Page 15 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 2-19-16
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Thunderbolt                                             NEWS                                                                                                                             Feb. 19, 2016

Exchange program rewards military students                                                                                Chaplain’s thoughts ...

   For military students, making multiple moves         including the Yeti frozen carbonated beverage, and                Bucket list …                              How to solve this dilemma? One
with their active-duty parents is just a part of life.  a complimentary hot dog or roller grill item. Other                                                       can address the demand side and
In fact, military children typically move six to nine   offers include discounts on backpacks, shoes and                     I did it! I really did. On Presi-    just lower the bucket list items
times by the time they’ve completed 12th grade, ac-     more. Offers are valid through July 30.                           dent’s Day I actually checked off       to things like visiting the Super
cording to the Military Child Education Coalition.                                                                        one of my “bucket list” items. My       Walmart or a super mega buffet
                                                           The booklet also includes an entry form for the                wife and I went hiking in the White     restaurant. Or, we can address the
   The Army & Air Force Exchange Service ap-            You Made the Grade sweepstakes. Scholars can                      Tank Mountains. Not too impressive      supply side and become more disci-
preciates the sacrifices military students make         enter to win Exchange gift cards worth $2,000,                    but, the fact that I have been on sta-  plined at organizing our down time,
and is rewarding young scholars who excel in the        $1,500 or $500. Entries can be submitted twice                    tion for more than a year made this     leave days and federal holidays in
classroom with its You Made the Grade program,          a year, with drawings typically held in June and                  minor accomplishment that much          order to complete the list. At the
now in its sixteenth year. Students in 1st through      December. The most recent sweepstakes winners                     sweeter. So yippee, I have one item     heart of this is the setting of realis-
12th grades who maintain a B average or better          were students from Wright-Patterson Air Force                     checked off.                            tic goals, communicating with our
are eligible to receive a coupon book filled with       Base, Ohio, Camp Casey, South Korea, and Joint                                                            families and being self-motivated
free offers and discounts from the Luke Exchange.       Base Andrews, Maryland.                                              Many families face this difficulty   to fulfill the list.
                                                                                                                          of completing their bucket list at
   “Military students face greater challenges than         Students,including those who are home schooled,                each assignment. After all there is so     So are you ready to work on your
their civilian counterparts, including coping with      can receive a You Made the Grade coupon booklet                   much to do and see. Things like ski-    bucket list? Looking ahead, the next
separation from parents who are deployed and            by presenting a valid military I.D. and proof of an               ing, hiking, visiting Grand Canyon,     weekend is … tomorrow. The next
switching schools during moves to new duty sta-         overall B average at the Luke Exchange customer                   going to professional sporting events,  federal holiday is Memorial Day in
tions,” said Aileen Rivenburg, Exchange general         service area. Eligible students can pick up one                   Disneyland, etc. But then life happens  May. Oh and how many leave days
manager. “These students deserve to be rewarded         booklet for each qualifying report card.                          and you just don’t get around to it.    are you sitting on? So get moti-
for their hard work, and for 16 years, the You Made                                                                                                               vated and work a plan to strike off
the Grade program has been a favorite among                Students and guardians can check with the Luke                    Let’s be honest, this thing called   some items on your bucket list and
military families.”                                     Exchange store manager for more information                       a J-O-B can get in the way. Then        enjoy some time with family and
                                                        about the Exchange’sYou Made the Grade program.                   family obligations, school and a host   friends.
   The You Made the Grade booklet includes                                                                                of other “important” things get in
coupons for free food such as a Burrito Supreme            Students can send You Made the Grade sweep-                    the way, not to mention the money          Thanks for your service and
or Taco Supreme from Taco Bell, a small chicken         stakes entry forms, which are included in the                     it takes to do these things. Before     sacrifice.
Philly sandwich at Charleys, a Chicken Po’Boy at        coupon booklets, to:                                              you know it, you have orders to your
Popeyes, and a bacon double cheeseburger and                                                                              next assignment and a bucket list       Courtesy of Chaplain (Lt. Col.) Larry Fowler
small fry from Burger King.                                You Made the Grade                                             that is still full.                                           56th Fighter Wing Chapel
                                                           PO Box 227398
   Students who make the grade will also score             Dallas, TX 75222-7398
Snack Avenue coupons for a free fountain drink,
                                                                                                       Courtesy of AAFES




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