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2 March 18, 2016                                                Commentary                                                                                                                            BULLSEYE                                                                                                                                               

Paths of two Air Force women ‘firsts’ crossed over Great Falls

By By John Turner                                               military airplanes to fly north to Alaska. Others, like        pilots logged over 60 million miles in the air and ferried
                                                                Windham, served in the Army Air Forces as WACs.                more than half of all combat aircraft within the U.S.
341st Missile Wing Public Affairs
                                                                   Windham hailed from San Antonio, Texas. A wartime              Hazel Lee was born in Portland, Oregon, in 1912 to im-
   MALMSTROM AIR FORCE BASE, Mont. — An Army                    feature by “Stars and Stripes” reported that she and her       migrant parents during an era of anti-Chinese sentiment
newspaper from Aug. 25, 1944, shows Pfc. Emma Jane              five brothers all held civilian pilot licenses. A recent ac-   in America. As a teenager, Lee took a job as department
Burrows Windham wearing a leather flying jacket, fire           count portrays her as an only child who successfully ran       store elevator operator to pay for private flying lessons and
extinguisher in hand, and grinning near a B-17 bomber.          away from home sometime after age 12 to escape a hard,         soon joined the one percent of American women holding
“Windy,” according to the article, earned her air crew          migratory life. Either way, Windham studied aeronautical       a pilot’s license. After Japan invaded Manchuria in 1932,
status in June while with the 7th Ferrying Group at             engineering at the University of California and was the        Lee attempted to join the Chinese Air Force in 1933. She
Gore Field in Great Falls, Montana. Windham is today            director of flight training for the New Mexico Wing of         remained in China until 1938, working a military desk
considered the first crew chief and aerial engineer in the      Women Flyers before enlisting into the WAC in late 1943.       job and flying for a commercial airline.
Women’s Army Corps.
                                                                   While serving in Montana with the Air Transport                Lee joined the WASP program in 1942 soon after
   A candid photo from the same period shows Hazel              Command, Windham flew regular hops to Seattle, Alaska          America entered the war. Six months of instruction at
Ying Lee, smiling in her dark blue Women Airforce Ser-          and Florida as the engineer on multi-engine aircraft. By       Sweetwater, Texas, qualified her to ferry cargo and trainer
vice Pilots Dress Uniform. As a civilian pilot employed         early 1945 she had been reassigned to the Air Inspector’s      aircraft with the 3rd Ferrying Squadron at Romulus AAB,
by the U.S. Army Air Forces, Lee flew high-performance          office in England where she was noted as the only WAC          Michigan. Advanced training in 1944 at the Army’s
pursuit aircraft from factories to operational centers in-      aerial engineer in the European Theater of Operations and      Pursuit School at Brownsville, Texas, designated Lee as
cluding Great Falls. Today, Lee is recognized as the first      so much a rarity that military police stopped her on the       among 130 women certified to fly high-powered fighters
Chinese-American woman to fly aircraft for the United           street to question her authorization to wear air crew wings.   like the North American P-51 “Mustang” and Bell P-63
States military.                                                                                                               “Kingcobra.” Remembered as both jolly and fearless, Lee
                                                                   Tragically, Windham was killed in a training mission        consistently flew seven days a week with little time off.
   Both were accomplished aviators before World War II          over England on March 31, 1945, less than six weeks be-
and used those skills to serve their country after hostilities  fore the war in Europe came to an end, when her B-17G             Thirty-eight WASPs died in this duty. Because they
broke out. Ultimately, both gave the supreme sacrifice in       “Flying Fortress” collided with another aircraft in a heavy    were not then considered military personnel, they did
the course of their duties.                                     overcast. She was 23 years old and the first WAC to give       not qualify for death or injury benefits or even flags on
                                                                her life in the line of duty in the ETO.                       their coffins. Fellow WASPs, typically paid less than male
   March is Women’s History Month. This year’s theme,                                                                          pilots and also responsible for their own food, lodging
“Working to Form a More Perfect Union: Honoring                    Windham was also one of 16 WACs to receive the              and uniforms, took up collections amongst themselves
Women in Public Service and Government,” is an oppor-           Purple Heart during the war. Nearly 40,000 women served        to bury their comrades.
tunity to remember pioneer women in military aviation           in the AAF as WACs or its predecessor the Women’s
while also highlighting the bond forged between Great           Army Auxiliary Corps, performing in more than 200 job             Lee was the final WASP fatality. She was mortally
Falls and the Air Force by the flames of World War II.          categories including administration, logistics and com-        injured Nov. 23, 1944, when the P-63 she was delivering
                                                                munications. More than 500 WACs were on flight status          for the Lend-Lease program collided with another as both
   The war’s intense demand for manpower afforded new           during World War II.                                           approached Great Falls AAB. She died two days later, less
opportunities for women, both on the home front and                                                                            than a month before the WASP program was disbanded.
abroad, as males were increasingly needed for combat.              While regulations didn’t allow WACs to serve as pi-
In Great Falls, women were employed in numerous roles           lots, the AAF met the need with the civil service WASP            The trailblazing lives of Lee and Windham each in-
at Gore Field and at the newly-built Great Falls Army           program. From its inception in 1942 until the program’s        cluded Great Falls. Remembering their service reminds us
Air Base, now named Malmstrom Air Force Base. Some,             end on Dec. 20, 1944, more than 1,100 women completed          we have a rich Air Force heritage worth exploring during
for example, learned aircraft maintenance and prepared          rigorous training to fly all types of military aircraft. WASP  Women’s History Month and beyond.

