Page 12 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 9-4-15
P. 12

Sept. 4, 2015                                                                                                                                                            Thunderbolt
                                                                      309th AMU: F

                                                                               Story and photos by                     aircraft are available to support basic               While the mai
                                                                                   Senior Airman                       F-16 training.                                     cal part of trainin
                                                                                                                                                                          maintenance un
                                                                             Devante Williams                             Everything from the tires and air con-          They have the fin
                                                                                                                       ditioning units to the bullets the aircraft        takes off.
                                                                                     56th Fighter Wing Public Affairs  fire is maintained and inspected by the
                                                                                                                       AMU Airmen.                                           “While the jet i
                                                                         It takes a lot of work to keep an F-16                                                           mission to make
                                                                      Fighting Falcon flying, and it takes a lot          “We make sure that the 309th FS has air-        good to fly,” said
                                                                      of people to keep the fighter squadrons          craft that are ready to fly,” said Capt. Benja-    dan Crosswhite,
                                                                      at Luke Air Force Base mission-ready.            min Abshire, 309th AMU officer in charge.          “Anything that’s
                                                                      To ensure this is accomplished, Luke             “Machines get old and worn when they are           A pilot can’t fly
                                                                      organizes aircraft maintenance units to          used repeatedly. That is what maintenance          ready for takeoff
                                                                      do the job.                                      is here for. We fix it so the pilots will be able
                                                                                                                       to continue Luke’s mission.”                          Maintenance u
                                                                         The Airmen of the 309th Aircraft Main-                                                           Luke’s mission a
                                                                      tenance Unit combine talents and skills             Working closely with a diverse crew             we transition to
                                                                      to ensure the aircraft of the 309th Fighter      allows the AMU Airmen to better see                the F-35 Lightni
                                                                      Squadron are properly maintained.                how they contribute to the mission of
                                                                                                                       producing the world’s greatest F-16                   “Maintenance
                                                                         The 309th AMU is a part of the 56th           fighter pilots.                                    in-hand,” said
                                                                      Aircraft Maintenance Squadron which                                                                 the fighter squa
                                                                      provides intermediate and flightline                “If we weren’t here, the planes wouldn’t        squadrons supp
                                                                      maintenance on F-16s. The squadron’s             get taken care of and there would be no            flawlessly, we ge
                                                                      primary focus is to ensure mission-ready         one to fix them,” Abshire said.

Airman 1st Class Jonathan Cain, 309th AMU aircraft weapons load crew  Senior Airman Cody Labreck, 309th Aircraft Maintenance Unit engine specialist, works on the cockp
member, inspects inspection dates on equipment.
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