Page 9 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 8-21-15
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Thunderbolt                                                                                    NEWS                                                                                   Aug. 21, 2015  9                                                                                                                               

 PEOPLE                                                personnel programs, go to myPers. Individ-              Master Sgt. of the Air Force, James Cody.       represented the Air Force as senior enlisted
   FIRST                                               uals who do not have a myPers account can                  Cody said these words as he delivered the    adviser on the President’s Commission on
                                                       request one by following the instructions                                                               Military Compensation.
   Editor’s Note: The “People First” section is        on the Air Force Retirees Services website.             eulogy for former Chief Master Sgt. of the Air
compiled from information from the Air Force                                                                   Force James Binnicker Aug. 14 at the Fort
Personnel Center, TRICARE, 56th Force Support        Meyer post chapel in Arlington, Virginia.
Squadron, Airman and Family Readiness Flight,           $UWLFOHXQGHUJUDGÀ\LQJWUDLQLQJDSSOLFD-                                                                 Article/613646/9th-cmsaf-laid-to-rest.aspx
armed forces news services. For the complete story,                                tions-due-in-november.aspx  front of more than 500 family, friends and      53$VSURYHYLWDOLQ
go to the web address listed at the end of the story.                                                          fellow Airmen, a hushed silence fell over a     ¿JKWDJDLQVW,6,/
                                                       $)VHOHFWVIRU                                   YLVLEO\VRPEHUFURZGDV&RG\UHÁHFWHGRQ
8QGHUJUDGÀ\LQJWUDLQLQJ                              66JWUHOHDVHG7KXUVGD\                                 Binnicker’s impact on today’s Air Force.           From August 2014 to August 2015, the
DSSOLFDWLRQVGXHLQ1RY                                                                                                                                       432nd Wing has directly supported Op-
                                                          The Air Force selected 13,269 for promo-                “If you’ve met Chief Binnicker, you’re a     eration Inherent Resolve, a U.S. Central
   The 2016 Air Force Undergraduate Fly-               tion to staff sergeant out of 39,260 consid-            better Airman today for it, for those mo-       Command and partner nation’s campaign
ing Training selection board will convene              ered during the 2015 E5 cycle, for a 33.8               ments, or that moment you spent together,”      to conduct targeted airstrikes in Iraq and
Jan. 25 through 28, 2016, to select appli-             percent selection rate.                                 Cody said. “If you’ve met Chief Binnicker,      Syria as part of the comprehensive strategy
cants for 2016-2017 pilot, remotely piloted                                                                    you’re better prepared to lead because of       to degrade and defeat the Islamic State of
DLUFUDIW FRPEDW V\VWHPV RIÀFHU DQG DLU             The staff sergeant promotion selection               the truth and wisdom he likely shared, even     Iraq and the Levant.
battle manager training opportunities.                 list was posted to the myPers enlisted                  when the truth hurt a little.”
                                                       promotion page at 8 a.m. Thursday CDT.                                                                     While the RPA mission in Iraq and Syria
   (OLJLEOH DFWLYHGXW\ RIÀFHUV PXVW DSSO\        The list is also available on the Air Force                Binnicker was born in Orangeburg, South      initially focused on information gathering
E\ 1RY  DQG VHOHFWLRQ UHVXOWV ZLOO EH       Portal homepage.                                        Carolina, on July 23, 1938. He, like many       and battlespace awareness, the 432nd
released in February 2016.                                                                                     others, was drawn to the possibility of one     WG’s involvement quickly escalated as the
                                                          7KLVLVWKHÀUVWVWDIIVHUJHDQWSURPRWLRQ           day becoming a pilot, but high-frequency        demand for ISR grew to accurately capture
   To be eligible, applicants must have a              cycle to incorporate the Weighted Airman                hearing loss in his right ear prevented him     real-time operations.
Jan. 25, 1986, or later, date of birth and a           Promotion System changes, such as mini-                 IURPÁ\LQJ,WGLGQ·WVWRSKLPIURPFKDVLQJ
total active federal commissioned service              PXP SURPRWLRQ ÀWQHVV H[DPLQDWLRQ DQG               his dream, however. He enlisted in the Air         In OIR, the 432nd WG/432nd Air Expedi-
date after Jan. 25, 2011.                              skills knowledge test scores, as well as                Force in 1957 and spent most of his early       tionary Wing has contributed approximate-
                                                       lower time-in-service and time-in-grade.                FDUHHURQWKHÁLJKWOLQH                        ly 4,300 sorties, employed 1,000 weapons
   Additional eligibility requirements and                                                                                                                     and conducted 400 ‘buddy lase.’ A buddy
application instructions are available on                 Selectees will be promoted according                    Originally in the personal equipment         lase is when aircrew from one aircraft uses
the myPers website. Select “Any” from the              to their promotion sequence number. Se-                 FDUHHUÀHOG%LQQLFNHUFURVVWUDLQHGLQWRDLU  a combat laser to guide weapons released
search drop-down menu and enter “2016                  quence or line numbers are updated on                   operations. While deployed to Vietnam, he       DQRWKHUDLUFUDIWWRDWDUJHW$PDMRULW\RI
Air Force Undergraduate Flying Training”               or around the 15th of each month on the                 SODQQHGÁLJKWVIRUPLVVLRQVZLWKWKHQG      the sorties and strikes were performed by
in the search window.                                  enlisted promotion line numbers page.                   Tactical Air Support Squadron.                  the 432nd WG. The strikes are an experi-
                                                                                                                                                               ence Capt. Ryan, a 15th RS Predator pilot,
   For more information about Air Force                 After Vietnam and before serving as          knows all too well.
                                                             Article/613515/af-selects-13269-for-staff-ser-    the ninth chief master sergeant of the Air
                                                                              geant-release-date-aug-20.aspx   Force, Binnicker spent time as the senior
                                                                                                               enlisted adviser for the 12th Air Force,
                                                       WK&06$)ODLGWRUHVW                                  Headquarters Pacific Air Forces and                 Article/611925/senior-master-sergeant-evalua-
                                                                                                               Headquarters Tactical Command. He also
                                                          “If you’ve met Chief Binnicker, you’ve                                                                                    tions-to-be-on-new-epr-form.aspx
                                                       met an icon — a hero, a legend,” said Chief

SOUND                                                                         “‘Star Wars.’                    “‘Star Trek.’I    “‘Star Wars.’                 “‘Star Wars.’I
 OFF!                                                                         I’m a Star Wars                  watched it while  The light                     have more knowl-
                                                                              geek. Star Wars                  growing up.”      VDEHUVDQG¿JKW              edge of it than
                                                                              is better, and                                     scenes.”                      ‘Star Trek.’”
                                                                              everyone knows

   µ6WDU:DUV¶RU      Senior Airman                                                          Senior Airman                     Senior Airman                 Senior Airman
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                        56th Comptroller Squadron                                              56th CPTS                         56th Force Support Squadron   56th FSS

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