Page 7 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 9-4-15
P. 7

Thunderbolt                                              NEWS                                                                                                                            Sept. 4, 2015  7                                                                                                                                 

Mold still problem in dry desert                                                                                            CHANGE (from Page 2)                 LUNCHEON (from Page 5)

   People don’t think of mold here in the desert.        rect the problem immediately. This is as simple as                 \RXGRQ·WDVNµ0RVWSHRSOHHQMR\   in breastfed babies, and there is
+RZHYHUPROGVDUHIXQJLWKDWFDQEHIRXQGSUDFWL-       replacing a ceiling tile or wiping ceramic tiles with              the opportunity to help someone      a 15 to 30 percent reduction in
FDOO\HYHU\ZKHUH                                       a cloth containing 5 percent bleach to kill the mold               LQQHHGZKHQJLYHQWKHFKDQFH       adolescent and adult obesity in
                                                         and dry it completely. If the problem is outside                                                        EUHDVWIHG YHUVXV QRQEUHDVWIHG
   7KH\ DUH HVVHQWLDO LQ GHYRXULQJ ZDVWH LQ WKH  the capability of the facility manager’s ability to                   7KHUH LV DOZD\V JRRG LQ HY-  infants.
GLODSLGDWHG VWUXFWXUHV 0ROGV FDQ JURZ RQ YLUWX-   6TXDGURQVKRXOGEHQRWLÀHG                                       will make that change easier,          With support of the Air Force,
ally any organic substance, as long as moisture                                                                             HYHQWKHKDUGHVWPRVWGLIÀFXOW      FRPPDQGHUV DQG VXSHUYLVRUV
and oxygen are present. There are molds that can            Generally, mold will not affect healthy indi-                   changes. When dealing with           PRWKHUV KDYH WKH RSSRUWXQLW\
grow on wood, paper, carpet, foods, ceiling tile and     YLGXDOV+RZHYHUWKRVHZKRKDYHKHDOWKFRQFHUQV                  SRVLWLYH FKDQJHV ÀQGLQJ WKH     to care for their infants, and the
insulation. When moisture is allowed to accumulate       UHJDUGLQJWKHLUZRUNLQJHQYLURQPHQWGXHWRPROG                   good comes easy, but when            FKRLFHWREUHDVWIHHGDQGVWLOOVHUYH
in buildings or on building materials for too long,      VKRXOG FRQWDFW WKHLU KHDOWK FDUH SURYLGHU 7KH              GHDOLQJZLWKQHJDWLYHRQHVWKH     their country.
mold growth will certainly occur.                        WK &(6 %LRHQYLURQPHQWDO (QJLQHHULQJ )OLJKW                  JRRGLVKDUGHUWRÀQG,GHQWLI\-
                                                         ZLOOZRUNZLWKWKHSURYLGHUDQG&(6WRFRQGXFWD                  ing blessings, gifts and growth        ´$VDPRWKHUDQGDQRIÀFHURQ
   It is impossible to eliminate all molds and mold      health risk assessment to determine the appropri-                  opportunities can help get you       DFWLYH GXW\ LW ZDV FKDOOHQJLQJ
VSRUHVLQWKHLQGRRUHQYLURQPHQW+RZHYHUPROG         ate course of action.                                              WKURXJK WKH PRUH QHJDWLYH        to find locations and time that
growth can be controlled indoors by controlling                                                                             changes and help you grow in         ZDV FRQGXFLYH WR EUHDVWIHHGLQJµ
moisture.                                                   $FFRUGLQJWRWKH86(QYLURQPHQWDO3URWHFWLRQ                 the process.                         said Lt. Col. Lauren Byrd, 56th
                                                         $VVRFLDWLRQLIYLVLEOHPROGLVSUHVHQWRQLQVSHFWLRQ                                                 0HGLFDO 6XSSRUW 6TXDGURQ FRP-
   Moisture problems must be addressed within the        testing is usually unnecessary. There are no EPA or                   Embracing change has a lot        mander. “I understood the impor-
ÀUVWKRXUVRIWKHSUREOHPEHLQJQRWHG0RVWPROG     JRYHUQPHQWVWDQGDUGVWKDWKDYHEHHQHVWDEOLVKHG                   to do with attitude. Attitude        tance of nursing my daughter for
problems at Luke Air Force Base are caused by roof       IRUPROGRUPROGVSRUHOHYHOVVRLWLVLPSRVVLEOHWR             LV HYHU\WKLQJ 3HRSOH FDQ VXF-   her health, and I was committed
and window leaks, water and sewage pipe breaks,          SURYHWKDWDEXLOGLQJRUURRPLVLQFRPSOLDQFHZLWK               FHHG E\ KDYLQJ WKH GHVLUH WR   to it. I think it is great that the Air
FRQGHQVDWLRQIURPDLUFRQGLWLRQHUVLPSURSHUYHQ-        any regulations concerning mold exposure.                          do better, curiosity and being       Force is looking at ways to help
to monsoon rains.                                           /LNHZLVHWKH&HQWHUVIRU'LVHDVH&RQWUROGRHV                 is not the strongest or the most     pump because there are so many
                                                         not recommend routine sampling and testing of                      LQWHOOLJHQWZKRZLOOVXUYLYHEXW    ORQJWHUPEHQHÀWVIRUWKHPRWKHU
   7RSUHYHQWPROGJURZWKIURPWKHVHIDFWRUVUH-        mold in the home. Tolerable or acceptable limits of                those who can best manage            and baby. It is just one more way
PHPEHUWRUHGXFHDPELHQWKXPLGLW\OHYHOVLQVLGH         PROGH[SRVXUHIRUKXPDQVKDYHQRWEHHQGHÀQHG                    FKDQJHµ                             that the Air Force is showing sup-
WKH EXLOGLQJ RU URRP E\ UHPRYLQJ ZDWHU SXGGOHV   DQGVLQFHLQGLYLGXDOVYDU\LQWKHLUVXVFHSWLELOLW\WR                                                  port for mothers and families by
ZLWK DQ H[WUDFWLRQ YDFXXP WXUQLQJ RQ IDQV       mold, testing cannot reliably predict the degree of                   Lastly, change is not easy        FUHDWLQJ DQ HQYLURQPHQW WKDW LV
opening doors and windows to air out the area,           health risks from any occurrence of mold.                          for most of us. Remember to          FRQGXFLYHWRWKHKHDOWKDQGZHOO
GLVFDUGLQJ QRQYDOXDEOH ZHW LWHPV VXFK DV ERRNV                                                                       KDYHFRPSDVVLRQDQGHPSDWK\         EHLQJRIHYHU\RQHµ
and papers, and discarding and replacing ceiling            For more information or recommendations on                      for others, as well as yourself,
tiles and insulation.                                    how to reduce the risk of mold growth, call the bio-               when going through change.             For more information on Air
                                                         HQYLURQPHQWDOHQJLQHHULQJÁLJKWDW                  By embracing change, it will         Force policies and programs
   What do you do when you notice mold growing                                                                              become easier to deal with and       VXSSRUWLQJ EUHDVWIHHGLQJ YLV-
within your work area? If the area affected is less                   Courtesy of 56th Aerospace Medicine Squadron          you will be more powerful and        LW KWWSVZZZIDFHERRNFRP
than 10 square feet, the facility manager can cor-                                            Bioenvironmental Engineering  SHDFHIXOLQ\RXUHYHU\GD\OLIH      JURXSV

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