Page 15 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 6-3-16
P. 15

Thunderbolt                                                                                                                                                June, 2016

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Senior Airman Logan Carlson

                                                                                                                                                            Soldiers fast rope from a UH-60 Black Hawk during Emerald Warrior 16 May 3
                                                                                                                                                            at Hurlburt Field, Florida. Emerald Warrior 16 is a U.S. Special Operation Com-
                                                                                                                                                            mand sponsored mission rehearsal exercise in which joint special operations
                                                                                                                                                            forces train to respond to real and emerging worldwide threats.

                    Senior Airman Peter Reft

ay 4 during Red Flag-Alaska at
acific Alaska Range Complex.

      Marines jump from an                                                                                                 Senior Airman Bobby Cummings
      Air Force C-130 Her-
      cules May 11 at Yokota                  Airman 1st Class Alex Nona, a 60th Civil Engineer Squadron Ex-
      Air Base, Japan, during                 plosive Ordnance Disposal technician, inspects the interior of an
      Jump Week. The Marines                  abandoned structure, known as the “bomb factory,” prior to entry
      were from the 3rd Re-                   during an exercise May 5 at Clear Lake, California. Nona and other
      connaissance Battalion,                 EOD technicians set out to eliminate numerous improvised explo-
      3rd Marine Division, III                sive devices and a radioactive dispersal device within the aban-
      Marine Expeditionary                    doned structure.
      Force and the C-130 was
      assigned to the 36th Air-                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Yasuo Osakabe
      lift Squadron at Yokota
      AB. The training not only                                                                                                                             Capt. Jonathan Bonilla and 1st Lt. Vicente Vasquez, 459th Airlift Squadron
      allowed the Marines to                                                                                                                                UH-1N Huey pilots, fly over Tokyo after completing night training. The 459th
      practice jumping, but                                                                                                                                 AS frequently trains on a multitude of scenarios in preparation for potential
      it also allowed the Yo-                                                                                                                               real-world contingencies and operations.
      kota aircrews to practice
      flight tactics and timed-
abe package drops.

             Airman 1st Class James Crow                                                                                  Senior Master Sgt. Kevin Wallace                                                                                                     Senior Airman Justyn Freeman

 g exercise on Joint Base San                 Christian Perryman, an Airman and Team U.S.A. athlete, warms up                                               Senior Airman Jacob Nevills, 455th Expeditionary Civil Engineer Squadron
 COs prior to being deployed                  before 2016 Invictus Games practice swimming heats at the ESPN                                                Dirt Boy, washes the concrete from his face after helping fill a footer May 3
ategy.                                        Wide World of Sports complex May 5 at Walt Disney World in Or-                                                at Bagram Airfield, Afghanistan. Members of the 455th ECES are digging out
                                              lando, Florida. Fifteen countries are competing in the 2016 Invictus                                          eight trenches to house eight footers for the future placement of four relocat-
                                              Games and there are 108 medals in the swimming competitions.                                                  able buildings.
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