Page 6 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt, November 2020
P. 6
6 November 2020 news
56th Ammunitions Flight builds 72 laser-guided bombs
Airman 1st Class Maxim Gogo, 56th Equipment Maintenance Squadron munitions sys-
tems technician, separates parts to be installed on GBU-12 Paveway II laser-guided
bombs Sept 22, at Luke Air Force Base. Airmen assembled 24 bombs during the first day
of the three-day build session to maintain a steady supply of munitions for the base. The
munitions flight assembles, stores, and transports explosives for all eight maintenance
units at Luke, ensuring pilots are able to train with realistic ammunition.
LEFT: Airman Quinton Chaney, 56th Equipment Maintenance Squadron munitions systems
technician, and Senior Airman Tre Tate, 56th EMS munitions systems technician, use a
Photos by Airman 1st Class Caleb F. Butler forklift sling to move GBU-12 Paveway II laser-guided bombs Sept. 22.
First female SUPT graduate at Vance selected to fly F-35 Lightning II
By 2nd Lt. Force, but gradually, she began to home in
ALYSSA LeTTS on the F-35. Vander Kolk liked the idea of
being in a jet that was good in all aspects
71st Flying Training Wing Public Affairs
of air combat.
VANCe AiR FoRCe BASe, okla. — If Vander Kolk didn’t know she would be a
the Air Force was casting for another Mar- first for Vance if she got what she wanted.
vel movie, their lead is at Vance — 2nd Lt. She was focusing on celebrating the success
Rachel Vander Kolk. of her class at drop night — the tradition
On May 1, Vander Kolk graduated from every pilot goes through when they find out
the Specialized Undergraduate Pilot Train- what assignment and aircraft they will get.
ing program and became the first woman She flew that morning, so she didn’t have
selected to fly the F-35 Lightning II — the a lot of time to anticipate what she would
jet of the future. drop. There was noticeable electricity in the
The F-35 requires the best that the Air air for all the student pilots.
Force has to offer, which is where Vander And when the assignments dropped,
Kolk steps in. Vander Kolk made history for Vance.
The selectee comes from the University of “There’s not a lot of words to describe the
Virginia with a degree in Aerospace Engi- feeling I had when I found out,” she said.
neering. She played collegiate-level lacrosse After working so hard for her goal of F-35
all four years of college. selection, it took time to process what she
She wanted to be in the Air Force and achieved both for herself and women at
found her way in through the one-year Vance.
program that UVA temporarily offered for She attributed her success to teamwork.
ROTC students. “Everybody’s mission is important,” Vander
“I basically did a crash course in ROTC, Kolk said. “Looking out for my team is what
went to Field Training, commissioned and lifts me up.”
then came here,” Vander Kolk said. The F-35 selectee encouraged everyone
Once she got to Vance, she wasn’t sure pursuing ambitious goals to work hard at
what she wanted to fly, but she took the everything they do to open as many doors
same go-getter attitude from college to the as possible.
flightline. “I didn’t always know I wanted to be a
“When I got here, I just wanted to be in pilot, but I wanted to be the best at what I senior Airman Taylor Crul
the air,” Vander Kolk said. tried,” she said. Second Lt. Rachel Vander Kolk is the first female pilot training graduate at Vance
She was open to the needs of the Air Captain Marvel would certainly approve. Air Force Base, Oklahoma, selected to fly the F-35 Lightning II.