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7UDLQWKHZRUOG·VJUHDWHVW)DQG)ÀJKWHUSLORWV                                                                                          Sept. 4, 2015
                                                                                                                                                         Vol. 15, No. 33
 INSIDE Luke’s nightlife …

„ Ammo keeps it real, 3
„ Breastfeeding

     awareness, 5
„ Mold in the desert?, 7
„ Powerlifting records

     broken, 23

                    Senior Airman Devante Williams                                                                                                                                                                                                 Tech. Sgt. Timothy Boyer

                                       See Page 12
                                                    Construction plan supports F-35 program
                                                                      by Airman                           “It was a success to complete the facility     ZKLOH FRQWLQXLQJ WKH ) PLVVLRQ :H·YH
Action line ............................. 2                        PEDRO MOTA                          a few months before the squadron’s aircraft       carefully thought through the second and
Briefs..................................... 3                                                          DUULYHGµ VDLG $ODQ 7KRPDV WK &LYLO      third order of effects for these plans, and
Spotlight ................................ 4                         56th Fighter wing Public Affairs  (QJLQHHU6TXDGURQÁLJKWFKLHI                   ZHZLOOEHÀQHµ
Diversions ........................... 20
Sports.................................. 23            A multi-disciplinary team across the 56th          The next phase will be building the 63rd          While it seems like a long way off, this
                                                    Fighter Wing is preparing Luke Air Force           )6DQG$08                                       ORQJWHUPFRQVWUXFWLRQSURMHFWZLOOSURYLGH
QUOTE OF THE WEEK                                   Base to become the largest F-35 Lightning                                                            the necessary facilities for the F-35 program
                                                    II training base in the world.                        $QDGGLWLRQWRWKHÀHOGWUDLQLQJGHWDFK-       at Luke to grow and succeed, contributing to
   “Establishing credibility as a leader                                                               ment will also be added, where egress sys-        WKHRYHUDOOPLOLWDU\VWUHQJWKIRURXUFRXQWU\
starts with being real. Nothing will                   ´&RQVWUXFWLRQ SURMHFWV DUH UHQRYDWLQJ      tem maintainers can hone their craft. They
erode credibility quicker than followers            fabricating and standardizing areas for            are scheduled to be opened in early 2016.            “The air superiority this nation has en-
hearing you say one thing and then do-              the purpose of training Airmen on the F-35                                                           joyed for 60 years is not an accident and
ing another. Being true to whom you are             DLUFUDIWµ VDLG 0DVWHU 6JW 1DWKDQ 6KRUW       Construction is scheduled to be completed      JDLQLQJ DQG PDLQWDLQLQJ LW LV QRW HDV\µ
and portraying that to your followers is            56th Maintenance Group F-35 program                between 2020 and 2021 after the facilities        VDLG $LU )RUFH &KLHI RI 6WDII *HQ 0DUN
WKHÀUVWVWHSLQGHYHORSLQJFUHGLELOLW\µ           integrator. “With F-35 projects ongoing            to house the operations and maintenance of        :HOVK ,,, ´,W UHTXLUHV WUDLQHG SURÀFLHQW
                                                    for years to come, the base will be under          DOOVL[)VTXDGURQVKDYHEHHQFRPSOHWHG       and ready Airmen, and it requires cred-
               Lt. Col. Gregory Frana               FRQVWUXFWLRQSRVVLEO\XQWLOµ                                                                  ible, capable and technologically superior
              62nd Fighter Squadron                                                                       ´$V ZH PRYH GRZQ WKH ÁLJKWOLQH WR WKH  DLUFUDIW , EHOLHYH WKH ) LV HVVHQWLDO WR
                                                       The two-story facility housing the 62nd         west, the projects in the last few years          HQVXULQJZHFDQSURYLGHWKDWDLUVXSHULRULW\
WEATHER                                             )LJKWHU6TXDGURQDQGDLUFUDIWPDLQWHQDQFH         of the bed-down will be more challeng-            LQWKHIXWXUHµ
                                                    unit was completed this year.                      LQJ WR EXLOGµ 7KRPDV VDLG ´:H ZLOO EH
                  Today                                                                                increasingly tight for space, especially

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