Page 12 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 6-3-16
P. 12
12 June, 2016 FEATURE Thunderbolt b
by Lt. Col. ying careers. Once they hit the ightline they were ready for their operational tours. Lt. Col. Matthew Warner
MATTHEW WARNER in October, they learned the basics of y- The next step for these young ghter 310th Fighter Squadron
ing the F-16 before they transitioned to
310th Fighter Squadron employing the Viper as a weapons system. pilots will be a few months of mission 1st Lt. Jonathan Hagan
quali cation training at their operational Iron Mountain, Michigan
Basic F-16 Course Class 15-CBG of the The tactical air-to-air portion of their syl- bases where they will work to become com- Shaw Air Force Base, South Carolina
310th Fighter Squadron is well on its way labus began with basic ghter maneuvers bat mission ready. Soon after MQT, most
to being “Dressed to Kill” as combat ready (one vs. one) and ultimately progressed to will be ying in combat or in air defense
F-16 pilots.As they graduated May 20, they Air Combat Tactics. ACT entailed four F- alert missions to defend our great nation.
will continue the legacy of 310th Fighter 16s ghting as many as six adversaries in
Squadron trained ghter pilots who have a challenging real-world combat scenario. In all aspects of this incredibly demand-
fought in every war from World War II to During these intense months of training, ing course, both in the air and on the
Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and Syria. the students continued receiving academics ground, the students of 15-CBG excelled
and ying simulator missions. and proved themselves worthy to be called
The graduation culminated nine months Air Force ghter pilots. In addition, their
of intense training and hard work by the Just as they began to feel somewhat com- spouses left a positive and lasting impres-
310th FS and 310th Aircraft Maintenance fortable executing the air-to-air mission, the sion on the 310th FS, Luke Air Force Base
Unit team, the 56th Training Squadron students transitioned to the air-to-surface and the local community.
and countless support agencies that en- phase, learning to y in a low altitude en-
sured these Top Hat students could fully vironment, employ general purpose bombs Thanks to the Thunderbolts who helped
focus on their mission. This team contrib- and re the F-16’s 20mm gun.Their training make this day happen.All of Luke’s Airmen
uted to more than 895 sorties, 319 hours progressed on to employing the targeting can be proud of the newest world-class
of academics and 704 simulators to mold pod and dropping the same precision weap-
ons they will soon drop in combat.Addition- ghter pilots.
ghter pilots for the Combat Air Force. ally, to ensure each pilot is ready for the To the Top Hats of 15-CBG … DTK!
This 14-pilot B course began in August rigors of the combat Air Force, each student
2015 with six weeks of academics and demonstrated pro ciency in all these tasks 1st Lt. Ian Faulkenberry
simulators in the 56th TRS. This rigorous at night with the aid of night vision goggles. Spokane, Washington
six weeks laid the vital foundation of air-
craft systems knowledge and study habits Their mission planning, air-to-air and air- Aviano, Italy
that will sustain them throughout their to-surface tactics were nally tested in large-
force exercises, which pitted up to 14 F-16s
and F-35s versus as many as eight enemy
aircraft and multiple simulated surface-to-
air threats.These capstone missions ensured
Capt. John Hamilton 1st Lt. Jacob Jerzewski 1st Lt. Rob Kouwe Capt. Brian Leber
Las Cruces, New Mexico Madison, Wisconsin Tampa, Florida Council Bluffs, Iowa
Osan Air Base, South Korea Shaw AFB, South Carolina
Wisconsin Air National Guard Kunsan AB, South Korea
Capt. Michael Lengyel 1st Lt. John Lorbiecki 1st Lt. Tony Pipe Capt. Alan Pippin
San Antonio Johnson Creek, Wisconsin Levittown, Pennsylvania Chattanooga, Tennessee
Burlington IAP ANG, Vermont Wisconsin ANG Misawa AB, Japan Aviano, Italy
1st Lt. Michael Radosevich 1st Lt. Dan Thompson 1st Lt. Greg Sabol 1st Lt. Christopher Villanueva
Temecula, California Colorado Springs, Colorado Youngstown, Ohio Riverside, California
Aviano, Italy Shaw AFB, South Carolina
Kunsan AB, South Korea Kunsan AB, South Korea