Page 10 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt, November 2020
P. 10
10 November 2020 news
Chaplain’s thoughts ...
Look below the surface sand dune desert. The profiles of dunes can be seen Seasons signify change
on the exposed walls of this layer. Other layers were
by Chaplain (Capt.) deposited in deep oceans or river deltas as the canyon by Dr.
RoBYN evolved through time. Each layer tells a story of vast JULie ReeSe
kLeiNSChMiDT time periods.
We started our hike much like we start relation- 944th Fighter Wing Director of Psychological Health
56th Fighter Wing Chapel ships with our friends and co-workers — on the Bringing in cooler temperatures, fall simulates a
This summer I had the surface. We typically carry our newest experiences change in our season, a form of ushering out the old
opportunity to spend the closest to the surface. This is similar to the fact that and bringing in the new. Fall brings about beautiful
weekend at Grand Can- only about 5% of visitors to the Grand Canyon actu- colors and renewed faith in the beauty of our environ-
yon National Park with ally go below the rim. We can be like that ourselves, ments. This change also invokes the passing of what
47 Airmen from Luke Air only willing to show a select few the deeper layers was allowing us to ponder and embrace new begin-
Force Base and Davis- within us — avoiding being vulnerable, avoiding the nings, as these beautiful colors prepare the organism
Monthan Air Force Base. possibility of getting hurt. We can be like that with for even more change ahead.
Chaplain (Capt.) Besides being able to es- others as well, only seeking to know them at surface “The first step toward change is awareness. The sec-
Robyn Kleinschmidt cape the heat of Phoenix, level — avoiding going too deep. ond step is acceptance.” — Nathaniel Branden
I was looking forward to If we are open to being vulnerable and getting to As Airmen, change is constant and often requires
the weekend because it combined two of my favorite know people more genuinely we begin to discover immediate transitions with limited flexibility. When
things: ministry and Grand Canyon National Park. their deeper layers. We learn their stories and what thinking about change, understand that oftentimes,
I often tell people I have the best job in the Air it took to create their layers. Each of the layers within doors close so others can open. This means that with
Force. To me it’s not really a job. I have the honor of us, like those in Grand Canyon, vary in thickness and the passing of a deployment, situation, relationship,
serving Airmen, meeting them where they are on their fragility. Some chip away easily and can cause us opportunity, etc., new beginnings will surface and
journey in the Air Force and the privilege of walking to slip and slide, while other layers are thicker and be right on time. Remaining focused, physically and
alongside them. stronger, creating a support for future layers to form. emotionally fit, and confident will support healthy
That weekend, we hiked through the top three At this time when there is so much emphasis and transitions and ease you in to newly found beginnings.
layers of Grand Canyon out to Skeleton Point on the attention on suicide and what might be causing people While the universe works to shift and change our
South Kaibab Trail. There was ample time to reflect to consider and even complete suicide, I encourage you environments to support earthly harmony, our worlds
upon what made the desert’s pastel layers. There to look at each person around you in depth. Look for also shift and change, and if we allow ourselves to
are nine major rock layers in Grand Canyon, with their beauty. Look at the layers of their experiences. embrace the uncertainty, we can also experience the
the oldest layer of rock at the bottom of the canyon But don’t be like the 95% of visitors who stay at the harmony in our lives. Expect great things to come
and the newest layer on top covering billions of years surface. Put on your hiking boots, grab your hydration and they shall!
of earth’s history. One of the upper layers we hiked pack and walk alongside them — journeying deeper
through is Coconino Sandstone. It is a fossilized and discovering the beauty that lies within their story.
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