Page 23 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 8-21-15
P. 23

Thunderbolt                                                              SPORTS                                                                                    Aug. 21, 2015

AAFES handily routs ACS 69-41                                                                                                                 Sports Shorts

  6WRU\DQGSKRWRE\                                                                                                                       6LOYHU:LQJV3RROKRXUV
                                                                                                                                               The Silver Wing Pool hours for the
'(9$17(:,//,$06                                                                                                                            remainder of the season are:

   The Army and Air Force               $LU)RUFH%DVH$$)(6GHIHDWHG$&6                                                              0RQGD\WKURXJK$XJ‡1RRQWR
Exchange Service basketball
team battled the 607th Air              shot selection. Our fast game    ÀQG D UK\WKP EXW LW ZDVQ·W  ecute more on offense,” said          7 p.m.
Control Squadron team dur-              threw them off.”                 working as AAFES continued         Koraye Williams, AAFES             $XJ‡DPWRSP
ing in intramural play Aug.                                              their dominance throughout         point guard and 56th Comp-
10 at the Luke Air Force                   AAFES worked as a team        the second half and closed out     troller Squadron Airman. “We          (Triathlon)
Base Bryant Fitness Center.             and continued their lead,        the game 69-41 securing a spot     also need better stops on de-      $XJ‡DPWRSP
AAFES prevailed 69-41.                  scoring six unanswered points    in the next round of playoffs.     fense. If we improve on those,     $XJWKURXJK6HSW‡1RRQWR
                                        GXULQJWKHÀUVWWZRPLQXWHVRI                                     the championship is ours.”
   The tip-off marked the start         the second half. ACS tried to       ´:H GHÀQLWHO\ QHHG WR H[-                                         7 p.m.
of a dominant game for AAF-                                                                                                                    6HSW‡DPWRSP
(6,QWKHÀUVWÀYHPLQXWHVRI                                                                                                                6HSW‡DPWRSP
the game, AAFES and 607th                                                                                                                      6HSW‡DPWRSP
ACS battled back and forth,
playing high-tempo basketball                                                                                                                     (Last day of the season)
and with no signs of slowing                                                                                                                   For more information, call 623-
down. Eventually, AAFES                                                                                                                     856-6267.
went on a hot streak and with
IRXU PLQXWHV OHIW LQ WKH ÀUVW                                                                                                         )DOFRQ'XQHV*ROI&RXUVH
quarter, took the lead at 25-16.
ACS tried man-to-man defense                                                                                                                   The Falcon Dunes Golf Course is open
but was unable to stop AAFES                                                                                                                to the public through Sept. 30. For more
as they continued fast-paced                                                                                                                information, call 623-535-9334.
play tiring the ACS. AAFES
extended their lead 34-21 by                                                                                                                3RZHUOLIWLQJFRPSHWLWLRQ
                                                                                                                                               A powerlifting competition is 10 a.m.
   With ACS trailing by dou-                                                                                                                Today at the Combat PT Center. Sign-
ble digits, AAFES was aiming                                                                                                                in is 9 to 9:45 a.m. There are men’s
to win and send a message to                                                                                                                and women’s categories in squat, bench
anyone standing in their way.                                                                                                               press and dead-lift. For more informa-
                                                                                                                                            tion, call 623-856-6241.
   “Our main focus in the
game was to shoot at will,”                                                                                                                 /DERU'D\JROIWRXUQDPHQW
said Toreo Seay, AAFEES
shooting guard. “We stayed                                                                                                                     Falcon Dunes Golf Course is featur-
IRFXVHG WKH ZKROH ÀUVW KDOI                                                                                                            ing a Labor day golf tournament at
and were able to have a good                                                                                                                7:30 a.m. Sept. 7. The cost is $32 per
                                                                                                                                            club member, $37 per nonmember,
                                                                                                                                            $42 per guest and includes green fee,
                                                                                                                                            range balls, cart rental and lunch. To
                                                                                                                                            register or for more information, call

