Page 9 - Desert Lightning News So. AZ Edition
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8  December 2021  Desert Lightning News  Desert Lightning News       December 2021                                                                      9                                        
 STrAfErS   (from Page 5)                                                       Airpower starts with Airmen
 detail and keep track of, as well as the
 grueling mission tempo Delhamer and
 his squadron maintained.
 In mission briefs, the pilots were provided                                             Story and photo by             human performance optimization programs.”
 aerial photographs showing targeted areas                                                Airman 1st Class               To improve physical performance, the course
 in eastern Germany for the B-17s. After                                                 VAughN weBeR                   included physical therapists, there to teach
 they were briefed, the pilots would grab                                                  355 Wing Public Affairs      maintainers how to properly lift. Using proper
 their gear and be ready to go to escort                                                                                lift techniques would reduce back, leg, arm
 bomber aircraft.                                                                 Leadership from the 355th Maintenance   pain and on-the-job injuries. The second as-
 Personal photos showcased several pilots                                       Group recently came up with a course designed   pect of the course focused on how to minimize
 from the 357th FS posing with their beloved                                    to help A-10C Thunderbolt II maintainers at   the maintainer’s mental exhaustion. Some
 aircraft. Lyons even named his P-51, “Ti-                                      Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, Arizona, Oct.   of the maintainers linked their stressors to
 ger’s Revenge.”                                                                16-21.                                  financial management and nutritional needs.
 The 355th FG was activated in November   U.S. Air Force photo by Staff Sgt. Kristine Legate   The course is called Weapons Expert Course   “This course is more of how to live as an Air-
 of 1942 in Orlando, Florida, and moved to   George Tinseth, 355th Wing historian,   to help with physical and mental exhaustion,   man and how to be an adult,” said Senior Air-
 their new home in Steeple Morden, Eng-  holds a horizontal rangefinder at Davis-  which were two issues identified within the   man Taylor George, 355th MXG maintainer.
 land, July 1, 1943. The group became fully   Monthan Air Force Base, Arizona, Nov.   maintenance squadrons. This was the first   “Because so many Airmen are coming right
 operational by Sept. 9 and flew their first   5. A horizontal rangefider is utilized to   iteration of the Weapons Expert Course, which   out of high school, and it’s really useful for
 combat mission with the Eighth Air Force   calculate effective lethal fields of fire on   aims to solve these problems for future U.S. Air   them to know how to live and how to provide
                                                                                                                        for themselves.”
                                                                                Force maintainers at all levels.
 on Sept. 14, 1943. During the 355th FG   U.S. Air Force Photo by Staff Sgt. Kristine Legate   a 1:300,000 scale map for the venerable   “This environment led to discussions be-  Specifically, it taught maintainers and their
 8.8 cm German “Flak” guns.
 operations in the European Theater, they   Personal belongings of 1st Lt. Robert Delhamer, 357th Fighter Squadron P-51 Mus-  tween the 355th Medical Group, MXG and   families about financial aid, sleep enhance-
 flew both the P-47 Thunderbolt and P-51   tang pilot, are displayed on a table. Pictured are aviator goggles, U.S. Army Air Forc-  the Community Action Team, which is a group   ment, nutrition, and roles of leadership for
 Mustang, conducting more than 17,000   es Officers’ Club notebook, a “TS” ticket that was marked every time a member paid   the 357th FS accounted for over a quarter   of resiliency organizations,” said Col. Marc   younger and experienced non-commissioned
 sorties and shooting down over 860 enemy   a visit to the chaplain, a Russian blood chit, in the event pilots landed in the Soviet   of the 355th FG pilots killed in action with   Walker, 355th MXG commander. “They aim to   officers, along with physical training exercises.
 aircraft. The group was tasked with escort-  Union, and plates from a German Me-109 aircraft.  27, 21 taken in as a prisoner, three missing   improve maintainer-specific, service-delivery   “For me, as a younger  NCO, I now have
 ing bomber missions over Germany, protect-  in action and 65 aircraft lost.    precision using lessons learned from the   more answers to give to my troops,” said Staff
 ing them from enemy aircraft, as well as   than any other fighter group attached to   “The 355th FG was an extraordinary   Delhamer took a picture of the German   rescue and fighter squadrons’ relatively new   Sgt. Ryan Malone, 355th MXG maintainer.
 attacking enemy positions on the ground   the Eighth Air Force. Their efforts severely   group,” said Lyons. “Our squadron had the   Me-109 and kept plates from the aircraft,   “Instead of not knowing how to assist, I can
 whenever possible. Although performing   crippled the enemy’s ability to field them   most strafing, but we also  lost the most   another WWII artifact he shared with the   An Airman from the 355th Maintenance   help them out when they ask for it.”
 both tasks bravely and proficiently, it was   against allied aircraft and ground troops,   pilots of all the groups. Strafing was par-  355th Wing.  Group is trained by a physical therapist at   Building these maintainers’ resiliency helps
 their exploits in the latter which earned   and contributing greatly to obtaining air   ticularly dangerous in the airfields deep   “These artifacts gave us a glimpse into   Benko Gym on Davis-Monthan Air Force   their way of life and ensures that they are
 the 355th FG the nickname of the “Steeple   superiority. The 357th FS was also profi-  inside Germany.”  the lives of those who served before us and   Base, Arizona, Oct. 21. The training was   better prepared for life’s everyday struggles.
 Morden Strafers.”  cient at dispatching enemy aircraft they   Within the group, there were 80 members   showed us the significance of the missions   part of the Weapons Expert Course that   This course reinforces maintainers at all lev-
 During Lyon’s and Delhamer’s time in   encountered in the air as well, downing   killed in action, 58 taken as a prisoner of   both Delhamer and Lyons contributed to,”   was designed to help Airmen lift the cor-  els; senior enlisted leaders and supervisors
 Steeple Morden, the 355th FG destroyed   more than 280 of the 860 total enemy air-  war and 14 missing in action, with a total   said Tinseth. “It’s nice to be able to share   rect way, so injuries on the job can be   who would invest in their Airman’s personal
 more enemy aircraft by ground strafing   craft destroyed by the group.  of 183 total aircraft lost. Of those losses,   their stories.”  avoided.   development.

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