Page 6 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 8-21-15
P. 6

Aug. 21, 2015                                                  NEWS                                                    Thunderbolt

Mentoring provides solutions to challenging times

   Airmen are encouraged to take charge of        DJRRGZD\WRÀQGDPHQWRUµVDLG6WDII6JW
their personal and professional development       <RODQGD.DLQWK)66SURPRWLRQV1&2LQ
WKURXJKDPHQWRUVKLSSURJUDPZKHUHMXQLRU        charge. “Find someone who you can relate to,
Airmen receive guidance and direction from        who is well rounded and who you can trust.”
more experienced Airmen.                          A career in the Air Force can be challenging.
                                                  A mentor can help to ease the challenges and
   At Luke Air Force Base, any Airman may         guide Airmen to solutions. Mentors are not
take part in mentorship, in the role of a men-    WKHUHWRJLYH$LUPHQDGHÀQLWLYHDQVZHUWRD
tor or mentee, to share knowledge, skills,        question, but rather to share knowledge that
information and general perspectives to help      enables Airmen to make educated decisions
boost an Airman’s growth and understanding        themselves.
of Air Force life.                                “If you’re stressing out, it’d probably be best
   “Mentorship is having someone you can go       hard times, a mentor might have techniques
to if you have questions about anything that      or answers that can help you. They may have
is bothering you,” said Tech. Sgt. Cassandra      gone through similar situations and might
Turnage, 56th Force Support Squadron career       know what to do or have ideas you’ve not
GHYHORSPHQW1&2LQFKDUJH´,W·VEHLQJWKDW      thought about. Mentors can help by sharing
person an Airman can go to and ask questions      what worked and what didn’t for them in their
whether it be about his own specialty code or     career paths as well.”
another career path.”                             ´,I\RXGRQ·WKDYHDPHQWRUÀQGRQHµ7XU-
                                                  nage said. “The Air Force is always changing
website. MyVECTOR is an enterprise solution       your career.
that supports the Air Force’s goal to provide     “Mentoring and networking are two of the
a standardized process available to all Air-      most important things for leaders to embrace,”
men for career development and mentoring.         said Secretary of the Air Force Deborah Lee
Airmen can be proactive about their career        James. “Mentoring represents an investment
development and mentoring relationships.          — one where we may not know the impact                                                                                                                           Senior Airman James Hensley
The site has a real-time mentoring plan, dis-     XQWLO \HDUV ODWHU 1R PDWWHU \RXU DJH LW·V
cussion forums, a bullet tracker to document      important to help each other,” James said.              6WDII6JW-RKQ0RULQVKRZV$LUPDQVW&ODVV.HYLQ'DZVRQWK&RPSWUROOHU
accomplishments and the ability to dialogue       “Seek a mentor and be a mentor.”                        6TXDGURQFXVWRPHUVHUYLFHWHFKQLFLDQVZKHUHKHVWDQGVLQWDVNVFRPSOHWHG
online with mentors or mentees. A resource                                                                RQ$LU)RUFH7UDLQLQJ5HFRUGVRQWKH$LU)RUFHSRUWDODW/XNH$LU)RUFH%DVH
page is also available to assist both parties                                                             0RULQZDVJLYLQJ'DZVRQDGYLFHRQZKDWWDVNVWRFRPSOHWHLQRUGHUIRUKLPWR
with mentoring questions and relationships.
                                                  Courtesy of 56th Fighter Wing Public Affairs PRYHIRUZDUGTXLFNO\

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