of the

     NFL today and Saturday                 6HQLRU$LUPDQ                   $LUPDQVW&ODVV            6HQLRU$LUPDQ           $LUPDQVW&ODVV    $LUPDQVW&ODVV
                                          'HYDQWH:LOOLDPV                    '\ODQ+LQQDQW             5\DQ6KDSSHOO              %ULDQ'LUJR         (OHDQH+HUUHUD
              Atlanta vs. N.Y. Jets       WK)LJKWHU:LQJ                                     WK0LVVLRQ6XSSRUW*URXS                           WK0HGLFDO*URXS
         6HDWWOHYV.DQVDV&LW\                                         WK2SHUDWLRQV*URXS                              WK0DLQWHQDQFH*URXS
                                                 Atlanta                            Atlanta                   Atlanta                   Atlanta              Atlanta
               0LDPLYV&DUROLQD                                                   Seattle                   Seattle                   Seattle              Seattle
     %DOWLPRUHYV3KLODGHOSKLD                  Seattle                            0LDPL                    &DUROLQD                   0LDPL                 0LDPL
                                                &DUROLQD                                                   3KLODGHOSKLD                                   3KLODGHOSKLD
       &KLFDJRYV,QGLDQDSROLV               3KLODGHOSKLD                      3KLODGHOSKLD               ,QGLDQDSROLV             3KLODGHOSKLD            &KLFDJR
                                              ,QGLDQDSROLV                      ,QGLDQDSROLV                N.Y. Giants             ,QGLDQDSROLV           N.Y. Giants
   Jacksonville vs. N.Y. Giants                                                  N.Y. Giants              1HZ(QJODQG                N.Y. Giants         1HZ(QJODQG
1HZ(QJODQGYV1HZ2UOHDQV                    N.Y. Giants                      1HZ2UOHDQV                 Minnesota               1HZ2UOHDQV            Minnesota
                                             1HZ(QJODQG                         Minnesota                                           Minnesota
         2DNODQGYV0LQQHVRWD                                                                                Atlanta                                       &KLFDJR
                                               Minnesota                           &KLFDJR                  Minnesota                  &KLFDJR              %DOWLPRUH
                       MLB today                                                  %DOWLPRUH                 &OHYHODQG                 %DOWLPRUH          N.Y. Yankees
              $WODQWDYV&KLFDJR                Atlanta                        N.Y. Yankees                0LOZDXNHH               N.Y. Yankees          Washington
        0LQQHVRWDYV%DOWLPRUH                                                  Washington               San Francisco              Washington          San Francisco
   &OHYHODQGYV1<<DQNHHV                  Minnesota                       San Francisco                                       San Francisco
    0LOZDXNHHYV:DVKLQJWRQ                   &OHYHODQG                                                       7H[DV                                          7H[DV
                                               0LOZDXNHH                            Detroit                .DQVDV&LW\                  Detroit              Boston
  San Francisco vs. Pittsburgh                                                  .DQVDV&LW\                                         .DQVDV&LW\              $UL]RQD
                 7H[DVYV'HWURLW           San Francisco                        &LQFLQQDWL                  $UL]RQD                 &LQFLQQDWL           56 percent
                                                  7H[DV                          SHUFHQW                 56 percent               63 percent
         .DQVDV&LW\YV%RVWRQ                                                                                                                             SHUFHQW
           $UL]RQDYV&LQFLQQDWL             .DQVDV&LW\                         56 percent                  53 percent               53 percent       7REHWKHEHVW
                                                 $UL]RQD                                                                              %DWÀLSSLQ
      Last week’s percentage                                                      "Winning is               "Shine bright            like Greinke."
                                               56 percent                         HYHU\WKLQJ            OLNHDGLDPRQG                                   the rest."
       Year to date percentage
                                                52 percent
                            Trash talk  (YHU\RQHHOVH

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