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BULLSEYE Feature 11January 22, 2016
Free tax services available to military members, families DESERT STORM, from page 7 ___
By Lisa Ferdinando moves and deployments, and because tax of the Army, Air Force, Marines and Navy. Lee James. “Looking back and
laws change every year,” she said. Immediate family members of those learning from Desert Storm, it is
DOD News, Defense Media Activity more important than ever before
Military OneSource tax consultants are eligible and non-remarried survivors from that we continue to modernize
WASHINGTON—With the holidays available January through April 15, seven any era can also use the services. Military our force, gaining the advantage
now over, service members and their fam- days a week from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. eastern members who retired or were discharged to defeat any adversary we may
ilies might start looking toward another time at 1-800-342-9647. After April 15, the honorably are eligible up to 180 days after face in the future.”
annual event, albeit one that generally consultants can be reached weekdays from leaving the service.
garners far less excitement — filing taxes. 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. EST. On Feb. 28, 1991, following
Other groups are eligible, Slaton ex- six weeks of air attacks and 100
The Defense Department wants service While Military OneSource tax experts plained. She encouraged people to check the hours of a ground campaign,
members and their families to know they are available only via the phone, Slaton website for further information or call Mili- President George H.W. Bush de-
can get free tax consultations and tax-fil- pointed out that other tax experts are avail- tary OneSource to find out about eligibility. clared a cessation of operations
ing software through Military OneSource, able in person at military installations with and announced that Kuwait had
according to Erika Slaton, the program a Volunteer Income Tax Assistance location. Available through June been liberated.
analyst for Military OneSource. The free tax preparation and filing soft-
The Military OneSource free tax soft- ware is available through the end of June. “The memories and lessons
“The financial environment in which ware, which can be found at www.mili- The Military OneSource tax software learned from Desert Storm
we live is very complex,” Slaton said., is available at VITA is secure, as the vendor uses industry- continue to define today who
“When you combine that with the reali- locations as well. recognized security safeguards, she said. we are,” Wright said. “We have
ties of military life that includes frequent The vendor stands by the filer in the event the ability to defend the nation
moves and deployments, it can present File electronically of an audit or mistake. that’s founded on, not just the
some special challenges for service mem- The software is self-paced and walks Military OneSource, which is a con- history of Desert Storm but
bers and their families.” users through a series of questions to help fidential DOD-funded program, offers the history of airpower from
them to prepare their return. It allows many other resources, Slaton said, includ- World War I to World War II to
Like previous years through Military individuals to electronically file a federal ing counseling and services related to Korea, Vietnam, Desert Storm
OneSource, the DOD has teamed up with return and up to three state tax returns. family and relationships, finances, health and today. We have been in this
H&R Block to offer the free tax services. “If at any time during the course of and wellness, education and employment. fight now for 25 years and those
completing their return, the user has any “We encourage service members and their Airmen who are out there today
The services could save members and questions about their own tax situation, they families to call Military OneSource and just are critical. They are critically
families hundreds of dollars, Slaton said. can call Military OneSource,” Slaton said. explore everything that Military OneSource important to the safety of our
She encourages all those who are eligible Those eligible for the Military OneSource has to offer,” she said. “They can call, click fellow citizens and critically
to consider using the services. tax services include National Guard mem- and connect with Military OneSource today.” important to the future of the
bers, and active-duty and reserve members United States of America.”
“It’s extremely important because of
those challenges, (including) frequent
Let us help you.
Dempsey, Roberts & Smith, Ltd.
(702) 388-1216