Page 1 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 8-21-15
P. 1
Vol. 15, No. 31
INSIDE Airmen bring economic opportunity to Afghan women
STORIES T-bolt receives AETC public service award
Storm water pollution, 3
944th FW IPs, 4 by Staff Sgt.
Operation: /87+(50,7&+(//-U
Patriot Anger, 5 56th Fighter Wing Public Affairs Courtesy photo
Mentorship, 6
VA benefits briefings, 11 “Mankind must put an end to war before 7KHLGHDIRUWKHQRQSUR¿WFDPHIURP&DSW-RQ+XGJLQVDIWHUKHUHFHLYHGD&KULVWPDV
Airman Pedro Mota ~ John F. Kennedy have to send their children onto the streets LPPXQRGHÀFLHQF\ YLUXVLQIHFWHG ZLGRZV
War is a destructive force that leaves of Kabul to sell produce or trash bags and
EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE cities devastated and people left picking be taken advantage of by insurgent recruit- They produce clutch purses in traditional
SQUADRON up the pieces for years to come. However, ers, who ask ‘Do you want to make money? Kenyan style. Stenger and his partners also
one group of Airmen is striving to change Go plant this by the road,’” Stenger said. provided microloans in Haiti to help a man
See Page 12 that, by creating programs to bring peace to “We are effectively trying to suffocate the who wanted to turn palms trees into trash
war-torn Afghanistan and sharing stories of insurgent recruiting ground, by keeping as cans to help clean up after an earthquake
INDEX often overlooked sectors of the population. many kids off the streets and in schools by in 2010.
Within a short period of time in Afghani- providing employment for their mothers.”
Action line ............................. 2 stan, it became pretty apparent to one Air- For his outstanding contributions and
Briefs..................................... 3 man that the landscape of war had changed. The program has brought hope to the accomplishments to foster democracy and
Spotlight ................................ 4 Dropping bombs was a piece of the puzzle lives of many women in Afghanistan. champion women’s rights while deployed to
Diversions ........................... 20 in Afghanistan, but it wasn’t going to be the Afghanistan by helping more than 100 Af-
Sports.................................. 23 SLHFHWKDWXQLÀHGWKHFRXQWU\ ´, FRXOGQ·W ÀQG D MRE WR HDUQ PRQH\ WR ghan widows sell handmade scarfs, directly
“While there, we made it a goal to en- feed my kids, then I was told about Fly- cultivating micro-economic development
QUOTE OF THE WEEK JDJHWKHORFDOVDQGÀQGRXWKRZZHFRXOG ing Scarfs,” said Khanum Gul, a widowed and community stability in regions plagued
create a lasting effect that would make an Afghan woman. “I enrolled with them, and with social inequality and predatory terror-
“The push to innovate requires impact for years to come in Afghanistan,” now I can feed my kids, pay our rent and LVWLQÁXHQFHV6WHQJHUZDVDZDUGHGWKH$LU
EUDYHU\DQGLQQRYDWLRQE\GHÀQLWLRQ said Capt. Joseph Stenger III, 62nd Fighter buy school supplies for my children.” Education and Training Command’s 2016
lenges the status quo. Leaders must the military side, but we wanted to know Flying Scarfs went from 10 to almost 100
take that leap of faith, enable others how we could help the people bolster their women working part-time. Stenger hopes For Stenger, the stories of these women
to take risks, and engage in creative economy, which could bring about stability WKURXJKWKLVSURMHFWLWFDQEULQJVWDELOLW\ are the most valuable gift he has received.
practices.” and peace.” to the country.
The overwhelming answer they got was “Everybody has a story, and these people
a0DVWHU6JW-RVHSK&DVWLOOR the inequality in the country. “We want to see a peaceful Afghanistan have incredible stories,” Stenger said.
WK0DLQWHQDQFH*URXS “Women are disenfranchised the most where people are not discriminated against “These women are the bravest, most tena-
and don’t receive the same rights and eco- because of their sex, race or religion, and cious people I have ever met in my life.
WEATHER nomic opportunities men receive,” Stenger if you talk to the locals, that is what they They are hard-working, determined and
said. “We decided the best thing to do want as well,” he said. they have overcome tremendous adversity
Today that would have the most lasting impact ÀJKWLQJIRUWKHLUIUHHGRPµ
on Afghanistan was to create economic In 2013, the Flying Scarfs initiative
104°/83° opportunities for widows in that country, spread to an orphanage in Kenya that sup- For more information, visit the Flying
Mostly killed by the Taliban.”
Sunny From this thought Flying Scarfs was
founded, a nonprofit organization, that
takes scarfs made by women in Afghanistan
the disenfranchised population.
“If you are a widowed woman, you are
a social outcast in Afghanistan,” Stenger
said. “You bring them back into the fold by
giving them employment and a chance to
make money.”
Four Airmen handle the program’s day-
to-day operations, and have been operating
it since 2011. The company sells handmade
scarfs and bags online and at retail loca-
United States is now these women don’t
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