO,QYHVWLJDWLRQ .............................623-856-6821                 me and shake my hand. My supervisor,          the mission. Also, leadership will al-                    me the confidence in my abilities to
   Outdoor Recreation .............................................. 623-856-6267           Staff Sgt. Todd Mitchell, stayed back at      ways be aware of what you and your                        be not only the NCO I was back then,
   Pass and registration ............................................. 623-856-4880         the table and as I approached he shook        Airmen are working on and what                            but also the chief master sergeant and
   Patient advocate ................................................... 623-856-8968        my hand and said, “I’ve got your back.”       requirements are being met and                            leader I am today.
   3XEOLF$൵DLUV                                                    exceeded. Most importantly, you will
   Security Forces ..................................................... 623-856-5970          I said, “Thank you,” as I sat down.        make many decisions affecting per-                           I have stayed in touch with now re-
   Straight Talk Line ................................................. 623-856-7064           While cheering on my fellow gradu-         sonnel on a personal level as well as                     tired Master Sgt. Mitchell, for advice
   Sexual Assault Prevention/Response .................. 623-856-4878                       ates, I started thinking of what my su-       a professional level. Your Airmen will                    and mentoring. We still talk about
   Vehicle Maintenance ............................................ 623-935-6576            pervisor said to me. What did he mean?        not always agree with you and they                        that conversation and how he knew
   Veterinary services ............................................... 623-856-6354         I expected “Congratulations” or “You did      will come to me.                                          exactly what I needed to hear that day.
   Wellness Center .................................................... 623-856-2273        awesome,” but not “I’ve got your back.”                                                                 He reminded me as I, in turn, remind
   Youth Center ......................................................... 623-856-7470         The next morning at work, I im-               “When this happens, I want you to                      you, “Those we lead need to know they
                                                                                            mediately asked my supervisor if we           know, I’ve got your back,” he continued.                  have leaders who will stand behind
                                                                                            could talk.                                   “I will never question your decisions in                  them through the good and the bad.”
                                                                                               I asked him, “What did you mean            front of subordinates and will never
                                                                                            last night when you said, ‘I’ve got your      ask you to change your mind on a deci-                       Today, I challenge all of you to let
                                                                                            back?’” His response was surprising and       sion as long as it upholds the values of                  your subordinates know you have
                                                                                            informative.                                                                                            their back.

                                                                                                                    Luke Editorial Staff                                                                 7KH7KXQGHUEROWXVHVPDWHULDOIURPWKH$UPHG)RUFHV,QIRUPDWLRQ6HUYLFH$LU
                                                                                            Commander.......................................................... Brig. Gen. Scott Pleus              E\$HURWHFK1HZVDQG5HYLHZ7KH\FDQEHUHDFKHGE\FDOOLQJ
                                                                                            3XEOLF$ႇDLUVFKLHI ................................................. Lt. Col. Matt Hasson
                                                                                            3XEOLF$ႇDLUVGHSXW\FKLHI ........................................... .LOH\'RXJKHUW\                       7KH7KXQGHUEROWLVSXEOLVKHGE\$HURWHFK1HZVDQG5HYLHZDSULYDWH¿UPLQQR
                                                                                            ,QWHUQDOLQIRUPDWLRQ............................................... 6WDႇ6JW6WDFL0LOOHU              ZD\FRQQHFWHGZLWKWKH86$LU)RUFHXQGHUH[FOXVLYHZULWWHQFRQWUDFWZLWKWKHWK
                                                                                            Editor ........................................................................... Deborah Leuthold     )LJKWHU:LQJ/XNH$LU)RUFH%DVH$UL]7KLVFLYLOLDQHQWHUSULVH$LU)RUFHQHZVSDSHU
                                                                                            Designer .................................................................................Tinna Sellie  LVDQDXWKRUL]HGSXEOLFDWLRQIRUPHPEHUVRIWKH86PLOLWDU\VHUYLFHV&RQWHQWVRIWKH
                                                                                                                   Editorial Information                                                            PHQWWKH'HSDUWPHQWRI'HIHQVHRUWKH'HSDUWPHQWRIWKH$LU)RUFH

                                                                                                                  For past issues of the Thunderbolt, go to                                              7KHDSSHDUDQFHRIDGYHUWLVLQJLQWKLVSXEOLFDWLRQLQFOXGLQJLQVHUWVRUVXSSOHPHQWV
                                                                                               and click on PDF edition                                      GRHVQRWFRQVWLWXWHHQGRUVHPHQWRIWKHSURGXFWVRUVHUYLFHVDGYHUWLVHGE\WKH'2'
                                                                                                 7KHWK)LJKWHU:LQJ3XEOLF$ႇDLUV2ႈFHSUHSDUHVDOOHGLWRULDOFRQWHQWIRUWKH                   WKH'HSDUWPHQWRIWKH$LU)RUFHRU$HURWHFK1HZVDQG5HYLHZ
                                                                                            $LU)RUFHVW\OHDVUHTXLUHGE\$LU)RUFH,QVWUXFWLRQ6XEPLVVLRQGHDGOLQHLVDW                      (YHU\WKLQJDGYHUWLVHGLQWKLVSXEOLFDWLRQVKDOOEHPDGHDYDLODEOHIRUSXUFKDVH
                                                                                            WKH7KXQGHUEROWFDQEHPDGHWRWKH3XEOLF$ႇDLUVRႈFH:HVW)DOFRQ6WUHHW                       PDULWDOVWDWXVSK\VLFDOKDQGLFDSSROLWLFDODႈOLDWLRQRUDQ\RWKHUQRQPHULWIDFWRURI
                                                                                            /XNH$LU)RUFH%DVH$UL]RUWKURXJKHPDLOWR):3$7KXQGHUEROW#XVDI                         WKHSXUFKDVHUXVHURUSDWURQ
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