Page 8 - Women's History Month 2021 - Combined Special Edition of Aerotech News and Review Nellis AFB Creech AFB Desert Lightning News
P. 8

Antelope Valley Chapter Ninety-Nines took part

   in commemoration of aviation legends

   by Cathy Hansen                 In the history of the shuttle program,                                                  fications. After naming off all of Jackie
   special to Aerotech News      only three women have been designated                                                     Cochran’s achievements and records,
                                 as pilot astronauts. Aboard space shuttle                                                 she concluded that Jackie had all of her
     The Antelope Valley Chapter of the   orbiter Discovery (STS-92) on Oct. 11,                                           rights going for her as well.
   Ninety-Nines were privileged to attend   2000, Air Force Lt. Col. Pamela Ann                                              “There was never a question about
   not one but two events featuring famous   Melroy became the third woman to                                              whether or not she was at the right place
   aviatrixes in a single week!  make her first flight into space as pilot.                                                at the right time, she made sure she was
     On May 15, 2003, Astronaut Pam   On that mission, they delivered the                                                  there all the time,” Marta said. “As far
   Melroy, a member of the Antelope   Z1 truss to International Space Sta-                                                 as qualifications, there is no question,
   Valley Chapter, was the guest of honor   tion. On her 2003 mission, she made                                            they were there and of course, the en-
   and featured speaker at a dinner hosted   her second visit to the ISS to deliver                                        thusiasm was always in place.
   by the Lockheed Martin Leadership As-  more components for the station, the                                               “She also knew how to use the net-
   sociation at the Park Plaza Hotel and   Integrated Truss Assembly S1 (Star-                                             work to her benefit and to the benefit of
   Convention Center in Lancaster, Calif.  board Side Thermal Radiator Truss)                                              all women and all aviators,” said Marta.
     Antelope Valley members Lynne   and the Crew Equipment Translation                                                    “She was an aviators’ aviator and she
                                 Aid (CETA) Cart. The Atlantis crew                                                        was also a woman aviator.
                                 also carried several science experiments                                                    “The Ninety-Nines represented here
                                 to the station. Pam’s talk focused on her                                                 today, the WASP members and the
                                 voyage into space as she shared slides                                                    military women aviators are the people
                                 from both of her missions.                                                                of Jackie’s legacy,” Marta said. “And
                                   Pam concluded by describing reen-                                                       this legacy, I’m sure, is something she
                                 try into the atmosphere at Mach-22 and                                      Courtesy photograph  would be very proud of. Today, Jackie
                                 landing at 205 knots, which is hard for   WASP Flora Belle Reece and husband Ralph, Chuck Yeager and WASP   Cochran is an important figure in avia-
                                 a Cessna pilot to ever imagine! “In two   Irma ‘Babe’ Story.                              tion and an important figure in our
                                 years I will be the commander,” Pam                                                       world. Let us commit to keep her leg-
                                 glowed. “It’s fun to be the shuttle pi-  Yeager who spoke to a crowd of sev-  “Pinkie” Weiss.  acy alive and well and embrace those
                                 lot, but even more fun to be the Com-  eral busloads of invited guests, includ-  The first speaker, Bea St. Claire-  women who want to become women
                                 mander.”                      ing: four members of the Women’s Air   Thurston, shared her thoughts on Jack-  in aviation.”
                                   Everyone went home watching the   Service Pilots (WASP), Ninety-Nines   ie’s role in forming the WASP. Two   The final speaker was Yeager, Jackie
                                 dramatic total eclipse of the moon and   from several chapters; women astro-  modern aviatrixes, Marta Bohn-Meyer   Cochran’s friend and mentor. He shared
                                 dreaming of space flight and looking   nauts and Air Force pilots; professional   and Air Force Lt. Col. Sandy Miarecki,   his memories of flying with Jackie, both
                                 forward to an exciting time at Edwards   aviatrixes; test pilots and community   followed her.  in her record-setting flights and also on
                   Courtesy photograph  Air Force Base, Calif., next morning   dignitaries. After the formal unveiling   Miarecki served as Assistant Cadet   cross-country flights to ferry aircraft or
   Astronaut Pam Melroy was guest   as the Ninety-Nines helped to cele-  of the plaque, Al Hansen (husband of   Flight Indoctrination Program Project   visit dignitaries around the world.
   of honor and featured speaker at a   brate the 50th anniversary of legendary   Ninety-Nine member Cathy Hansen)   Officer at Randolph AFB, San Antonio,   “I had a lot of fun with Jackie,” said
   dinner hosted by the Lockheed Martin   Jackie Cochran’s first flight through the   flew his Canadair F-86E over to Ed-  Texas, while a member of Sacramento   Yeager. “Because she was a strong
   Leadership Association at the Park   sound barrier.         wards from Mojave Airport in a salute   Valley Chapter. She flies the sleek, fast   willed person and absolutely unpre-
