Page 16 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 11-20-15
P. 16

Nov. 20, 2015                                         Feature                                                                                                                                              Thunderbolt

                                                                 Luke Airman survives

58th TACTICAL TRAINING WG                                        three wars, plane crash

                                                                     by Tech. Sgt.                                                                    fresh out of high school in 1943 during World
                                                                 TIMOTHY BOYER                                                                        War II.

                                       Tech. Sgt. Timothy Boyer                   56th Fighter Wing Public Affairs                                       ´, ZDQWHG WR EH D KRWVKRW ÀJKWHU SLORW                                                       Courtesy photo
Retired Lt. Col. Alma Skousen displays                              “I should have been shot down,” he said,                                                                                               Lt. Col. Alma Skousen poses with his
KLVÀLJKWVXLW2FWLQKLV0HVDKRPH                        recalling one of his 133 missions in his F-4                                            6NRXVHQEHFDPHD&6N\PDVWHUÁLJKW
6NRXVHQÀHZFRPEDWPLVVLRQVLQWKH                              Phantom II during the Vietnam War. “I was                                            engineer, but held onto his childhood dream          F-4 Phantom II in 1967 during a Vietnam
                                                                 patrolling a river just above the demilita-                                          of being a pilot. When the war ended, so did
Korean and Vietnam wars, was awarded                             rized zone. There was a large cargo boat                                             his enlistment. Skousen went back to civil-          deployment. In the six months Skousen
                                                                 the enemy used to transport supplies, so I                                           ian life until he joined the relatively new Air      ZDVLQ9LHWQDPKHÀHZPLVVLRQV
the Distinguished Flying Cross for acts                          ÀJXUHG,PLJKWDVZHOOVLQNLW,HVWDEOLVKHG                                       Force in 1951.
                                                                 a run to drop a rocket into it. I should have                                                                                             and, often packed with razor-sharp coils or
of heroism and extraordinary achieve-                            noticed it was tied shore to shore, which was                                           ´,ZHQWWRÁLJKWVFKRRODW:LOOLDPV$)%          other destructive contents, would destroy
                                                                 unusual. It turned out to be a trap.”                                                right here in Mesa,” he said. “I went off to         the target.
ment while participating in an aerial                                                                                                                 WKH.RUHDQ:DULQÁ\LQJDLUWRJURXQG
ÀLJKW6NRXVHQHQGHGKLVÀ\LQJFDUHHU                              Retired Lt. Col. Alma Skousen, a humble,                                          missions as part of the 8th Fighter Bomber              ´%XWWKLVWLPHLWGLGQ·WH[SORGHµ6NRXVHQ
ZLWKPRUHWKDQÀ\LQJKRXUV                               VRIWVSRNHQ\HDUROGÀJKWHUSLORWVHUYHG                                        Wing in an F-80 Shooting Star.”                      said. “It went on up about 10,000 feet above
                                                                 his country during three wars, encountered                                                                                                XVDQGH[SORGHGWKHUHVRZHPDGHLWRXWµ
                                                                 6RYLHW0L*ÀJKWHUVLQEDWWOHDQGVXUYLYHG                                              His missions were dangerous from the
                                                                 D MHW FUDVK EHIRUH HQGLQJ KLV Á\LQJ FDUHHU                                   very start.                                             Skousen’s illustrious career continued for
                                                                 as the 311th Tactical Fighter Training                                                                                                    many years. He worked his way into lead-
                                                                 Squadron, now known as the 311th Fighter                                                ´0\ ÀUVW PLVVLRQ WKHUH ZDV ERPELQJ D       ership positions and eventually ended his
                                                                 Squadron, commander in 1973 at Luke Air                                              place just across a demilitarized zone on the        Á\LQJFDUHHUDW/XNH$LU)RUFH%DVHDVWKH
                                                                 Force Base.                                                                          KLOOVLGH EHWZHHQ 1RUWK DQG 6RXWK .RUHDµ       commander of the 311th Tactical Fighter
                                                                                                                                                      Skousen said. “I had a little scare because          Training Squadron, where he trained young
                                                                    “Just as I was in my run pretty good,                                             ,IRXQGRXWODWHUWKHUHZDVDÁLJKWRI0L*V         pilots to be war-ready Airmen.
                                                                 they were over me, under me, behind me,”                                             waiting to surprise attack us, but we made
                                                                 KHVDLG´,ZDVWDNLQJÀUHIURPHYHU\ZKHUH                                         it out before they acted.”                              “My favorite memories of Luke were
                                                                 Somehow every shot seemed to go behind                                                                                                    Á\LQJ WKH ) 3KDQWRP ,, JRLQJ GRZQ WR
                                                                 my airplane, and I made it out with my life.”                                           Skousen had become no stranger to dan-            the ranges and teaching the students how
                                                                                                                                                      JHUEXWLWZDVGXULQJDQRQFRPEDWÁLJKWLQ         to maneuver that plane,” Skousen said. “I
                                                                    Skousen’s love for aviation began at a                                            the U.S. that he survived a crash.                   showed new students what the airplane
                                                                 young age.                                                                                                                                FRXOGGR7KH\ZHUHWHQWDWLYHDWÀUVWEXW
                                                                                                                                                         “I had an accident, the only one I ever           then when they saw what the airplane could
                                                                    “When I was a little boy I saw an airplane                                        had, in a T-33 Shooting Star,” he said. “I           do, they became much more aggressive and
                                                                 Á\LQJµ 6NRXVHQ QRZ D UHVLGHQW RI 0HVD                                      was stationed at Travis and they sent me up          had fun with it.”
                                                                 said. “It was 1934. I got my brother to go with                                      to Washington to be a part of an inspection
                                                                 me to the little dirt strip the pilot landed                                         team. Before returning to Travis, I noticed             These stories represent a mere glimpse
                                                                 on. At that time, pilots wanted to help any-                                         there was something wrong with the turbine           into the life of Skousen who spent his life in
                                                                 body who was interested in airplanes. They                                           wheel. I prepared to hop on a C-47 Skytrain          service to his country. He was the recipient
                                                                 wanted to keep it going. Talking to that pilot                                       WRÁ\EDFNZKHQWKHVHUJHDQWUDQXSDQGVDLG        of the Distinguished Flying Cross for acts
                                                                 ZDVWKHEHJLQQLQJRIP\GUHDPWRÁ\µ                                               WKH\JRWWKHSDUWVWRÀ[P\MHWLI,ZDQWHGWR      RIKHURLVPDQGH[WUDRUGLQDU\DFKLHYHPHQW
                                                                                                                                                      wait. So I did.”                                     ZKLOHSDUWLFLSDWLQJLQDQDHULDOÁLJKW%XW
                                                                    Skousen enlisted in the Army Air Corps                                                                                                 most importantly, Skousen left a legacy of
                                                                                                                                                         After hours of repairs, the maintainers           H[FHOOHQFHIRUWKRVHZKRFDPHDIWHUKLPWR
                                                                                                                                      Courtesy photo  FOHDUHG6NRXVHQ·VMHWIRUÁLJKW                    emulate, and has advice Airmen now.

