Page 7 - Nellis AFB Bullseye 7-24-15
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BULLSEYE                                    News                                                                                       7July 24, 2015                                                                                          

Decorations processing now initiated                                                   dEfENdErS, from page 6 						              Flag,” Noethlich said. “Our folks that
through virtual Personnel Center                                                       the 99th Security Forces Squadron.         are coming in, our air expeditionary
                                                                                                                                  wings, our professionals here do their
Air Force Personnel Center Public Affairs   improves Airmen’s access to person-           Lt. Col. Joseph Ringer, 99th SFS        business well and we do a great job
                                            nel processes. It also saves members       commander, entrusts his squadron           planning these events and taking care
    JOINT BASE SAN ANTONIO-                 time since it includes pre-populated       with safeguarding every asset during       of a lot of the things in advance that
RANDOLPH, Texas — Supervisors of            certificates and memorandums, online       the exercises.                             would end up being issues if we didn’t.”
active-duty Airmen can now use the          “Décor 6” forms, automatic updates to
virtual Personnel Center via myPers to      the Military Personnel Data System and        “The activity definitely increases         Ringer also said preparation plays a
initiate and track decorations through-     automatic transfers to official records.   (during Red Flag),” Ringer said.           part in reducing security issues which
out the review and approval process.                                                   “There is a huge swell in a number of      may arise due to foreign air forces
                                               A process for active-duty evalua-       aircraft that are congregated on the       participating in the exercises.
   “The online application allows for       tions was implemented in vPC in May.       flightline, where we are responsible for
automated routing and approval, in ad-      Senior raters are able to submit active-   securing to enable all the missions and       “We check those things regularly for
dition to prepopulating certain person-     duty evaluations and track the process     sorties that are generated.”               the people stationed on Nellis AFB, so
nel data in the forms,” said Christine      through the myPers website on all of-                                                 if you increase the number of person-
Stingley, the military future operations    ficer and initial evaluations that closed     When Airmen receive a temporary         nel coming to the base, it will raise the
branch requirements and testing chief.      out on or after June 30 and for enlisted   duty assignment to Nellis Air Force        work level for our defenders,” Ringer
“vPC also allows for the electronic review  evaluations beginning with the July 31     Base for Red Flag, security forces’        said. “We have aircraft come in from
and processing into a members record.”      senior master sergeant static closeout     workload greatly increases.                all around the world to participate, so
                                            date.                                                                                 there are security concerns that come
   Active-duty decorations will be initi-                                                 “The influx of personnel has to be      from some other nations, but we work
ated, processed and tracked through the        Video tutorials and user guides for     processed into the base and we have a      those out before they come here so ev-
vPC application dashboard. Initially,       commanders and supervisors are avail-      role in that as well,” Ringer said. “For   eryone participating feels safe.”
automated processing will include the       able on myPers under the “I Would          the aircrews and teams that come in,
Meritorious Service Medal, Air Force        Like To” section. Select the “View vPC     there’s an entry authorization list and       Although Red Flag exercises provide
Commendation Medal, Air Force               Information” for tutorials and guides      restricted area badge coordination that    training to Airmen throughout the Air
Achievement Medal, Aerial Achieve-          on using vPC. After reviewing instruc-     we take care of too. So above our day-     Force, it’s just more days of excellence
ment Medal, Combat Readiness Medal          tions, Airmen can also visit the vPC       to-day work, there’s a lot that goes on.”  for the men and women of the 99th SFS.
and Military Outstanding Volunteer          Dashboard page.
Service Medal.                                                                            Senior Master Sgt. Brian Noethlich,        “Red Flag is not an exercise for us,
                                               For more information about Air          99th SFS operations superintendent,        it’s an operator’s exercise and we get to
   Adding automated decoration pro-         Force personnel programs go to the         oversees the day-to-day operations for     perform our day-to-day mission dur-
cessing on myPers through the vPC           myPers website.                            security forces Airmen and acknowl-        ing their exercise,” Ringer said. “Our
                                                                                       edges that with proper planning, secu-     mission is to protect their resources
                                                                                       rity concerns can be minimal.              and personnel to enable them to do
                                                                                                                                  what they do during Red Flag.”
                                                                                          “There is a negligible amount of se-
                                                                                       curity violations occurring during Red

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