Page 8 - March ARB Beacon 1-15-16
P. 8

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devastating crime

)%,JRY                                         people seeking a better life. These victims

   January is National Slavery and Human        are forced to work in poor, unsafe conditions
Trafficking Prevention Month, and the FBI’s
efforts to combat trafficking—part of the        where they are exploited for prostitution, do-
overall U.S. government effort—will con-
tinue unabated in 2016.                         mestic servitude, migrant farm labor, or res-

   The Bureau has two entities that conduct     taurant and service industry jobs.
human trafficking investigations: Our Civil
Rights Unit coordinates trafficking inves-       The Bureau also continues to run Opera-
tigations involving both adult and juvenile
foreign nationals who are forced or coerced     tion Cross Country (OCC), a national multi-
into slave labor or sex trafficking, as well as
adult victims of domestic sex trafficking; and   agency law enforcement operation dedicated
our Violent Crimes Against Children Section
coordinates investigations involving children   to the identification and recovery of child
under the age of 18 being sexually exploited
domestically for commercial gain and those      victims of commercial sexual exploitation
involving child sex tourism.
                                                and the identification and arrest of individu-
   To combat the exploitation of foreign na-
tionals, the FBI works with our law enforce-    als and criminal enterprises responsible for
ment partners at the Departments of Home-
land Security, Labor, and State to go after     their exploitation. This past October, during
traffickers who prey on the vulnerabilities of
                                                our ninth OCC, the FBI and its partners re-

                                                covered approximately 150 child victims and

                                                arrested approximately 150 pimps, which

                                                brought the total number of recovered child

                                                victims to more than 750 and the criminals

                                                responsible to more than 1,000 since OCC

                                                began. Also last year, Bureau worked close-

                                                ly with Canadian authorities on their own

                                                version of OCC called Operation Northern


                                                            See HUMAN page 12

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