Page 12 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt, December 2020
P. 12
12 December 2020 news Thunderbolt news 13
December 2020
MAintAinS (from Page 1) Now all the maintenance is performed for what a standard AME squadron ChAPLAin (from Page 10)
in the armament shop. Sawmiller said should look like in the Air Force.
in accordance with technical orders having maintenance in-house saves “In a small capacity, we’re turning ers, the cowboy philosopher who became famous for
and instructions, a centralized storage the Air Force time and money. into the focal point for transfers and his shrewd, timely comments on current life, said, “If
F-35s demonstrate airpower facility to easily access the equipment no one has ever done before,” said setups of new AME squadrons on other you find yourself in a hole, stop digging.” It is as simple
“I like learning something new that
was not available, said Christopher.
as that.
bases,” said Christopher. “It’s not offi-
“Now there’s a central point where
I leave you with this thought; what does self-care look
during sortie training somebody inspects and takes care of Sawmiller. “I also like the hands-on cial, but we’ve managed to get a course like for you? Is it hanging around loved ones, enjoying
of action such that allows other bases
maintenance aspect.”
their company over freshly baked goods? Is it lying in
the equipment,” said Christopher.
According to Christopher, the ar-
After receiving and cataloging F-35 mament shop is creating benchmark to use us as an interim for getting their bed binging on Netflix or getting lost in music? Is it
new squadron set up.”
weapons parts, the 56th Logistics going on a run, a bike ride, or even a hike, despite the
An F-35A Lightning II assigned to the 62nd Fighter Squadron Readiness Squadron delivers the unwavering Arizona heat? Only you know what it means
takes flight during an evening mission, Nov. 2. Unlike any oth- inventory to the AME shop, where for you. Self-care looks different for each of us.
er legacy aircraft, the F-35 cockpit has advanced controls that Airmen organize the equipment and I encourage you to schedule time for yourself; If people
allow the pilot to change the size, location and content of data store it in crates for future use. energize you, then surround yourself with the people
“It’s really a nonstop game of Tetris
on each window of the display screen. Since 1941, Luke has here,” said Christopher. “It’s basically who make you happy; if having some time alone helps
you to refill your cup, find moments to be alone. Do those
been building the future of airpower by graduating more than about finding the space to get in all things, be with those people who feed care into you.
Airman 1st Class Brooke Moeder 61,000 pilots. the equipment.” As Anne Frank said, “Whoever is happy will make
Not only is the F-35 armament shop others happy too.”
Help drive down risk of deaths on roadways of the few with Airmen qualified to
one of few in the Air Force, it is one
repair the F-35 bulk loader, an am-
munition loading system that loads
25mm rounds into the F-35 GAU-22 AADD
25mm cannon’s linkless ammunition
by “This was a considerable undertaking since much of the are 16 times higher under the influence of alcohol and rid- handling system.
JeSSie PeRkinS data had to be manually reviewed — fault, causal factor and ers are nine times more likely to not wear a helmet. Finally, “Every base that has F-35s currently
number of vehicles were also considered to further investi- 80% of fatalities that happened between 10 p.m. and 3 a.m. has bulk loaders because they’re used
Air Force Safety Center
gate the true trends in motorcycle mishaps,” Burnham said. involved alcohol. as long as they’re firing the gun,” said
kiRTLAnD AiR FoRCe BASe, n.M. — At the heart The cost of motorcycle mishaps equate to an average of $97 Overall, 47% of fatal mishaps occur during the weekend Senior Airman Janey Sawmiller, 56th Airman 1st Class Brooke Moeder Airmen Against Drunk Driving
of the Air Force Safety Center’s mission is safeguarding million per year, and 4,490 lost workdays annually. rather than the middle of the week with more accidents oc- EMS F-35 maintenance supervisor. Staff Sgt. Peter Christopher, 56th Equipment Maintenance Squadron F-35A
the Airmen and Space Professionals who protect the na- Gender and age also factor into mishaps as 95% of fatali- curring on Sunday afternoon than any other day of the week. “Most bases just don’t have a backshop Lightning II alternate mission equipment supervisor, unloads a crate, Oct. PRoviDeS RiDeS FoR AiRmen in neeD
tion. This requires digging into the core of mishaps, iden- ties were male riders, including 62% being between 20 to Although May through September typically are the that’s working on them.” 20. The 56th Logistics Readiness Squadron supply warehouse ships F-35
tifying hazards and practicing risk awareness. Looking 30 years old. months in which the highest numbers of mishaps occur, Previously, if the bulk loaders re- weapons system parts to the F-35 armament shop for centralized storage Call 623-856-AADD (2233)
at the last 10 years, the risks associated with Air Force Drinking and operating a motorized vehicle of any type every month of the year accounts for a percentage of all quired maintenance, maintenance and usage. The 56th Maintenance Group established the 56th EMS arma-
motorcycle riders have brought to light trends to consider is risky, and can be illegal when blood alcohol content is mishaps. Airmen sent the equipment to the ment shop May 2019. Assigned Airmen maintain, inspect and order alter- Questions? Call Senior Airman Alea Gentles at 623-856-7232.