6HFRQG/W$OPD6NRXVHQIDUULJKWSRVHVLQIURQWRIDQDLUFUDIWLQDIWHU¿QLVK-                                                                   “We got up to about 24,000 feet when I               “Work hard,” Skousen said. “People
LQJÀLJKWVFKRRODW:LOOLDPV$LU)RUFH%DVHLQ0HVD                                                                                                 heard a loud bang and saw a piece of the             nowadays want to start at the top and not
                                                                                                                                                      turbine wheel fall off at the 10 o’clock posi-       at the bottom. I had to do a lot of things I
                                                                                                                                                      tion and cut my rudder cable,” he said. “I           didn’t want to do, but I did them because
                                                                                                                                                      found out I lost a pie-shape piece of the            you start at the bottom and work your way
                                                                                                                                                      turbine wheel. I tried to eject the canopy,          to the top. Always do your best.”
                                                                                                                                                      but it malfunctioned, so I had no choice but
                                                                                                                                                      to look for somewhere to land.”

                                                                                                                                                         Skousen’s wheels touched down on re-
                                                                                                                                                      cently plowed farmland, but his body paid
                                                                                                                                                      the price.

                                                                                                                                                         “When the jet hit the ground the canopy
                                                                                                                                                      pression fractures of my vertebrae. I spent a
                                                                                                                                                      month-and-a-half in the hospital. That was
                                                                                                                                                      might be over.”

                                                                                                                                                         Skousen recovered and in 1967 was sent
                                                                                                                                                      over Hanoi, Vietnam.

                                                                                                                                                         “He said, ‘We’ve got a missile on our tail!’
                                                                                                                                                      It was too near to do anything,” he said,
                                                                                                                                                      laughing at the memory of his fellow Air-
                                                                                                                                                      man’s fear. “It came right by us which was

                                                                                                                                                      ter and receiver that detected an object in
                                                                                                                                                      LWV SDWK :KHQ LW FDPH ZLWKLQ D VSHFLÀHG

                                                                                                                                                      GLVWDQFH IURP WKH WDUJHW LW ZRXOG H[SORGH
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