Page 11 - Women's History Month 2021 - Combined Special Edition of Aerotech News and Review Nellis AFB Creech AFB Desert Lightning News
P. 11

Making history:  Just 10 women make up elite cadre of B-2 pilots

 Lt. CoL. (retired) Jennifer JeffordS   mAJ. (SepArAted) LAurA mAher             CoL. beth mAKroS, no. 5, Spirit number 399

 no. 3, Spirit number 326  no. 4, Spirit number 340                                    Beth Makros regularly — and quite intentionally —   pilot for multiple aircraft, took her to work with him, Makros
                                                                                     brings her three daughters into her office on base. She’s   says, remembering, “I was out on the ramp a lot.”
 the U.S. Air Force Academy in Colorado   Everyone who pilots the B-2                done this at other bases she’s been stationed at since her   By 8 years old, Makros knew she wanted to be a pilot,
 Springs. Not long after, she and her dad   Stealth Bomber receives a coin with      first baby was born, just months before Makros started to   though she often heard “that’s not something a girl can do.”
 were back in the cockpit together. This   an individual number on it. It signifies   train as a B-2 pilot at Whiteman AFB.  Makros earned her wings in 2001. By 2007, she had
 time, Jeffords was the pilot and he was   the graduation from a six-month             Makros likes to take her girls to the flightline, to   become the fifth woman to pilot the B-2.
 the passenger.  grueling combination of classroom                                   promotion and graduation ceremonies, and even just   “Every day you feel different,” Makros says. “Every
 “He was so proud,” Jeffords said of her   academics, exams, simulators              down the hallways where official portraits of the base’s   moment of every day, you notice it. It gets more evident
 dad, who has since died. “Both my parents   and flying.                             commanders hang. Her picture has been displayed on   as you get older and move up.”
 were so supportive, always encouraging.”  The number on the coin is not the         many of those walls.                 First she tried to ignore it. Then she tried to fit in. Now
 Her childhood dream was materializing   “Spirit Number,” which tallies anyone         The subtle, unspoken message to her daughters: “This   she embraces it. It can be lonely, but it is also gratifying
 after years of unwavering determination and   who has ever been airborne in a B-2,   is a normal thing for moms. You can do this, too.”  being part of such a small group.
 Courtesy photo  “keeping my nose to the grindstone.” Jef-  such as non-pilot government of-  She, too, grew up with this kind of encouragement. Her   What would Makros tell her three daughters?
 fords faced obstacles, including a year-long   ficials, but an even lower digit – one   Courtesy photo  dad, who was a navigator on C-141s and F-4s and later a test   “There should be a lot more of us.”
 by Brye Steeves  — only 10 of whom have been women.  honored to be among them and I know there   delay to enter the academy due to a knee-  that affirms that they are the newest
 509th Bomb Wing Public Affairs  The 10th woman to become a B-2 pilot,   will be many more of us that follow.”  replacement surgery, but always remained   members of a very small, elite group
 Capt. Lauren Kram, graduated from her   Their collective  story began 19  years   focused on becoming a pilot.  of aviators.  Courtesy photo
 In the B-2’s 30 year history, there have   training course at Whiteman Air Force Base,   ago in 2002. Each has a common theme of   After she graduated from the Air Force   Today,  14  years  after  being   Lt. CoL. niCoLA poLidor, no. 6, Spirit number 507
 been nearly 700 people airborne in the two-  Mo., Oct. 4, 2019.  strength, perseverance, making a long-time   Courtesy photo  Academy in 1998 and then pilot training in   handed her coin, Laura Maher still   her pilot training class, pretty much
 person cockpit of the $2.2 billion stealth   “Nine incredible women have come before   dream come true — and inspiring future   The first pilot Jennifer Jeffords ever   Texas a short time later, Jeffords first flew   carries hers in her wallet. It has a   guaranteeing her the aircraft of   As a preteen girl, Nicky Polidor had hundreds of   her guidance. The fact that she was a female, profes-
                                        her choice. Maher wanted the B-2,
 the Airborne Warning and Control System,
 bomber. About 500 of them have been pilots   me, blazing this trail,” Kram says. “I feel   generations.  knew was her dad.   more commonly called the AWACS, while   spot next to her class ring from the   which was almost always assigned   magazine cutouts taped all over the bedroom walls of her   sional pilot, especially given her generation, was an
                 U.S. Air Force Academy.
