Page 12 - March ARB Beacon 1-15-16
P. 12
12 January 15, 2016
From HUMAN page 8
The FBI, however, goes beyond
investigating those who exploit YOUR WAY TO THE
victims of trafficking. The Bu-
reau’s Office for Victim Assistance SUPER BOWL!
(OVA) and its 153 victim special-
ists located throughout our field
offices work with non-governmen-
tal agencies and local law enforce-
ment advocates to advise human
trafficking survivors of their rights
as crime victims and also to ensure
that basic needs such as food, shel-
ter, medical care, mental health
care, and clothing are taken care
of. Our victim specialists provide
assistance and information regard-
ing legal services, immigration
relief, housing, employment, edu-
cation, and job training, and they
also work with U.S. Attorneys’ of-
fices and often local district attor-
ney’s offices during the prosecu-
tive phases of cases. Additionally,
OVA employs 11 full-time child/
adolescent forensic interviewers
who are available to conduct inter-
views of younger victims as well
as adult victims in complex cases
or when there’s a special need.
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