Page 10 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 8-21-15
P. 10

Aug. 21, 2015                            NEWS                                                                       Thunderbolt

This week in history 6SLNHVODXQFK¿UVW)VRUWLH«

1955: 56th FG reactivates

   Sixty years ago, the 56th Fighter Group          I or World War II records. During World War                                                                                                                 Tech. Sgt. Timothy Boyer
reactivated as the 56th FG (Air Defense).           II, the 56th Fighter Group had more air-to-
                                                    air kills than any other U.S. group in the                      7KHQG)LJKWHU6TXDGURQODXQFKHGLWV¿UVWVRUWLHLQDQ)/LJKW-
   Three years earlier, it had inactivated at Sel-  European Theater of Operations. Therefore,                      QLQJ,,7XHVGD\DW/XNH$LU)RUFH%DVH/W&RO0DWWKHZ9HGGHU
Air Defense Wing activated at O’Hare Inter-                                                                         DQGDKDOIPLVVLRQLQWKHPRVWUHFHQW)DUULYDO7KHMHWODQGHGDW
national Airport in Chicago, Illinois. Upon            That same day, the 4706th ADW picked up                      /XNHDOLWWOHPRUHWKDQDZHHNSULRUWRLWV¿UVWVRUWLHEHLQJÀRZQ
activation, the 4706th ADW assumed control          another F-86 squadron. That squadron was
RIWKHWK)LJKWHU,QWHUFHSWRU*URXS·VÁ\LQJ      the 56th FIS. Today, that squadron is the 56th
VTXDGURQV 1RZ WKH WK ZDV UHDFWLYDWHG      Training Squadron. On that day, the 56th FIS
under the 4706th ADW.                               moved from Selfridge AFB to Wright-Patterson
                                                    AFB in Ohio.
   On Aug. 18, 1955, both the group and a
VXERUGLQDWHXQLWWKHWK86$),QÀUPDU\         At O’Hare, the 56th FG (Air Defense) had
activated at O’Hare. The 62nd Fighter-Inter-        the same mission as many other organizations.
ceptor Squadron was already there. The Air          That mission was to defend the northeastern
Force reassigned the squadron to the group          portion of the U.S. from Soviet bombers.
from the 501th Air Defense Group.
                                                       The 56th FG (Air Defense) remained at
   The 63rd FIS was reassigned to the group         O’Hare until 1959. Then Air Defense Com-
from the 527th ADG. As part of its reassign-        mand reorganized again. At that time, the
ment, the 63rd moved from Wurtsmith AFB,            group moved without personnel or equipment
Michigan, to O’Hare. Both squadrons were            to K. I. Sawyer AFB, Michigan. Both the 62nd
Á\LQJWKH1RUWK$PHULFDQ)6DEUH               and 63rd moved with the group. There, they
                                                    absorbed the resources of the 473rd FG and
   The group’s reactivation was due to one of       EHJDQÁ\LQJWKH0F'RQQHOO)9RRGRR
Air Defense Command’s many reorganiza-
WLRQV7KDWUHRUJDQL]DWLRQZDVFDOOHG3URMHFW                                            Courtesy of Rick Griset
WLYDWH ÀJKWHU XQLWV ZLWK QRWDEOH :RUOG :DU                                               WK+LVWRU\2I¿FH

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