Page 5 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 8-21-15
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Thunderbolt                                                                       NEWS                                                                               Aug. 21, 2015                     5                                                                                                              

Operation Patriot Angler gets off to cool start

          by Tech. Sgt.                   rons during this year’s deploy-         $121 million; deployment opera-         LRS TMO. As a fulltime student         grade training. They will also be
     %$5%$5$3/$17(                       ment.                                   tions for nearly 3,000 tons of Air      at Glendale Community College          assisting active-duty with vehicle
                                                                                  Force equipment, 1,100 pieces of        who has been with the unit for less    maintenance.
       944th Fighter Wing Public Affairs     “The best compliment I can           Army rolling stock and 600 stor-        WKDQD\HDUWKLVLVKLVÀUVWVTXDG-
                                          receive is to be asked back,” said      age containers; supply operations       ron deployment. “The deployment           The training section will coordi-
   Members of the 944th Fighter           Col. Kurt Gallegos, 944th FW            for nearly 48,000 line items valued     process has been really smooth so      nate with active-duty LRS training
Wing departed Luke Air Force              commander, as he spoke with the         at more than $408 million; storage      far; my supervisor really helped me    managers to provide and receive
Base July 25 leaving behind tem-          group before take-off. “Don’t forget    and distribution of 12.5 million        to get ready.”                         training, and they will work with
peratures closing in on the century       who you represent. There are three      JDOORQV RI IXHO DQG WUDIÀF PDQ-                                          944 LRS supervisors and trainers
PDUNDQGZHUHJUHHWHGÀYHKRXUV          things we Air Force Reservist bring     agement support for 12,500 cargo           During their time in Alaska fuels   on any upgrade training and train-
later at Joint Base Elmendorf-            -- experience, continuity and cost      shipments, 5,300 household good         personnel will receive training on     ing business area matters.
Richardson, Alaska, by a breezy           effectiveness. Show them what           shipments and 10,630 ticketed           Airborne Warning and Control
65 degrees which was a great start        the 944 Fighter Wing is made of,        travelers.                              System planes, hydrant systems,           For the LRS, day one for this
to the 944th Logistics Readiness          have fun and don’t forget your                                                  pump house, storage, laboratory,       deployment began about a year ago
Squadron 2015 annual tour.                wingman.”                                  “Off station annual tours are        cryogenics, and accounting.            when readiness started working to
                                                                                  such an important part of being a                                              get approval for the trip, coordinat-
   The 944th LRS was given the               While in Alaska the 944th LRS        reservist; this is a time when Air-        Members from the readiness sec-     ing airlift support and planning
opportunity to deploy, integrate          will be divided into two groups.        men can put into action all their       tion will assist with the Deliberate   the deployment and redeployment
with, and provide and receive             Fuels, supply, and vehicle main-        training and skills working side by     and Crisis Action Planning and         processes.
training with active-duty coun-           tenance will work with the 673rd        side their active-duty counterparts,    Execution Segments Program and
terparts from the 673rd and the           /56DQGUHDGLQHVVWUDIÀFPDQDJH-       said Senior Master Sgt. Patrick         Air Expeditionary Force Reporting         ´2XUMRELVWRFDUHIXOO\DQGHIÀ-
773rd logistics readiness squad-          PHQWRIÀFHDQGYHKLFOHRSHUDWLRQV      0DKDQWK/56)XHOV1&2LQ          Tool and provide training in those     ciently get everyone to the destina-
                                          will work with the 773rd LRS.           FKDUJHDQGDVVLVWDQWSURMHFWRIÀFHU    areas. Additionally, they will re-     tion, get them properly settled in
                                          The team also comprises support         for the trip. “Working in a real        ceive 7-level upgrade and continual    and then rewind and do everything
                                          members including, training, com-       environment provides absolutely         WUDLQLQJDQGEDFNÀOOWKHLUDFWLYH     in reverse to get everyone home
                                          mander support staff, 944th Force       irreplaceable training, something       duty counter parts.                    safely,” said Senior Master Sgt.
                                          Support Squadron personnel and          ZKLFKLVYHU\GLIÀFXOWWRUHSOLFDWH                                           -DPHV /LQGVD\ WK /56 1&2
                                          wing staff agencies.                    in a simulated situation at home           Supply individuals will spend       in charge of plans and deployment
                                                                                  station.”                               WKHLU WLPH EDFNÀOOLQJ WKH DFWLYH  SURMHFWRIÀFHU
                                             As part of the 673rd Logistics                                               GXW\ VKRS DQG UHFHLYH RQWKHMRE
                                          Readiness Group, the 673rd and             “I am definitely excited to be       training and continual upgrade            “I want everyone to be safe,
                                          773rd LRSs with a combined staff        RXWVLGHRI$UL]RQD,·PDELJÀVK-      training.                              continue to learn and represent
                                          of more than 500 personnel are          erman, so I hope to get in some                                                the Air Force Reserve proudly,”
                                          responsible for the operation and       ÀVKLQJ DV ZHOO DV ZRUNLQJµ VDLG     Airmen from the transportation      VDLG 0DM &HGULF )LQQHQ WK
                                          PDLQWHQDQFH RI D YHKLFOH ÁHHW LQ  Airman Michael Prado, 944th             section are going to be providing      LRS Vehicle Maintenance Flight
                                          excess of 1,500 vehicles worth                                                  and receiving vehicle operations       commander and Operation Patriot
                                                                                                                          training, TMO and continual up-        Angler deployment commander.

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