   Plaza Hotel and Convention Center   Jacqueline Cochran Odlum (1906-  to Jackie’s history-making flight in the   T-38 Talon, a jet aircraft that Jackie Co-  dictable.
   in Lancaster, Calif.          1980) broke the sound barrier at Ed-  same model.
                                 wards on May 18, 1953, in a Canadair   Following the dedication, a luncheon
                                 F-86E, becoming the first woman to   was held that featured static aircraft   After lunch, all the Ninety-Nines, WASP members, NASA
   Bunn, Rosemary Coonrod, Elle Cous-  boom through the invisible boundary,   displays, an exhibit about Jackie Co-  Astronauts and women Air Force aviators gathered around the
   sens, Michelle Davis, Elise Gravance,   accompanied by the famous test pilot   chran’s achievements, a short video   F-86 and aircraft for photos.
   Cathy Hansen, Leigh Kelly, Flora   Chuck Yeager as her chase pilot.   about her aviation exploits, and com-
   Belle Reece, Barbara Hunter Schultz,   To commemorate the event, May 16,   ments from four distinguished guests
   LaDell Simmons, Diana Tanner, Bev-  2003, was proclaimed “Jackie Cochran   who spoke about what Jackie Cochran
   erly Vander Wall, and Future Woman   Day” at Edwards AFB and a plaque was   had meant to them.
   Pilot Lark Cobb were joined by Sacra-  dedicated to Cochran and her history-  Jackie Cochran was president of the
   mento Valley Chapter member Sandy   making flight. In front of the plaque,   Ninety-Nines from 1941-1943, and co-
   Miarecki as special guests of the LMLA   mounted on a pedestal next to an F-104   founded the WASPs to help with the
   to enjoy an evening with their sister   Starfighter (the type of aircraft used by   war effort in 1943. Two of the WASP
   Ninety-Nine Pam, as she shared some   Cochran for her later Mach 2 flights),   members in attendance, Lancaster
   of her experiences on her most recent   Maj. Gen. Wilbert D. “Doug” Pearson   residents Flora Belle Reece and Irma
   flight as pilot of STS-112 Atlantis.  introduced retired Brig. Gen. Chuck   “Babe” Story (respectively of Ante-
                                                               lope Valley and San Fernando Valley
                                                               Chapters), were on hand to reminisce
                                                               with Yeager, along with fellow WASP
                                                               Bea St. Claire-Thurston and Margaret   chran set many records in.  “When she flew the T-38 from Palm-
                                                                                               Miarecki told how Jackie influenced   dale to Minneapolis/St. Paul, non-stop,
                                                                                             her decisions during her Air Force ca-  I followed her in an F-100 with a bag-
                                                                                             reer. “Whenever I met a challenge that   gage pod,” Yeager explained. “And in
                                                                                             seemed a little overwhelming,” Sandy   that baggage pod was about $2-million
                                                                                             said. “I would tell myself, Jackie Co-  worth of jewelry! There were shoes,
                                                                                             chran did it and so can I.”   silk dresses and makeup.”
                                                                                               More often than not, she found her-  Yeager complained about having to
                                                                                             self to be the only woman during educa-  carry all her luggage and her reply was:
                                                                                             tion classes in the Air Force; the only   “Well, I have to wear all this to look
                                                                                             woman flying during flight training, and   beautiful!”
                                                                                             the only woman in a squadron, but she   Jackie Cochran once said, “An air-
                                                                                             was never deterred.           plane doesn’t know the difference
                                                                                               NASA Dryden Flight Test Engineer   between men and women, only good
                                                                                             Marta Bohn-Meyer, the only woman to   pilots and bad pilots.” Yeager said,
                                                                                             fly in the SR-71, said, “I’m jealous of   “Jackie Cochran’s name, even today,
                                                                                             Jackie Cochran and all the records she   holds more records than any other per-
                                                                                             set, but Jackie wasn’t the only woman   son, male or female.”
                                                                                             to fly in the SR-71. I was!”    Yeager concluded with this state-
                                                                                 NASA photograph
                                                 Courtesy photograph  NASA Dryden Flight Test Engineer   Time and time again, Marta speaks   ment, “Sandy and Marta, you have
   Jackie Cochran and Chuck Yeager at Edwards Air Force Base, Calif.  Marta Bohn-Meyer       of her four rights: right time, right   kicked the doors down in a male domi-
                                                                                             place, right enthusiasm and right quali-  nated world and made us look bad.”
                                                          Aerotech News and Review
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