Page 19 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 8-21-15
P. 19

Thunderbolt                                           NEWS                                                                                                                       Aug. 21, 2015

JUSTICE REPORT                                                                                                             STREET                         UHVSRQVHZLWKQHJDWLYHÀQGLQJV

   The following is a list of Articles 15 and admin-        valid automobile insurance. The individual                       BEAT                         1RQHPHUJHQF\
istrative actions issued in July at Luke Air Force          received suspended reduction to airman,                                                       UHVSRQVHV
Base:                                                       forfeiture of $250 pay per month for two                  The 56th Security Forces Squad-
                                                            months and a reprimand.                                ron handled the following inci-           Aug. 14: Security forces re-
WK2SHUDWLRQV*URXS                                    ‡$QDLUPDQÀUVWFODVVUHFHLYHGQRQMXGLFLDO              dents Aug. 10 through 16 at Luke       sponded to a warrant’s hit at
                                                            punishment for stealing a bike from the                Air Force Base:                        South Gate on a nonmilitary-
   Articles 15                                              dorm racks. The individual received a                                                         affiliated civilian for failure to
   ‡$QDLUPDQÀUVWFODVVUHFHLYHGQRQMXGLFLDO             suspended reduction to airman, suspended               7LFNHWV                                appear. Glendale police arrived
                                                            forfeiture of $450 pay per month for two                                                      and took control.
      punishment for stealing a Blue Ray DVD                months and a reprimand.                                   Security forces issued citations
      player from the dorm common area. The              Administrative discharges                                 for 14 moving violations.                 Aug. 16: Security forces re-
      individual received a suspended reduction          ‡$QDLUPDQZDVGLVFKDUJHGIRUPXOWLSOH                                                         sponded to a report of shoplifting
      to airman, suspended forfeiture of $300 pay           minor disciplinary infractions.                        7UDI¿FUHODWHG                        at the base exchange. Security
      and a reprimand.                                                                                             LQFLGHQWV                              forces detained an individual and
   Administrative discharges                          WK0LVVLRQ6XSSRUW*URXS                                                                          contacted Glendale police. Glen-
   ‡$QDLUPDQEDVLFZDVGLVFKDUJHGIRUPXOWLSOH                                                                     Aug. 14: Security forces re-        dale police arrived and took con-
      minor disciplinary infractions and failure in      Articles 15                                               VSRQGHG WR D UHSRUW RI D PDMRU  trol.
      alcohol abuse treatment due to unwilling-          ‡$VWDIIVHUJHDQWUHFHLYHGQRQMXGLFLDOSXQLVK-           two-vehicle accident at Bldg.
      ness to cooperate.                                                                                           1130 parking lot. There were no           Aug. 13: Security forces and
   Administrative demotions                                 PHQWIRUGULYLQJXQGHUWKHLQÁXHQFHRI                LQMXULHV                             ÀUHÀJKWHUVUHVSRQGHGWRDUHSRUW
   ‡$VWDIIVHUJHDQWUHFHLYHGDUHGXFWLRQLQUDQN         alcohol. The individual received a reduction                                                  of a gas leak at Bldg. 915. Security
      WRVHQLRUDLUPDQIRUIDLOXUHWRNHHSÀW             to senior airman, suspended forfeiture of              (PHUJHQF\UHVSRQVHV                    forces conducted traffic control
                                                            $1,225 pay per month for two months and a                                                     and evacuation procedures. The
WK0DLQWHQDQFH*URXS                                      reprimand.                                                Aug. 13: Security forces re-        ÀUH GHSDUWPHQW WHUPLQDWHG WKH
                                                         Punishments for similar offenses may vary from            sponded to a medical emergency         response and gave the all-clear.
   Articles 15                                        case to case based on the circumstances of the of-           at South Gate. Security forces         7KHUHZHUHQRLQMXULHV
   ‡$VWDIIVHUJHDQWUHFHLYHGQRQMXGLFLDOSXQLVK-    fense and factors such as an offender’s age, military        SURYLGHGÀUVWDLGDQGWKHSDWLHQW
                                                      DQG GLVFLSOLQDU\ UHFRUG ÀQDQFLDO FRQGLWLRQ DQG        was taken to a nearby hospital for     $ODUPDFWLYDWLRQV
      ment for misuse of a government travel          suitability for continued service. To ensure fair            further evaluation.
      card. The individual received a reduction in    administration of justice throughout the Luke AFB                                                      Security forces responded to
      rank to senior airman and a reprimand.          FRPPXQLW\WKHOHJDORIÀFHUHYLHZVDOOFDVHV                   Aug. 14: Security forces mili-      seven alarm activations on base.
   ‡$QDLUPDQÀUVWFODVVUHFHLYHGQRQMXGLFLDO                                                                    tary working dog and personnel
      punishment for dereliction of duty by driv-                   &RXUWHV\RIWKHWK)LJKWHU:LQJ/HJDO2I¿FH  responded to a report of a bomb        7LSRIWKHZHHN
      ing with a suspended license and without                                                                     threat and assisted Surprise police.
                                                                                                                   Security forces terminated the            Keep valuables in the car out of
                                                                                                                                                          view. If you can see them, others
                                                                                                                                                          can too.

                                                                                                                                                                         Courtesy of Senior Airman
                                                                                                                                                                                         Brian Lefevere

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