Page 9 - Nellis Creech NTTR Bullseye 3-18-16
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BULLSEYE News 9March 18, 2016
Civilian developmental education AFAF, from page 8 _________ in aid to the widows of military
application deadline Sunday, May 1 veterans to live in a safe, dignified,
charitable mission to care for caring communities and have been
By Janis El Shabazz from basic developmental education to retired Air Force Officers’ wid- doing so since 1975. They provide
intermediate development education owed spouses who need financial transportation, prescription pick-
Air Force Personnel Center Public Affairs and senior developmental education. assistance. With the motto, “take up service, fitness activities, and
In addition to applications for BDE, care of our own,” it really says it social events for the widows they
JOINT BASE SAN ANTONIO- IDE and SDE applications for the civil- all and for nearly 50 years they serve.
RANDOLPH, Texas — Civilian Airmen ian strategic leadership program are have been proving it every day
have until May 1 to submit applications also accepted during the CDE call for with more than $17.5 Million The 2016 AFAF campaign offi-
for civilian developmental education nominations. in donations to the assistance cially kicks off March 21 and will
programs to the Air Force Personnel and care of surviving spouses of run through April 29, everyone
Center. Requirements and eligibility vary de- military Veterans. at Nellis, Creech AFB’s and the
pending on the program, as do submis- NTTR is encouraged to contribute.
“Educational opportunities, in con- sion requirements, so applicants should tćF-FNBZ'PVOEBUJPOJO
junction with experience and training, carefully review force development gave over $426,302 in assistance The goals this year for team
are a key component of the continuum information available on the myPers that benefited widows with monthly Nellis is to obtain 100 percent
of learning designed to deliberately de- website before preparing application grants to augment incomes that fall contact and participation and to
velop Air Force leaders,” said Virginia documents. below the poverty line and provided raise $201,652.
Banda, AFPC CDE program manager. one-time grants to assist with needs
“CDE programs help provide the knowl- To see det a i led descr ipt ions of like hearing aids, dental care, and The donation process is simple
edge and skills the civilian workforce each of the CDE programs go to minor home repairs. and painless, taking very little
needs to anticipate and successfully the myPers website [https://mypers. time or effort to complete. Like
meet the unique challenges present ]. Select the “Ci- t "JS 'PSDF &OMJTUFE 7JMMBHF last year, personnel can donate
across the range of military operations.” vilian Employee” link. Under the “Learn “To Provide a Home” is a simple via the Payroll Deduction Plan,
More About” menu, scroll down to the mission based on the ideal that no cash, or check to any of the four
There are approximately 25 CDE “Force Development,” section. one should be homeless or living major AFAF charities above. Your
programs offered each year. They range in less than desirable conditions. donations will go to families that
Through your generous support, answered our nation’s call and have
the Air Force Enlisted Village, now fallen on hard times and need
gives over $1.1 million annually our help. Please support the chari-
ties listed above.
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