In Your Corner

By Staff Sgt. Christopher Rodriguez                           You might assume your family, friends                     best part about dealing with these issues is                   things like: “You got this,” or “Keep up the
                                                           or co-workers, however in reality we never                   you don’t have to go through it alone. There                   great work!” They give mental support
Nellis AFB Chapel Office                                   know who is in our corner until life throws                  are experienced trainers in your corner.                       such as instructing the boxer how to get
                                                           us a left-hook out of nowhere.                                                                                              the upper hand, to protect himself, or to
   NELLIS AIR FORCE BASE, Nev. —                                                                                           The military has absolutely phenomenal                      capitalize on a weakness of their opponent.
It’s the fifth round of the fight. You are                    Unfortunately, we all may have expe-                      programs to help. One such resource is the
exhausted and the sweat from your brow                     rienced something of this nature in our                      Airmen & Family Readiness Center. For                             Would you agree boxers can win with-
makes it hard to see. Every muscle aches;                  lives and careers making life in the mili-                   example, you are in debt and see no way out                    out support? Of course not. They need
the bell rings and you stagger to your stool               tary complicated. All Airmen deal with                       or you just need some financial guidance                       support in their corner. The U.S. Air Force
by the ropes. Who is in your corner? I’m a                 stressful issues daily. Everything from the                  — there is a Personal Financial Readiness                      provides people and resources ready to
boxing fan. I look at life as a boxing match.              pressure to attain and maintain thousands                    course they offer which will teach you all                     help. Who is in your corner? Who can
                                                           of regulations, to caring for our families, to               about budgeting.                                               you count on?
   We get hit from all different directions                serving on deployments and even suffering
and attempt to maintain our balance every                  the sucker punches thrown at them.                              Sometimes you will get to be the spec-                         Let us, your Nellis Chapel Team, be in
round. We fight back in in order to not get                                                                             tator or the trainer. They give physical                       your corner. You don’t have to struggle on
knocked down. knocked down. But, some-                        When we look at the issues these Airmen                   support such as water, ice on a busted eye-                    your own. We will support you whenever
times we do fall or stumble. This is what a                face, to blame someone or something for it                   brow, a towel, a place to rest, a Band-Aid.                    you call and even when you don’t. At the
basic boxing match looks like.                             but many people would say that it’s just a                   They give spiritual and moral support to                       end of the day we all need someone in our
                                                           magical four-letter word called “life.” The                  help keep the boxer confident with saying                      corner. We will always be in yours.
   So, who is in your corner?

             Bullseye News Staff                                The Bullseye is published by Aerotech News and Review,  available for purchase and use of patronage without regard     articles must include a byline (author of the story).
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