                                                                   California home. But they weren’t pictures of boybands
                                                                                                    unspoken, subtle inspiration that I could do anything
 He had his private pilot’s license and   stationed in Oklahoma.  “I always wanted to be a pilot,”   to pilots after they were experienced   or heartthrobs from popular TV shows.  I wanted.”
 she often flew as a passenger in a Cessna.   In search of an Air Force mission that   Maher says, recalling watching her   in other airframes.   They were airplanes.  In 2011, Polidor became the sixth woman to pilot
 As a child, Jeffords watched him in awe as   would allow her “to be up front in the fight,”   dad fly F-14s for the Navy. “Always.   “Everybody thought it was a joke   “All types — small, big, commercial, military,” Poli-  the B-2.
 Lt. CoL. (retired) Jennifer Avery  brig. gen. KriStin goodwin  he maneuvered the skies “like a bird up   Jeffords applied to the B-2.   And I always wanted to fly the B-2.”  when they put up a picture of a B-2,”   dor remembers. “The fast, elusive, military jets really   Being a female pilot occurs to her more now that she’s
 In May of 2004, she became the third
 no. 1, Spirit number 278  no. 2, Spirit number 279   there, gliding.”  woman to fly the $2.2 billion stealth bomber.   Maher was the first woman to be   she remembers. “But it was true.”  captivated me.”  older, Polidor says. When she first began flying, she just
 “The idea of exploring and being part
                                                                     Soon, she went from a girl dreaming about planes to
                                                                                                    tried to fit in. Today, she is treated like any other pilot, but
                                          Maher had proven herself as an
 of the world above the ground — I knew I   Jeffords felt pressure, but because of the   assigned the B-2 straight out of the   aviator and, in February of 2005,   actually flying them. Her first lessons were in a Cessna   Polidor is more aware of workforce dynamics and the role
                 Air Force’s year-long undergraduate
 Jennifer Avery made history on   Up until that day, more than 200 pilots   would go make that happen.”  gravity of the task, not her gender.  pilot training school — an incredibly   she became the fourth woman to   and her instructor was a Finnish woman who was an   gender plays when it comes to policies, pay and retention.
 Feb. 12, 2002.  had flown the stealth bomber since   Years later, their roles would reverse.   “You’re not actually a female B-2 pilot,   rare decision at that time for any   pilot the B-2.  Alaskan bush pilot by trade.   “I am encouraged to think that society is evolving and
 She was so excited — and nervous   it first took flight in 1989, but all had   Jeffords — determined since elementary   just a B-2 pilot. I’m just a pilot,” Jeffords says   young pilot.   Her advice to young would-be   “She had a profound influence on me,” Polidor says.   one day soon the reaction to me saying, ‘I fly the B-2’
 — that when she was collecting her   been men.   school — first piloted a glider plane at   simply. Just like her dad.  She had finished near the top of   aviators: “You can do it, too.”  “I’ll never forget being able to solo a Cessna because of   isn’t ‘They let women do that?!’ anymore.”  Courtesy photo
 parachute, helmet and other gear,   Goodwin has pointed to her moth-
 she grabbed two right-handed gloves.   er’s 20 years in the U.S. Air Force
