Page 15 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 8-21-15
P. 15
Thunderbolt NEWS Aug. 21, 2015
BRIEFS (from Page 3) For more information, UNIT (from Page 2)
call Alicia Powers at 623-856-7470. Chaplain’s thoughts ...
barrier maintenance is taking place CFP is the middle man be-
at Luke Air Force Base’s gates. Driv- 0HDO5HLPEXUVHPHQW tween the base and all things 0DQ\SHRSOHKDYHKHDUGRI1RWUH'DPH8QLYHUVLW\
ers can anticipate slight delays and 3URJUDP COMM. mainly because of their football fame.
detours at nonpeak hours. For more
information, call 623-856-5970. The Luke Air Force Base Fam- Another group that has 2QHRIWKHPRVWIDPRXVSHRSOHDVVRFLDWHGZLWK1RWUH
ily Child Care program, School Age PDMRU LPSDFW RQ WKH EDVH LV Dame was Rev. Theodore Hesburgh who was president
)DPLO\&KLOG&DUH Program, and Child Development network operations. They there for 35 years. In his prayers he often asked God,
Center are members of the U.S.D.A. monitor and patch vulner- “To those who have hunger, give bread; to us who have
SURYLGHUV Child and Adult Care Food Program. abilities on the network, run EUHDGJLYHDKXQJHUIRUMXVWLFHµ
The 56th Force Support Squadron rolled children at no additional charge insight into all the servers on Our world certainly hungers and thirsts, doesn’t it?
Family Child Care program is looking without regard to sex, race, color, base and their vulnerabilities. Yet, all too often, our world shy’s away from a thirst
for those interested in operating an age, handicap or national origin. For This invaluable section also IRU MXVWLFH 6R WKH TXHVWLRQ FRPHV WR PLQG ´:K\"µ
FCC home. Requirements include that more information, call Alicia Powers runs the backup servers and Why do those who so often have an adequate amount
providers must be 18 or older, speak, at 623-856-7470. manages the file share for RIWDQJLEOHWKLQJVQRWKXQJHUIRUMXVWLFHDQGWKHFRP-
read and write English, have a high WKHEDVH1HWZRUNRSHUDWLRQV mon good?
school diploma or GED, are physically *LYHSDUHQWVDEUHDN house Luke’s only local reg-
and mentally capable of providing care, istration authority on base. Our nation was founded on a hunger and thirst for
complete a background investigation The 56th Force Support Squad- Last but GHÀQLWHO\ QRW OHDVW MXVWLFH«RQDSULQFLSOHGUHVROYHWKDWDOODUHFUHDWHG
and all required training. Providers ron Child Development Center is automated data processing HTXDO«WKDWQRRQHVKRXOGODFNIRUWKHORYHDQGGLJ-
must also obtain required liability in- and Youth Center are offering free equipment. They oversee all nity they deserve. These are the very reasons, though
surance coverage. For a full listing of childcare in a safe, age-appropriate base wide information tech- not all the reasons, we serve in the military. They
FCC regulations, go to AFI 34-278 on learning environment 11 a.m. to nology assets and train unit are the very reasons those who have gone before us
the Air Force Publications website. The 5 p.m. Sept. 12. The reservation level equipment custodians to laid down their lives so that so many might find the
FCC also offers an infant and toddler deadline is Thursday. The service is properly maintain and track MXVWLFHORYHDQGGLJQLW\WKH\VHHN
subsidy program for Air Force families, for active-duty Air Force families who their IT assets.
and the USDA Child and Adult Care are experiencing stress due to a tem- As it was for Father Hesburgh, so it is for us. Prayer
Food meal reimbursement program for porary duty assignment, deployment The Airmen, commanders, opens the door of God’s larder where we find the food
providers. Parents can request a cur- or unique hardships associated with civilians and units affected by WKDWVDWLVILHVRXUKXQJHUIRUMXVWLFH
rent copy of Luke’s monthly provider military life. Lunch and a snack are the 56th CS know the great
OLVWIURPWKH)&&RIÀFH&KLOG'HYHORS- included. For children from infant to service they provide every day /HW XV QRW EH VK\ LQ RXU SUD\HUV IRU MXVWLFH IRU LW
ment Center, Youth Center, Airman & age 5, call 623-856-6338. For children to keep the Air Force mission comes to us through our ongoing resolve, doesn’t it?
Family Readiness Center or visit www. ages 6 to 12, call 623-856-7471. going strong.
Courtesy of Father Ronald Metha
56th Fighter Wing Chapel
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