Page 6 - Nellis Creech NTTR Bullseye 3-18-16
P. 6

6 March 18, 2016                                                    Feature                             BULLSEYE                                                 

RPA, from page 5 ______________             Class Tyler, 432nd ACMS RPA satellite                                                                                                      U.S. Air Force photo by Airman 1st Class Christian Clausen
                                            communications technician. “We also
thorough pre-flight inspection to verify    troubleshoot communication issues if         Airmen from the 432nd Aircraft Maintenance Squadron load a GBU-12 Paveway II
the RPA is air worthy. These inspections    needed.”                                     laser-guided bomb on an MQ-0 Reaper Aug. 5, at Creech Air Force Base, Nev. The
include checking antennas, landing                                                       maintenance crew was evaluated on timeliness, safety, and precision of loading
gear, brakes, wings, tail planes, engines,     The ACMS Airmen are unique, as            munitions on remotely piloted aircraft as part of the 2015 Air-Ground Weapons
making sure openings are free of foreign    they are members of the only aircraft        Systems Evaluation Program also known as Combat Hammer.
objects, and ensuring the plane is not      communications maintenance squadron
leaking any fluids.                         in the Air Force responsible for both
                                            maintaining GCSs as well as ensuring
   “As a crew chief we direct main-         the entire data link is ready to support
tenance, replace parts, troubleshoot        the aircraft.
malfunctions, train personnel, conduct
inspections, and document maintenance          Each and every maintainer has their
forms,” said Staff Sgt. Matthew, 432nd      own part to play in the success of the
AMXS crew chief. “Essentially we pro-       RPA enterprise and making it work. No
vide mission ready aircraft so the aircrew  matter their career field or what minute
can enable the RPA mission.”                task lay ahead, for the importance of the
                                            mission, even tightening a screw serves
   GCS                                      a greater purpose.
   While the plane is being serviced and
prepared on the ground, Airmen from            “These Airmen are saving lives every
the 432nd Aircraft Communication            single day and enabling others to save
Maintenance Squadron, are at work           lives,” said Chief Master Sgt. Robert,
behind the scenes inspecting the GCS’s      432nd MXS maintenance superin-
and conducting pre-flight servicing, as     tendent. “The maintainer who thinks
well as ensuring the processers, screens,   they’re just fixing a maintenance stand
links, and networks are operational. In     is actually fixing the stand so that a
essence, the ACMS provides the link         crew chief can get the plane to fly, so the
between aircrews in the GCS to the plane    aircrew can train and gain experience
miles away.                                 flying, so they can keep someone on the
   “We maintain all the communica-          ground safe downrange and be able to
tions equipment such as the antennas,       return home to their families.”
ground data terminals, relays, and links
needed to fly an RPA,” said Airman 1st         Editor’s note: The last names of cer-
                                            tain individuals in this story have been
                                            removed for security reasons.

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