before riding. over the limit; however, the risk is still being taken. When Every mishap is investigated thoroughly to determine manufacturing warehouse for repairs. nate mission equipment including F-35 adapters, pylons and launchers.
Whether in an automobile or on a motorcycle, the Air impaired by alcohol, a rider is almost three times more likely findings and recommendations in the interest of mishap
Force goal is always zero roadway fatalities. Awareness of to be involved in a single vehicle mishap. prevention. This data then provides the basis for trend
recurring factors that have contributed to past fatalities The most common causal factor associated with alcohol analyses by units and safety professionals Air Force-wide.
is one step we can all take in the prevention of losing our is excessive speed — this was found in almost half of the 73 “A lack of quality recommendations points to the con-
most important asset — our people. alcohol-related motorcycle mishaps. tinuing challenge the Air Force faces in affecting off-duty
There are more than 24,000 motorcycle riders in the Air “There is an aspect of speed in most mishap factors, since behavior.” Burnham said. “We hope to gain insight from the
Force (or about 6% of our population) yet 31% of all off-duty negotiating curves, following too closely, improper brak- data to more effectively address the needs of riders.”
fatalities are related to motorcycle mishaps. ing, overcorrection are all easier when speed is reduced.” In the end, whether on a motorcycle or in a car, motorists
“We are saddened by the loss of any Airman or Space Burnham said. have the power to drive down fatalities by taking the time
Professional to a preventable mishap,” said Michael Bal- Additionally, the odds of being involved in a fatal mishap to mitigate the risks before hitting the road.
lard, Air Force Occupational Safety chief. “The Air Force
is determined to arm every rider with the knowledge and
awareness they need to make sound risk decision-making
before putting wheels to the pavement.
“I implore Air Force riders to take an active role in safe
operations by honing their skills, learning best practices
and deviating from risky activity,” Ballard added.
Over the past 10 years, the Air Force has lost 123 lives
as a result of motorcycle accidents, with Fiscal Year 2020
ending with 13 fatalities alone. This was a significant
increase from the previous historical low of four in 2019,
and slightly higher than the 10-year average of 12 per year.
“Riding a motorcycle is an inherently risky activity,”
said Michael Eckert, AFSEC Traffic Safety and Outreach
Branch chief. “We work hard to ensure the Air Force motor-
cycle program provides all riders with the tools they need
to navigate the hazards they may face.”
Eckert explained that since 2013, riders are required to
complete a motorcycle safety course and a refresher course
every five years as part of a lifelong learning approach.
Additionally, riders receive annual safety briefings at the
start of the riding season.
All training is recorded in the online Motorcycle Unit
Safety Tracking Tool housed in the Air Force Safety Au-
tomated System database and vital to helping Airmen
mitigate risks inherent to riding a motorcycle.
“Riding a motorcycle is a perishable skill,” Eckert said.
“This is why we focus on providing the right training, at
the right time, on the right bike.”
While any one risk factor doesn’t outweigh the impor-
tance of another, some stand out more than others do. 6.5” AD SPACE
Dr. Bruce Burnham, an epidemiologist with AFSEC’s Oc-
cupational Safety Division, found that 55% of all mishaps
only involved the motorcyclist. Jessie Perkins