Page 1 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt, November 2020
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“We train the world’s greatest fighter pilots and combat ready Airmen” November 2020
Vol. 19, No. 11
INSIDE Joint training makes Australia’s F-35 mission operational
by Airman 1st Class
BRooke MoeDeR
StorIES 56th Fighter Wing Public Affairs
What it means to be Luke Air Force Base is fulfilling Secretary of Defense Mark
Hispanic, 2 Esper’s national defense priority of strengthening alliances
and partnerships by training alongside the Royal Australian
Invisible wounds, 2 air force.
The Royal Australian air force returned most of its F-35A
War Stories, 3 Lightning II pilots, maintainers and aircraft to RAAF Base
Williamtown, Australia, in December 2019, but still maintains
ALS graduates, 4 a joint pilot-training and maintenance presence here.
RAAF Maj. Christopher Baker, 61st Fighter Squadron instruc-
56th Ammunitions tor pilot and graduate of the F-35A pilot training program at
Flight, 6 Luke, attests to the importance of the training partnership
between the U.S. Air Force and the RAAF. He explained it is
Chaplain’s thoughts, 10 extremely rewarding to reinvest and train both nationalities
in the same aircraft with the same tactics.
Airman 1st Class Brooke Moeder
New runway repair, 12 “I feel like we contribute something to the U.S. Air Force Royal Australian air force Maj. Christopher Baker, 61st Fight-
training mission by bringing our own unique perspectives, con-
figuration, roles and environments to the mission — just like er Squadron instructor pilot, and U.S. Air Force Lt. Col. Tom
the U.S. Air Force mission brings that to us as well,” Baker said. Hayes, 61st FS commander, pose for a photo Sept. 9, at Luke
“I think that’s what’s really useful about it being combined.” Air Force Base. The U.S. Air Force is strengthening alliances
According to U.S. Air Force Lt. Col. Tom Hayes, 61st FS com- and partnerships by training F-35A Lightning II fighter pilots
mander, three components enable the successful integration of alongside the RAAF since 2014. All RAAF personnel are
the RAAF and the U.S. Air Force: the platform, common tactics scheduled to return to RAAF Base Williamtown, Australia,
by December 2020. The first B-course for the student pilots
Continue to get Luke’s latest and the objective of training the world’s most capable fighter at RAAF Base Williamtown is projected to launch in January
news and information from pilots. 2021 and will be taught by instructor pilots that trained at
these sources: https://www. See Mission, Page 8 Luke AFB. A U.S. Air Force
and social media and a Royal Austra-
lian air force F-35A
Lightning II assigned
Luke56thFW @LukeAFB to the 61st Fighter
Date of publication Squadron, Luke Air
Force Base, fly in
First Friday formation during
of the month a commemoration
flight Oct. 8, over
Submission deadline Bagdad, Ariz. The
15th day of the month event celebrated the
prior to date of publication partnership between
the RAAF and USAF
Veterans in their joint efforts
training the world’s
most capable fighter
Tell us Your Story pilots at Luke AFB.
Active-duty, Reserve, Retirees The flight marked the
All military branches are included final sortie between
Email name, phone number and a the two nations
brief description of your service to before Luke AFB’s Australian partners
Staff Sgt. Alexander Cook departed.
AlwAys free Access!
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