Page 19 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 2-19-16
P. 19

Thunderbolt                                             SPORTS                                                                                                                                Feb. 19, 2016
POWER                   (from Page 4)           “Diet, nutrition – everything changes. It
                                                changes your outlook on why you want                                                                               Sports Shorts
and went home for a while, where he tried       to go to the gym. Before my competitive                                                          Courtesy photo
college again for a short time.                 mindset, I would skip a day or two when I                                                                        0DUFKRIWKH)DOOHQ
                                                didn’t feel like it or when I was tired. The  Tech. Sgt. Benjamin O’Brien, right, 56th
   “I still didn’t like it,” O’Brien said with  competitive mindset gave me a training        (TXLSPHQW0DLQWHQDQFH6TXDGURQDV-                                    The 2016 March of the Fallen is March
a laugh. “I went back down to the Military      schedule, and I kept to it because I knew     VLVWDQWVHFWLRQFKLHISRVHVZLWKHOLWH                           26 through the White Tank Mountains.
Entrance Processing Station and signed up       my competition was doing the same thing.      SRZHUOLIWHU*DUUHWW*ULI¿QDWWKH                            Weigh-in is 7 a.m. The march begins at
for the Air Force.”                             You stop looking for excuses not to train.    8QLWHG6WDWHV3RZHUOLIWLQJ$VVRFLDWLRQ                            8:15 a.m. The cost is $40 per person age
                                                Everything becomes more critical. You         American Cup in Los Angeles. O’Brien                               18 and over, and $20 per person 17 and
   He was sent to Shaw Air Force Base,          have new peaks and you try to progress        placed second in the open raw single-                              under. For more information, call Senior
South Carolina, in 2003 for his first duty      as much as you can.”                          OLIWEHQFKSUHVVHYHQWZLWKDQ$UL]RQD                            Airman Scott Giles at 623-856-7028.
station. Thereafter, he spent a year at Kun-                                                  UHFRUGEUHDNLQJEHQFKSUHVVRI
san Air Base, South Korea, before coming           Today, O’Brien trains at Die Hard Gym      pounds.                                                            %DVHEDOOVRIWEDOOIRU\RXWK
to Luke Air Force Base in 2006, where he’s      in Peoria which has produced a number
been ever since.                                of elite powerlifters throughout the years.   takes years or decades, sometimes even                                Learn baseball and softball funda-
                                                Additionally, he assists powerlifters on      longer, to get really good at something                            mentals for children ages 5 to 12 at the
   The start of his Air Force career coin-      base to achieve their own goals through       like this. Patience and persistence are key.                       56th Force Support Squadron Youth
cides with the beginning of his pursuit of      personal mentorship and works as a volun-     For bodybuilders, powerlifters, and even                           Center. Register through Feb. 29. For
powerlifting excellence.                        teer judge at the Bryant Fitness Center’s     marathoners, it’s a long, drawn-out process                        more information, call 623-856-7470.
                                                local powerlifting competitions.              which takes years.”
   “I was still lifting when I was in the                                                                                                                        Spring Break camps
Army, but before I started powerlifting, I’d       “He volunteers whenever we ask him
always done it as a hobby, just something       to come out,” said Sherri Biringer, 56th                                                                            Youth ages 9 to 12 attend an all-sports
to do,” O’Brien said. “It was nothing com-      Force Support Squadron Bryant Fitness                                                                               camp 8 a.m. to noon and adventure
pared to what I do now.”                        Center fitness specialist supervisor. “His                                                                       camp 1 to 5 p.m. March 7 through 11
                                                knowledge in lifting and form makes him                                                                          and 14 through 18 at the 56th FSS
   O’Brien smiles before reiterating this       a great asset. He’s really good at it, and                                                                       Youth Center. Camps are $35 each and
difference.                                     he’s a great guy.”                                                                                               lunch is $5 unless the youth signs up for
                                                                                                                                                                 both camps. For more information, call
   “Everyone knows some people who go              O’Brien finds reward in helping others.                                                                       623-856-7470.
to the gym just to be there and don’t do           “I always find discussing strength
a whole lot, right? I call them gym rats,”      training to be really interesting,” he said.                                                                     Start SMART soccer
O’Brien said. “I used to be a gym rat.”         “I like to help people. I like having that
                                                impact on people. I try to pay it forward                                                                           Children ages 3 to 6 and parents par-
   Over time his outlook on what it meant       when I can because I’ve had so many op-                                                                          ticipate together in a program designed
to lift weights and striving for a goal in the  portunities to learn from others who have                                                                        to help the children develop motor skills
realm of physical fitness changed.              taught me free of charge simply because I                                                                        by learning soccer skills 5 to 6 p.m. Tues-
                                                wanted to learn. If someone shows genu-                                                                          days through March 8. The cost is $25
   “I didn’t really have a competitive mind-    ine interest, I’ll take the time to at least                                                                     per student and includes a T-shirt. For
set until I started competing and being         get them started.”                                                                                               more information, call 623-856-7470.
around people who had that same drive,”            O’Brien’s number one tip for newcom-
O’Brien said.                                   ers is given sometimes as a warning: to                                                                          3RZHUOLIWLQJFRPSHWLWLRQ
                                                anticipate a lifetime of perseverance in
   He gained this drive after his first pow-    pursuit of a never-ending goal.                                                                                     The 56th FSS Bryant Fitness Center
erlifting meet in December 2010 at Camp            “I think a lot of people give up because                                                                      is featuring a powerlifting competition
Pendleton, California, where O’Brien            they don’t see results as fast as they want                                                                      at 10 a.m. Feb. 26 at the combat PT
totaled around 1,650 pounds worth of            to,” O’Brien said. “For those who are re-                                                                        center. Weigh-in is 9:30 a.m. For more
weight lifted in the single-ply division, a     ally interested or want to get started, it                                                                       information, call 623-856-6241.
competition type where competitors are al-
lowed to wear equipment, like squat suits
and bench shirts, which support the body
during heavy lifts. After this meet, O’Brien
says he was hooked.

