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10 December 2021 Desert Lightning News Desert Lightning News December 2021 11
Jammers celebrate 40 years with EC-130 Compass Call
Story and photo by Tech. Sgt. Staff Sgt. Sam Hull, 755th
wiLLiAM A. o’BRieN Operations Squadron,
sells squadron merchan-
55th Wing Public Affairs
dise during the EC-130
The 55th Electronic Combat Group cel- Compass Call 40th An-
ebrated 40 years of the EC-130 Compass niversary Open House
Call program with a celebration hosted by Oct. 15, Davis-Monthan
the 55th Wing Association October 15-16. Air Force Base, Arizona.
The EC-130 Compass Call operates To celebrate “40 years of
under the 55th ECG as a geographically jamming”, each unit sold
separated unit of the 55th Wing at Offutt magnets with links to
AFB, Nebraska. playlists from 1981 as well
“This event marks the occasion of this as various other pieces
mission set turning 40 and celebrates the of squadron-specific
wide array of accomplishments, achieve- merchandise. The aircraft
ments and milestones of the Compass Call provides airborne commu-
program and the wonderful Airmen who nications jamming by dis-
made it all happen for all these years,” rupting enemy command
said Col. Kristen Thompson, 55th Wing and control communica-
commander. “At this celebration, we have tions and limits adversary
people who truly are legends; legends in coordination.
this community as well as in the Air Force.”
The aircraft provides airborne commu-
nications jamming by disrupting enemy “When you look back at the last 20 George Cundiff, 55th ECG commander. “If lowed aircrew past and present to tour the
command and control communications and years and what you’ve all accomplished in the U.S. has done it, if the Department of EC-130, as well as an RC-135V/W Rivet
limits adversary coordination. Afghanistan, be proud,” said Bacon. “None Defense has done it, largely, we’ve been Joint, which made the trip from Offutt.
Rep. Don Bacon, who served with the of what you did was in vain. You effectively there.” “For 20 years we have provided U.S.
55th Wing at Offutt and Davis-Monthan, jammed communications and contributed “Most notably, our time in Afghanistan, Central Command unwavering support,”
each three times, was the keynote speaker to the effort to stop terrorism.” as we were there until the very end,” he said Thompson. “And as we look to the fu-
for the event. He commended the past and Bacon said that the total number of sor- said. “We were there when the very last ture, we may be uncertain where our next
present aircrews for their sacrifice and ac- tie hours flown in that region by the EC-130 C-17 lifted off from Karzai International battlespace may be, but we can be certain
complishments over the past two decades exceeded 10 years’ time. Airport and nothing happened to that C-17 that we have a team of ready, capable and
while continuously deployed in support of “We have had a hand in every major because we were there.” combat-tested Airmen ready to impede the
operations in Afghanistan. operation of the past 40 years,” said Col. There was also a static display that al- communications of any adversary.”
Celebrating Black History Month
Special publication
February is Black History Month: celebrating, honoring and educating
Americans on the achievements of African Americans throughout American
On January 28, 2022, each of Aerotech News and Review’s publications
will publish a special edition dedicated to the achievements of African
Americans in the military and aerospace. These issues are sure to be
informative, thought-provoking and wonderful keepsake editions.
Please join us in honoring the African American community by placing
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Buffalo soldiers were African American soldiers who mainly your ad, or email Sandi at
served on the Western frontier following the American Civil War.
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The Tuskegee Airmen, the popular name of a group of •
African-American military pilots who fought in World War II.