Page 11 - Aerotech News and Review, December 18, 2020
P. 11

The loss of the XB-70 Valkyrie:

          Seconds that last forever

          by Bob Alvis                                                                              to punch out in their individual escape   the wives of his friends.
          special to Aerotech News                                                                  modules. Only Al White was success-  Seconds, not minutes and hours, is
                                                                                                    ful in parting ways with the stricken,   the reality in flight test, when so much
           Sitting here, looking at the calendar                                                    out-of-control craft, but an incapaci-  is happening at such enormous speeds
          and seeing “6/8/2020” staring at me                                                       tated Carl Cross never made it out. Al   and what we laymen on the ground
          instantly takes my mind back to the                                                       White did not escape serious injuries.   consider as just a blur. The pilots,
          tragic loss of the XB-70 Valkyrie on                                                      His descent to the desert floor in his   over time, have done their best to an-
          June 8, 1966.                                                                             capsule was also filled with problems   ticipate and prepare for the unexpected
           Even as a young boy, that event had                                                      that prevented a smooth landing and   that can happen at lightning speed. But
          an effect on me that ended up lasting                                                     a broken arm and dislocated shoulder,   sometimes the unexpected can come
          until today and will continue to do so                                                    along with internal injuries, made for a   from the ordinary. During an event
          until the day I check out of this life. I                                                 life-threatening experience that would   where it just doesn’t seem like much
          have written articles about this tragic                                                   keep him in the Edwards AFB Hospi-  danger is present, we are reminded that
          moment in our Valley and also the                                                         tal and under the care of doctors for   we never know, even in our own lives,
          greatness of that big beautiful bird we                                                   many years.                   when seconds can write a book about
          know as the XB-70 Valkyrie. Doing                                                          Al White guessed it was just 60 sec-  how the unexpected can change our
          some soul searching this morning and                                                      onds from the time the XB-70 Valkyrie   lives forever.
          reading some obscure writings on the                                                      went into its death dance until the mo-  On this June 8, we remember those
          incident, it occurred to me that those                                                    ment he ejected. He stated just a cou-  who lost their lives that day; those who
          final seconds of men’s lives and the                                        Courtesy photograph  ple seconds later it would have been   bore the lifelong physical and emo-
          B-70 may not be well known by cur-  The XB-70 Valkyrie flies in a four-ship formation with an an F-4 Phantom, an   too late, as the G-forces would have   tional scars, and the thousands who
          rent generations, so this week I just   F-5, a T-38 Talon and an F-104 Starfighter) June 8, 1966.  had him pinned and incapacitated —   were personally affected by the loss
          want to share the story of those few   70 in a V-formation. The stage was set   70A-2 flew on, wings straight and lev-  which is what many felt had happened   of this beautiful craft. It will never be
          seconds, to paint the picture of how   and it was time to roll cameras. Cam-  el, for 16 seconds. There was no indi-  to Carl Cross.  just another “jet” — it was an iconic
          something bigger than life can all be   eras began clicking at 8:45 and by 9:25   cation in the cockpit that the craft had   In a world of seconds, so much can   symbol of American pride and inge-
          gone in just the blink of an eye.  the photo taking session was over.  been mortally wounded; just a distant   happen. From the time he punched   nuity and the fruits of the labor of so
           Flight test 2-46 — which translates   9:26 a.m.: “MID-AIR MID-AIR   thump — detached, yet terrifying. Al   out until the next day, Al had no idea   many aerospace workers who called it
          to air vehicle number 2, test flight   MID-AIR!” The radio came alive   White turned to Carl Cross and said,   of many of the dynamics of the entire   their own gift to the skies of America.
          number 46 — is the official designa-  with the frantic and dreaded call of   “I wonder who it is.” Even after they   event. He didn’t even know that Joe   Until next time my, Bob out …
          tor of this tragic event. It was the 95th   planes and pilots in distress. The first   heard the frantic radio calls, neither   and Carl had been killed, until a priest
          flight test of an XB-70 Valkyrie. Al   to suffer was NASA chief test pilot Joe   White nor Cross tied the emergency to   came to visit him at the hospital and   Editor’s note: This article was first
          White was in the XB-70 pilot’s seat for   Walker in his F-104N, as it rolled in-  their aircraft. Even after another pilot   told him that he had already talked to   published June 12, 2020.
          his 49th time. In the co-pilot’s seat was   verted across the back of the B-70. The   in the formation, Joe Cotton, made the
          a newcomer: Air Force Maj. Carl S.   F-104’s T-tail ripped at the Valkyrie’s   call that “Your tails are gone and you
          Cross, a 40-year-old Tennessean, was   drooped right wingtip and his errant   will probably spin,” they still didn’t
          the seventh man assigned to partici-  craft rolled sharply left, out of con-  think they were involved. Neither pi-
          pate in the XB-70 flight test program.   trol. It then flipped upside down and   lot heard the “s” on the word tail and
          At 7:15 a.m., the XB-70-2 took off   passed over the XB-70’s back, shear-  didn’t associate the midair with the
          and left behind the Edwards runway   ing off part of the right and most of   XB-70.
          for the last time. Many folks do not   its left vertical fins. While it was still   That all changed when the XB-70
          realize that this mission did have pre-  inverted, the Starfighter pounded away   shuddered and rolled over on its back,
          determined flight test objectives, con-  at the Valkyrie’s left wing like a crazed   nose down, and went into a violent
          sisting of 12 subsonic airspeed calcula-  woodpecker. The F-104 burst into   yaw, due to the fact that it no longer
          tion runs and a single supersonic boom   flames, ripped into pieces and fell aft   had sufficient vertical stabilizer area to
          test run, after which White and Cross   and away from the stricken Valkyrie.   hold it straight and level. It was at this
          were to rendezvous with a contingent   It twisted violently, flipped over and   point that both pilots knew their ship
          of General Electric-powered jets for a   over through the air in a huge fireball,   was doomed.
          mid-air PR photographic session.  then fell to the desert floor below. Joe   The airstream hitting the Valkyrie
           With the XB-70’s test duties over it   Walker was killed instantly. The entire   from such an uncommon angle flipped
          was time for the meet-up. The rendez-  interaction between the B-70 and his   it through a giant snap roll, fuel spew-
          vous began at 8:27 a.m. By 8:43, the   F-104 only lasted 3 seconds.  ing from the torn right wing. It was
          aircraft had all joined up on the XB-  As if nothing had occurred, the XB-  at this point that both pilots attempted

                                                                                     Courtesy photographs                                         Courtesy photograph
                                                       Left: Maj. Carl S. Cross. Right: Joe Walker  The impact site.

                                                                 Aerotech News and Review
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