Page 2 - Nellis AFB Bullseye 7-24-15
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2 July 24, 2015                                            Commentary                                                                                                                                 BULLSEYE                                                                                                                                               

Nellis celebrates successful Vacation Bible School

By chaplain candidate (2nd Lt.) serena Washington             Hands flew up and the noise level in the Chapel           tion, said he found Vacation Bible School, “an exciting
                                                           was booming. As all eyes were on professor Petri as          opportunity for the community to come together to
99th Air Base Wing Chapel                                  he dropped blue dye in a large cylinder jar of warm          share their Christian Faith.”
                                                           water, the children eagerly awaited to see what would
   NELLIS AIR FORCE BASE, Nev. — The Nellis                happen. “It’s blue,” many children said.                        Thelma Loggins, a 19-year veteran of Vacation Bible
Chapel has done it again with the 18th and best year                                                                    School, was honored with two-dozen roses as the last
of Vacation Bible School ever.                                Sally asked Professor Petri if it’s all ok. Professor     year in service as the music leader.
                                                           Petri then dug into an ice bucket and pulled out a piece
   This year’s theme of Science, provided by Gospel        of dry ice and placed it in the large cylinder jar now          The children were excited talking to their parents
Light’s Son Sparks Labs, proved to be engaging and         containing blue water. Like a volcano, steam began           each evening about what they had learned. Fourth
fun for all 192 children and volunteers. Discovering       to emerge atop the jar, billowing white smoke steams         grade teacher Charon Martin enjoyed the week of
the light of God in a science-based curriculum allowed     down the sides.                                              volunteering at the chapel and was impressed with the
the students to integrate their knowledge of motion,                                                                    students, stating, “They were happy children, enjoying
cause and effect, chain reaction, and transformation          This night was the lesson of transformation followed      the classes, arts and crafts, snack time, games and skits;
with scientific experiments relating them to teachings     by a lesson of Jesus dying on the cross for our sins and     overall, really great kids.”
about Christ.                                              allowing each one of us to be forgiven.
                                                                                                                           Vacation Bible School is offered every summer at
   One-hundred-twenty-two students sitting in pews            Each night children learned a new scientific table        the Nellis Air Force Base Chapel, and is open to all
marked for four-year-olds to high school freshmen          symbol, such as nitrogen-N, hydrogen-H, and helium-          faith groups and all students.
awaited their daily devotion by professor Petri and        HE, while attending classes with daily themes. The
his assistant Sally. During one experiment, professor      entire week culminated with a Friday night children’s           The Chapel staff would like to extend a special thank
Petri, a bearded man with white overcoat and thick         performance, where they sang numerous songs.                 you to all from Protestant religious education coor-
glasses, asked for volunteers.                                                                                          dinator, Lisa Noehl, and Catholic religious education
                                                              Glen Noehl, audio visual technician for the produc-       coordinator, Nashia Quinata.

The unseen leader

By Master sgt. Melvin Fouke                                   During that time, my work center Finally, the inspection report ar-                                                      egate and disappear but instead he was
                                                           went through some rigorous inspections rived. I scoured the report looking                                                  grooming me to take a more active role
366th Force Support Squadron                               and we performed well beyond anyone’s for his name. Although I didn’t find                                                  in the functions of Air Force leadership.
                                                           expectations. I was sure the boss man was his name, I did find mine, along with
   MOUNTAIN HOME AIR FORCE                                 going to parade right through my office, two others from my office, listed as top                                              Well, they say my “small hoorah”
BASE, Idaho — Over the years, I’ve seen                    singing about how great he was. When performers. All this time I thought he                                                 grew three sizes that day. I had been
many leaders come and go. The ones I                       that day didn’t come I was confused.  was promoting himself, but in reality he                                              led without my awareness.  I had been
admired, I took note of the traits I wished                                                                                                                                            given a gift from the most unlikely of
I had, as well as the ones I already pos-                    “A leader is best when people                                                                                             people. It was a powerful moment for
sessed. It took me a long time to realize                  barely know he exists. When his                                                                                             me in my Air Force career as I now
some of my personal and professional                       work is done, his aim fulfilled,                                                                                            understood what leading really meant.
weaknesses were the very areas I gravi-                    they will say, ‘we did it ourselves.’”                                                                                      It meant showing others the right way
tated toward in my leaders.                                                                                                                                                            to conduct Air Force business and not
                                                                                                  — Lao Tzu                                                                            shutting them out.
   Lao Tzu once said, “A leader is best
when people barely know he exists.                         Weeks went by and not a word was said                        was promoting me and my coworkers all                             Leadership is a word we often use
When his work is done, his aim fulfilled,                  about how great “The Savior” was and                         over the base.  My opinion of him was                          in the military, perhaps more than we
they will say, ‘we did it ourselves.’” To                  how he got us through this inspection.                       instantly changed. I started to reflect                        should: leadership decisions, leadership
me, this is true leadership, when you                      Another couple weeks went by. I assumed                      back on how he took me along to every-                         seminars, senior leadership, the list goes
don’t even realize you’re being led. When                  there was a mistake somewhere because                        thing he did.  I gained perspective and                        on. Using a word so often can cause it to
things are difficult, they’re the ones                     my boss never passed an opportunity to                       I learned how decisions were made. My                          lose some of its “oomph.” It seems pre-
people turn to, and instead of answers,                    let everyone know how great he was.                          initial thoughts were he wanted to del-                        posterous to be led to the “front lines”
they get encouragement, guidance and                                                                                                                                                   of the conference room for another
ultimately, empowerment.                                                                                                                                                               seemingly endless meeting.

   One leader in particular stands out as                                                                                                                                                 In the end though, maybe I did need
one I aspired to be like, although I can’t                                                                                                                                             to be led into that conference room, not
say that was my opinion right from the                                                                                                                                                 because it was a dangerous or hostile
start. This boss was loud, boisterous, and                                                                                                                                             environment, but instead an unfamiliar
a bit too “hoorah” for my taste. Starting                                                                                                                                              area for me at that point of my career.
with the first day he walked into the                                                                                                                                                  That leader scooped me up and showed
office, I didn’t like him, and thought I                                                                                                                                               me the way. Will you take your subor-
never would. It was like this for the first                                                                                                                                            dinates with you to those meetings?  If
six months.                                                                                                                                                                            not, ask yourself why.

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