Page 6 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 9-4-15
P. 6

Sept. 4, 2015                            FEATURE                                                                                                                                                          Thunderbolt

Honor guardsman, family man makes good Airman

            by Senior Airman                                                                                                                                                              Courtesy photo     ´,ZRQ1&2DQDO\VWRIWKH\HDULQ3DFLÀF
            JAMES HENSLEY                                                                                                                                                                                 $LU)RUFHDQGKDYHHDUQHGP\&RPPXQLW\
                                                    7HFK6JW5LFKDUG*DOHURWK)RUFH6XSSRUW6TXDGURQ/XNH$LU)RUFH%DVH+RQRU                                                                     &ROOHJHRIWKH$LU)RUFHDVVRFLDWHGHJUHHµ
                 56th Fighter Wing Public Affairs   *XDUG1&2LQFKDUJHKDQGVRIIDÀDJGXULQJDIXQHUDOKRQRUVFHUHPRQ\DWWKH1D-                                                                      Galero said. “I’m still working toward a
                                                    WLRQDO0HPRULDO&HPHWHU\LQ3KRHQL[*DOHURWUDLQVDQGPHQWRUV$LUPHQLQWKHEDVH                                                                    bachelor’s degree. Being here, a part of
   )URPWKH3KLOLSSLQHVWRWKH867HFK         KRQRUJXDUG3ULRUWRKRQRUJXDUGKHZDVDPDLQWHQDQFHDQDO\VW                                                                                      Luke’s Honor Guard, is an accomplishment
6JW5LFKDUG*DOHURWK)RUFH6XSSRUW                                                                                                                                                                  LQLWVRZQZD\,QHYHUKDGDFKDQFHWRMRLQ
6TXDGURQ+RQRU*XDUG1&2LQFKDUJH                lenges in his personal life and career.          6LQFH MRLQLQJ WKH $LU )RUFH *DOHUR KDV                                                       Honor Guard when I was a young Airman
has worked hard to succeed profession-                 “Getting through the loss of my brother    had four assignments including Alaska,                                                                  and being able to see young Airmen grow
DOO\ OHDG KLV $LUPHQ DQG SURYLGH IRU                                                      California, Florida and now Arizona. Prior                                                              from day one of Honor Guard is a great
his family.                                         LQODZZDVH[WUHPHO\GLIÀFXOWIRUP\IDPLO\  to becoming the NCO in charge of Luke’s                                                                 H[SHULHQFHµ
                                                    DQGPHµ*DOHURVDLG´%HLQJDZD\IURPP\    Honor Guard, he was a maintenance ana-
   Galero was born and raised in a small            family in the Philippines, and being away     lyst and had many Air Force accomplish-                                                                    Galero performs ceremonies with the Air-
town in the Philippines. He and his family          from my family and newborn son during a       ments.                                                                                                  PHQZKHQWLPHSHUPLWV+HVWD\VLQYROYHG
worked hard to make ends meet.                      GHSOR\PHQWZDVGLIÀFXOWIRUPHµ                                                                                                                      ZLWKWKHPDVPRUHWKDQMXVWDVXSHUYLVRU

   ´,JUHZXSLQSRYHUW\ZKLOH,ZDVLQWKH                                                                                                                                                                 ´,·YH ZRUNHG IRU 6HUJHDQW *DOHUR IRU
3KLOLSSLQHVµ*DOHURVDLG´,WZDVDWRXJK                                                                                                                                                               WKUHHPRQWKVDQGKDYHFRPHWRNQRZKLP
neighborhood, homes were makeshift huts                                                                                                                                                                   DVDYHU\KDQGVRQOHDGHUµVDLG6WDII6JW
with no electricity, and we had to fetch                                                                                                                                                                  Earnest Huston, 56th Logistics Readiness
ZDWHU IURP WKH ULYHU , VWDUWHG ZRUNLQJ                                                                                                                                                            6TXDGURQDQG+RQRU*XDUGVFKHGXOHUDQG
ZKHQ,ZDV\HDUVROG,UHPHPEHUJRLQJ                                                                                                                                                                 assistant NCO in charge. “He doesn’t just
around the neighborhood trying to earn                                                                                                                                                                    VLWEHKLQGKLVGHVNKHJHWVLQYROYHGZLWK
VRPHPRQH\WRKHOSP\IDPLO\µ                                                                                                                                                                            WKH$LUPHQ+H·VDOVRDYHU\ZHOOURXQGHG
                                                                                                                                                                                                          LQGLYLGXDO RXWVLGH RI ZRUN 'HYRWHG KXV-
   +HPRYHGWR/RV$QJHOHVDWDJHDQG                                                                                                                                                                 band and family guy, attends church regu-
joined the Air Force in October 2003.                                                                                                                                                                     ODUO\ DQG ORYHV ÀVKLQJ +H KDV WKH IDLWK
                                                                                                                                                                                                          in me to know I’ll get things done. He’s a
   “I joined the Air Force for a number of                                                                                                                                                                VHDVRQHG1&2µ
job, I was going through school and I was                                                                                                                                                                    Galero inspires Airmen to push them-
new to the country. My brother-in-law was                                                                                                                                                                 VHOYHVIRUZDUG
UHDVRQIRUPHWRMRLQ,ÀJXUHG,KDGWRGR                                                                                                                                                                 ´,I,FRXOGWHOO$LUPHQRQHSLHFHRIDGYLFH
something. I wanted to help this country in                                                                                                                                                               LWZRXOGEHWRNHHSJURZLQJµ*DOHURVDLG
some way to make sure that kind of thing                                                                                                                                                                  “Not just professionally but personally.
GLGQ·WKDSSHQDJDLQµ                                                                                                                                                                                     1HYHUVWRSOHDUQLQJµ


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