 Avery didn’t realize this until she was   Reserve, among many other family
 in the cockpit and it was time to taxi.   members’ military service, including   Lt. CoL. Jennie SwieChowiCz, no. 7, Spirit number 537  CApt. LAuren KoLod  CApt. LAuren KrAm
 So, she wore one glove backwards   her father and both grandfathers, as
 and hoped the instructor pilot sitting   her inspiration.  Like proud parents do, Jennie   to be a pilot since her first flight in a   nitely not always easy, Swiechowicz   no. 9, Spirit number 688  no. 10, Spirit number 711
 shoulder-to-shoulder with her didn’t   “… Family taught me about service,   Swiechowicz’s mom and dad love   Cessna as a teen growing up in Vir-  continued to pursue the dream she’d
 notice. He did.  they taught me about sacrifice, and                             later, in 2018, Kolod became the ninth   Lauren Kram didn’t realize she   a cadet everyone asks everyone
 But, it in no way hindered Avery’s   they also taught me about being part of   to talk about her. Shoppers at the   ginia. She pursued Air Force ROTC   had since she was a child growing   woman to fly the B-2.  was number 10.  else — regardless of their gender
 flight — which she completed success-  something that’s bigger than myself,”   grocery store, customers at the   in college and after being commis-  up in Virginia. First she flew the Air-  A lieutenant colonel at the Acad-  In fact, it doesn’t really occur to   — if they’re going to pursue aviation
 fully — becoming the first female pilot   Goodwin told the Shreveport Times in   bank and acquaintances around the   sioned, began pilot training with just   borne Warning and Control System   emy mentored Kolod and helped her   her that she’s unique.   after graduation. Upon receiving an
 to fly the B-2 stealth bomber.   Courtesy photo  2014. “They’ve been my role models.   neighborhood all hear about their   two other women among the men.  (AWACS) and then the B-2, where   get started on a path to becoming an   “I kind of forget about it most of   incentive flight there, her answer
 “It’s still surprising to hear. Shock-  Courtesy photo  They’ve been the embodiment of pa-  daughter — the B-2 pilot.  “We stuck out like sore thumbs,”   she faced an even smaller gender   aviator. He was also a B-2 pilot.  the time,” Kram says. “I’m never   was a resounding “yes.”
 ing, actually. I feel shocked that it’s me,   Kristin Goodwin is a trailblazer in   triotism, and also have taught me what   There’s just one problem: “Nobody   she remembers. It was hard for her   ratio, becoming the seventh female   “All pilots love to talk about flying,”   reminded that I’m different.”  Kram first flew C-21s, which
 because I’m just me.”  After graduating and commission-  the truest sense of the word.   it means to sacrifice for our nation.”  believes them,” Swiechowicz says.   to find her place. She wasn’t exactly   B-2 pilot in 2012.   Kolod says. “And he loved talking   Barely acknowledged by her   are used to transport cargo and
 Before her flight that day, the B-2’s   ing as a second lieutenant in the Air   She became the Air Force’s first   As a child, Goodwin has said she   “I don’t know if they think my   one of the guys, but didn’t quite fit in   Looking back, she says even if   about the B-2.”  and those she serves alongside   passengers, including patients for
 two-person cockpit had to be modified   Force, Avery earned her wings and   female bomb wing commander in   dreamed of flying planes in the Air   parents got the name of the airplane   with their wives either, Swiechowicz   her gender mattered to other people,   After graduating from the Academy   is that she’s a female pilot. Kram   aeromedical evacuation operations.
