Page 18 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 6-3-16
P. 18
18 June, 2016 NEWS Thunderbolt b
Gassing up Partner support complex
readies coalition countries
the F-35 …
Airman 1st Class Pedro Mota by 1st Lt. capability to create mission data for the
A 61st Fighter Squad- AMANDA FARR F-35,” Kraus said.
ron F-35 Lightning II
receives fuel from a KC 53rd Wing Public Affairs The complex will interact with mission
-135 Stratotanker May data programmers and data analysts from
5 at 21,000 feet above EGLIN AIR FORCE BASE,Fla.—The the partner nations.According to Kraus,one
Arizona. 53rd Wing activated on May 11 the F-35 of the key projects for the unit is to support
Partner Support Complex, a U.S.-owned the partners in the creation of two separate
BLOOD DRIVE! facility here that handles F-35 Lightning hardware in the loop testing facilities —
June 2016 II testing. only one currently exists.
Robert Kraus assumed the new position The F-35 PSC started as a small team
Please come out & help Luke AFB give the gift of life! as the complex’s director, making it the rst within the 513th ElectronicWarfare Squad-
civilian-led unit in the wing. Kraus, a re- ron at Eglin AFB, which provides F-35 mis-
Where? One donation can save up to 3 lives! tired lieutenant colonel, served as the 68th sion data les to the Air Force, Navy and
Electronic Warfare Squadron commander Marine Corps. The team staffs 24 civilian
• Thursday, June 2: How to Donate: and 53rd Electronic Warfare Group deputy employees and contractors, with plans to
– 56 EMS, Bldg 859 Parking Lot, 1200-1600 commander at Eglin Air Force Base prior grow to about 100 personnel. The new unit
• Make an appointment at: to this new position. will report to the 53rd EWG.
• Tuesday, June 14:
– 56 LRS, Bldg 859 Parking Lot, 0800-1230, The F-35 PSC is charged with provid- While the mission of the complex has
ing mission data, intelligence support, lab been ongoing for nearly ve years, Kraus
• Tuesday, June 21 "Donate Blood" tab, facilities and training to the eight partner sees the formalization of the unit as a step
– 607 ACS, Bldg 1382 Parking Lot, 0800-1200 Sponsor Code "LAFB“ countries purchasing the fth-generation forward.
• Wednesday, June 22: • “Walk-ins” are welcome! “The formal activation of the unit will
– 56 MDG, Bldg 1145 Parking Lot , 0900-1300 “The growth of the PSC will relieve that give me a greater ability to support the
• Or call 1-877-USB-HERO pressure, as well as ensure our coalition partners in their efforts,” he said. “(I can
partners are ready to participate in any now) elevate the partner support functions
• Thursday, June 23: future operations,” Kraus said. to an equal level with U.S. squadrons, as
opposed to a subordinate role.”
– 56 CMS, Bldg 917 Parking Lot, 1300-1700 Eligibility: The partner countries include Australia,
• Friday, June 24: Canada, Denmark, Italy, Norway, the Neth- Plans are in the works for two separate
erlands, the United Kingdom and Turkey. buildings to hold the new unit and partner
– 309/310 AMU, Flight Kitchen Parking Area near Bldg. 958, These countries provided critical design nation personnel.This includes the Austra-
1000-1410 /BS300L-UBS.pdf input and funding during the early stages lia/Canada/United Kingdom Reprogram-
of the F-35 program, which differs from ming Laboratory building and the Norway/
– 56 MXG, Parking Lot across from Bldg. 859, 1000-1400 Questions: foreign military sales customers. Italy Reprogramming Laboratory building.
• Tuesday, June 28: Additional support will be provided to Den- “The PSC will directly support the part- mark, the Netherlands and Turkey.
– 56 CES, Bldg 343 Parking Lot (West), 1000-1400 nMore.aspx ners, who currently have no indigenous
• Thursday, June 30:
Or call, United Blood Services,
– 56 FSS, Bldg 1150 Parking Lot, 0900-1300 at 1-800-288-2199 x5497
Location: Luke Community Chapel
The adventure will be: June 6 through 10
The fun begins at: 5 p.m.
The city gates close at: 8 p.m.
For family members 3 years old (potty trained) through 8th Grade
Preregistration at Luke Community Chapel
For more information, call: Loida Lagang or Shelicia Greer-Cannon
at 623 856-6211