Page 10 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt, December 2020
P. 10
10 December 2020 news
Chaplain’s thoughts ... Main base access changes
by Tech. Sgt.
by Airman 1st Class Willie Johnican, 56th SFS visitor center element
56th Fighter Wing Chapel leader. “With those cars being able to turn and go
Busy, busy, busy … it’s a common re- off toward Lightning, I feel like now it should be
sponse to the question, “How have you 56 Fighter Wing an easier straight shot for me to go home.”
been?” The 56th Fighter Wing shifted base access from Changing gates also helps with traffic safety.
So many of us are busy taking care of the Kachina Gate to the Lightning Gate, Nov. 8. “With Lightning Gate having a much longer
the family, the house, or things at work. The Lightning Gate hours of operation are entrance than Kachina, more cars can come in,”
We’re busy trying to buy and do all these 5 a.m. to 9 p.m. daily. In addition, the Kachina said Johnican. “Right now they have to just sit on
things to show people we love them. Gate was closed Nov. 8 and will remain so until Glendale until space clears and they can pull in,
Others may be busy trying to make a further notice. While South Gate operations will so that can be dangerous.”
Courtesy photo difference in this world; however, they’ve not change, a second visitor center will open at A second visitor center is scheduled to open at
Tech. Sgt. Alexis Cal become too busy to relax at night as their the Lightning Gate to support guests of base the Lightning Gate in the future. The center will
mind continues to race. residents and employees. Commercial vehicles allow Security Forces to separate the mission sets
So, I write this brief note as a caring reminder of the importance will have to continue using the South Gate visi- to allow for a more fluid entry to the installation.
of self-care. tor center. “South Gate’s visitor center will remain in place
Many times, we get caught up in the tasks of life and the to-do list “The main reason to shift from Kachina Gate for commercial passes and commercial vehicles
of what we think should be done to show care for others. But, at the to Lightning Gate was to support the local com- and vetting of that nature,” said Weeks. “However,
risk of repeating what others have said, sometimes the best thing munity,” said Master Sgt. Reuben Weeks, 56th Se- Lightning Gate will become what we commonly
we can do is to simply take care of ourselves. The act of self-care is curity Forces Squadron noncommissioned officer refer to as our Visitor Control Center, or VCC. It
deliberate and can be refueling. in charge of operations. “The local community is will be a visitor reception center for personnel
Self-care should not be viewed as selfishness. The reason we are doing construction on Glendale Avenue. By relo- requesting passes for just basic access.”
instructed to put on our own oxygen mask before assisting others, is cating over to the Lightning Gate, we’re going to The goal of the Lightning Gate visitor center is
so we can have strength and clarity to help care for others around us. shift traffic patterns off of that road and clear it to redirect civilian traffic out of the South Gate
Making yourself a priority should be the priority. You have people up for that construction.” visitor center allowing the South Gate VCC to be
who love you, people who depend on you, and people who see you as Opening the Lightning Gate supports the base used solely for operational purposes.
their whole world. What happens when their world, “you,” becomes community as well. Lightning Gate provides quick “We are protecting people and property, and at
depleted and stops spinning? access to the Base Exchange, block house, medical the at the end of the day we’re trying to ensure
Often, we are so busy attempting to accomplish one task after an- group and other major facilities without adding that our base residents, active duty personnel,
other that we forget to recognize and value our spiritual, emotional additional driving time from South Gate. civilian contractors, and our VA card holders all
and physical needs, and we run ourselves into the ground. Will Rog- “I can tell you as someone who lives on base, have a safe and clear way to enter the base,” said
if I have a late day and I’m … trying to get back Weeks. “Ultimately what we’re trying to do is
See ChAPLAin, Page 13 to base housing, it gets pretty congested just the ensure mission success. At the end of the day, our
same way it does in the morning,” said Staff Sgt. assets are people.”
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