 with privacy curtains around the small   was sent to Ellsworth Air Force Base,   2014 when she led the nation’s oldest   Force. She graduated from the U.S.   wrong, or if it’s because I’m female. I   says.  she didn’t let it matter to her.   and pilot training, Kolod flew KC-135s,   makes up the 6 percent of the fe-  She said her desire “to be at the tip
 toilet, which is necessary because the   S.D., to fly the B-1 Lancer. She was   bomber unit, located at Barksdale Air   Air Force Academy in 1993 and went   want to think it’s the former,” she says   “It didn’t deter me. If anything, it   “The airplane doesn’t care who’s   but let her commanders know from the   male aviators in the Air Force and,   of the spear” and the B-2’s mission
 B-2 is capable of long-duration sorties   the first female pilot to fly the B-1 in   Force Base, La. Later, she served as   on to fly the C-130, B-52, B-2 and   Courtesy photo  with a laugh.  made me want it more.”  flying it,” Swiechowicz says. “Flying   start that she wanted to go fly the B-2   having graduated from the rigorous   of lethal global strike and its nuclear
 with its lengthiest ever clocking in at 44   combat.  the commandant of cadets at the U.S.   trainer jets, accumulating thousands   Swiechowicz knew she wanted   Though lonely at times and defi-  is the great equalizer.”  stealth bomber.   initial qualification training course in   capabilities led her to Whiteman Air
 consecutive hours.  Not long after becoming a B-2 pilot,   Air Force Academy — only the second   of hours as a pilot. She also became a   Never wavering from the goal,   October 2019, is the 10th woman to   Force Base last year.
 “To be able to fly such a unique   she was the first female to pilot the   woman to do so — and as a senior   prominent leader — and an inspiration.  she found herself driving onto White-  pilot the B-2.   It was then that someone men-
 aircraft that is the backbone of our   stealth bomber in combat, in support   military assistant to the Secretary of   According to the Barksdale AFB   CApt. SArAh KoCiubA, no. 8, Spirit number 648  man Air Force Base in rural central   There are subtle hints of this   tioned to her in passing, “Oh, you’re
 nation’s nuclear-deterrence defense   of Operation Iraqi Freedom in 2003.  the Air Force in Washington, D.C.,   archives, an Airman who worked with   Missouri on a dark rainy night. She   difference, such as getting fitted for   No. 10.”
 was a dream come true,” Avery said.  “I’m proud of myself,” Avery said,   before that.   Goodwin said in 2016, “You have also   Courtesy photo  would soon find out there was only one   female-specific flightsuits, or when it   Kram’s reaction: “OK, cool.”
 Her fascination with aviation started   but at the same time she didn’t want   The path she forged began at   shown us that it is possible to be a   When Sarah Kociuba was 11 years old, her family   for the first time as a 6 year old in Cleveland at an   other female B-2 pilot there. “I thought,   comes time for official travel and her
 when she was just a child and her   her gender to be a factor in her   Whiteman Air  Force  Base,  where   mother, spouse and respected pro-  traveled from Ohio to Pasadena, Calif., for the Rose   air show and remembers thinking, “I want to do that.”  It had never occurred to Lauren   ‘What have I done?’” Kolod said with   male counterparts are paired up to
 Uncle Bill took her into an aircraft   achievements.    Goodwin was stationed when she   fessional. That example is something   Bowl college football game. She remembers waking   By the time she was a freshman at the University   Kolod that she could be a pilot — even   a laugh. “I really hope I’ve made the   room together and she bunks alone.
 simulator at Charleston Air Force   “I didn’t want to use it to my ad-  flew the B-2.   that will stay with me and continue   up early on that cold New Year’s Day to attend the   of Dayton that changed to: “I actually think I can   after she joined the U.S. Air Force.   right decision.”  “But, it’s no big deal,” she says.