   “A lot of things changed,” he said.

of the

                     NBA Sunday           6WDII6JW       $LUPDQVW&ODVV                               6WDII6JW             Senior Airman                    $LUPDQVW&ODVV
         1HZ2UOHDQVYV'HWURLW      -DVRQ:ULJKW        *DYLQ(DVWHUOLQJ                           Gabriel Castillo           Terrell Dortch                      Myron Little
   &OHYHODQGYV2NODKRPD&LW\      56th Fighter Wing  56th Operations Group                 56th Mission Support Group   56th Maintenance Group
                                                                                                                                                                 56th Medical Group
                Boston vs. Denver           Detroit           1HZ2UOHDQV                                       Detroit               Detroit                            Detroit
         6DQ$QWRQLRYV3KRHQL[         &OHYHODQG             &OHYHODQG                                2NODKRPD                   &OHYHODQG
                                                                  Denver                                                                                               &OHYHODQG
             0HPSKLVYV7RURQWR          Denver              San Antonio                                 Denver                     Boston                             Boston
           &KDUORWWHYV%URRNO\Q       San Antonio              Toronto                               San Antonio                  3KRHQL[                            3KRHQL[
                                                                 %URRNO\Q                                                            0HPSKLV                            Toronto
              ,QGLDQDYV2UODQGR        0HPSKLV                 ,QGLDQD                                  Toronto                   &KDUORWWH                         &KDUORWWH
          3KLODGHOSKLDYV'DOODV        %URRNO\Q               Dallas                                  %URRNO\Q                   2UODQGR                            2UODQGR
/RV$QJHOHV/DNHUVYV&KLFDJR            ,QGLDQD             Los Angeles                                 2UODQGR                    Dallas                             Dallas
                                            Dallas                                                          Dallas                   &KLFDJR
                    NHL Saturday        Los Angeles             Pittsburgh                              Los Angeles                                                   Los Angeles
       7DPSD%D\YV3LWWVEXUJK                               3KLODGHOSKLD                                                         Pittsburgh
                                          Pittsburgh                                                     7DPEDED\                 3KLODGHOSKLD                       7DPSDED\
         3KLODGHOSKLDYV7RURQWR      3KLODGHOSKLD              Detroit                                  Toronto                                                      Toronto
                'HWURLWYV2WWDZD                               Dallas                                   2WWDZD                     Detroit                            Detroit
                 Boston vs. Dallas          Detroit              $UL]RQD                                   Boston                     Dallas                             Boston
                                            Boston               &DOJDU\                                   St. louis                  $UL]RQD                          $UL]RQD
             6W/RXLVYV$UL]RQD        $UL]RQD                                                        $QDKHLP                    &DOJDU\                            &DOJDU\
             &DOJDU\YV$QDKHLP         $QDKHLP                   63                                                                                                   63
        Last week’s percentage                                      63                                                                                                 59
                                                      ³SHUFHQWRIWKHWLPH                                                       51                             “You go
       Year to Date percentage                59          ,¶PULJKWDOOWKHWLPH´                ³$XWRPDWLFZLQIRUPH            ³<D¶OOMXVW                       6816´
                                       ³:LQQLQJGRQ¶W                                                  1RFRQWHVW´               JRWVHUYHG´
                         Trash talk      FRPHHDV\´
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