 Base, S.C. It continued during her   vantage, ever,” she said. “I didn’t want   On the day of her “dollar ride,” Feb.   to inspire me to push forward in my   traditional pre-game parade.   do this.”  It was her first year at the U.S. Air   The next morning, she saw a B-2   What is more surprising are the
 college years at Georgia Institute of   that to be a reason that I succeeded.   12, 2002, Goodwin became airborne   aspirations as an Airman, mother and   Kociuba was among the hundreds of thousands   With support and encouragement from her fam-  Force Academy, where a recruitment   taxi and take off.  reactions she gets from strangers
 Technology, where she loved hearing   I never wanted anyone to think I had   just after the B-2 flown by Capt. Jen-  spouse — to create balance in a world   of spectators in attendance, watching the elabo-  ily — “It was never a thing that I was a girl and also   brochure filled with pictures of cadets   “I got chills,” Kolod remembered.   — little girls who catch a glimpse
 the sound of F-15 fighter jets buzzing   gotten to where I was because of being   nifer Avery had also taken off from   that is full of pressure and stress. If   rate parade floats, massive marching bands and   wanted to fly” — Kociuba graduated from college,   doing cool-looking things had beck-  “I was so excited about my job and   of her in uniform at the store, or at
 over her apartment.  a woman.”  the base’s runway in rural Missouri.   Col. Goodwin can do it, so can I!”  hundreds of horses. But, it was the flyover that   commissioned as an officer, completed pilot training   oned Kolod from the Pittsburgh area.   to be a pilot.”  a remote airfield in eastern Europe
 captivated her.   and began her aviation career as a KC-10 pilot. All   Kolod’s new roommate introduced   It’s a sentiment she wants other   and being told she was the only “lady
 “We heard it first — it has a very distinct engine   the while she maintained her ambitions to eventually   Courtesy photo  herself and told Kolod she was there   young girls to have.  pilot” the awestruck bystanders had
 sound — then we saw it. I didn’t know what kind of   fly the most unique airplane she’d ever seen.   to be a fighter pilot someday.  “You need to see someone who   ever seen.
 Three different Air Force Global Strike Command bombers con-  • B-52 Stratofortress from Minot Air Force Base, N.D.  plane it was,” Kociuba remembers. “My dad told   When she arrived at Whiteman Air Force Base to   dominated. She knows some of her counterparts see   “I thought ‘oh wow,’ ” Kolod remem-  looks like you to know you can do it,”   Kram’s response to these situ-
 ducted a first-of-its-kind trifecta flyover during the National Anthem   The B-2 took off for the Super Bowl LV flyover, piloted by Capt.   me, ‘That’s the B-2.’”  start B-2 pilot training, she quickly realized she was   her as “the girl,” but that’s not a bad thing.  bers. “I had never seen a female pilot   Kolod says. “I never had, but that’s   ations: “There’s actually starting to
 performance at the 55th Super Bowl, Feb. 7, over Raymond James   Sarah “Gucci” Kocuiba, flight lead for the event from Whiteman   She knew she would someday fly the stealth   unique, too. “I looked around and was like, ‘Where   Not long ago, she was piloting the B-2 and met up   — ever. There was Amelia Earhart, but   changing. When I put that helmet on, I   be a lot of us!”
 Stadium in Tampa, Fla.  AFB, joined up with the other aircraft for the flyover, and returned to   bomber. In July of 2017, Kociuba became the eighth   are all the girls?’”   with a KC-10 to refuel in the air. Over the radio, the   I don’t remember every having seen   become just another pilot, which is the   Prior to going to the U.S. Air
 The bomber flyover, featured:  base following the event — demonstrating the flexibility of AFGSC’s   female B-2 pilot.  Though sometimes isolating, Kociuba sees her   KC-10 pilot asked, “Sarah? Is that you in the B-2?”  another female pilot.”  best thing in the world. I so appreciate   Force Academy, Kram had never
 • B-2 Spirit from Whiteman Air Force Base, Mo.  bombers and their ability to deploy anywhere in the world from the   Kociuba grew up watching her dad and two un-  gender as evidence for other females that they   How did he know? “He heard a female voice on   What Kolod did see was an op-  these women for paving the way and   met a female pilot or even a female
 • B-1B Lancer from Ellsworth Air Force Base, S.D.  continental United States.  cles fly as private pilots. She saw military airplanes   too can do things that have been historically male   the radio,” she said. “I really felt like I had made it.”  portunity. And she took it. A few years   making it just a little easier for me.”  military member. But, she said, as   Courtesy photo

 Aerotech News and Review
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